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Published byAlma Server Modified over 10 years ago
Assumption and St Nicholas All Star Altar Servers
Altar Server Levels Rookie: A Beginning Altar Server in Training.
Starter: An Altar Server who is Assigned to the Regular Schedule. Team Captain: Oversees the Serving Activities, while Contributing to the Celebration. The Celebrant’s Go-To Altar Server. Must have three years of experience serving. All Star: An Active Altar Server who Completes All Training Levels, Can Perform All Serving Activities Well and Has Served Weddings, Funerals and Special Liturgical Celebrations. Must have five years of experience serving. Hall of Fame: A Retired All Star Altar Server who is No Longer on the Regular Schedule but is Welcome to Contribute to Any Liturgical Celebration. This person may also contribute to the training of New Servers.
Altar Server Training Schedule
First Session: PowerPoint Presentation; the What, Where & When with Altar Serving; WWW . Second Session: Vesting, Book Bearing & Bell Ringing. Third Session: Practice Processions: Entrance; Offertory; Recession (exit), with the Procession Cross/Crucifix & Candles. Fourth Session: Altar Set-Up; Clearing the Altar; Practicing with the Sacramentary and Altar Vessels. Fifth Session: Review, Testing & Make-Up. Each Session is Approximately One Hour.
Altar Serving Positions & Stations
Positions (What) Book Bearer. Cross/Crucifix Bearer. Candle Bearer. Bell Ringer. Gifts Receiver. *Altar Vessel Set-up. Washing/Lavabo. Altar Vessel Remove. Stations (Where) 45° Left Side of Presider. Center of Isle. Directly Next to the Cross. Kneeling on the 1st step. Directly next to the Presider. Credenc Tbl → Left side of Altar Left side of Altar → Credenc Tbl * Note: The Altar Vessel Set up is done by the Deacon or the Priest ONLY!
Narthex This is the Gathering Space just inside the Front Doors of the Church before one enters the Worship Space, the Nave. The Priest & Deacon Vesting Sacristy, the Chapel, the Server Vesting Room and the Lavatories are connected to this Space.
The Chapel Smaller Liturgical / Mass Celebrations Occur here.
It is a Smaller Version of the Main Church Setting Including: Altar, Tabernacle, Sanctuary Lamp, Nave, etc.
Priest & Deacon Sacristy
The Priest’s and Deacon’s Vestments are Kept Here and the Items needed for Daily Mass. Because the Priest and/or Deacon are Preparing Here, Minimal Extra Activity is Requested.
Altar Server Vesting Room
This is where the Altar Server Vestments are Kept: Alb, Cincture, Cross/Crucifix, etc. The Server Sign-in Sheet and Schedule are Found Here. It is Very Important that a Server Sign-in or get a Replacement if not Available. It is Located in the Narthex.
Nave This is the Main Body of the Church where the people sit and worship. It is located between the Sanctuary and the Narthex.
Music and Choir Where the Musicians accent the Liturgical Celebration (Mass) with Hymns of Praise giving Glory to God in Song. Usually an Organist is accompanied by a Cantor (Singer/Soloist) to lead all gathered for worship in the Liturgy/Mass parts that are sung.
Sanctuary This is the Holy Space of the Church where the Holy Sacrifice of the Eucharistic/Mass Celebration takes place on the Altar. Also, present are the Tabernacle, the Ambo/Pulpit and the Presider’s Chair.
Altar This Holy Table is located in the Sanctuary where the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ takes place “Once for All”, which is a Miracle and a Mystery. The Liturgy of the Eucharist takes place Here, where Bread & Wine offered to God are Consecrated into the Body & Blood of Jesus Christ.
Tabernacle This is located in the Sanctuary & kept locked.
The True Presence of Jesus Christ in the Consecrated Hosts are kept here for later Eucharistic Celebrations and taking Eucharist (Holy Communion) to the Sick and Home Bound.
Sanctuary Lamp This Light is to be Kept Burning as long as Holy Communion / Eucharist is Present in the Tabernacle. Usually an Eight Day Sacrilite Candle, Designed to Burn Continuously for Eight Days is Used Inside the Red Sleeve.
Ambo/Pulpit This is where the Word of God is Proclaimed.
The Reader Proclaims the Readings here. The Priest or Deacon Proclaims the Gospel here and sometimes says his Homily here. Sometimes the Cantor sings the Responsorial Psalm here, if not proclaimed by the Reader.
Presider’s Chair This is where the Celebrant sits during Mass, which is usually a Priest, but sometimes a Bishop may Preside over the Liturgy and thus sits here. Next to the Presider a Deacon may sit or sometimes another Priest Concelebrating.
Credence Table This is Located against the Back Wall on the Left Side of the “Sanctuary.” The “Chalice, Cups, Ciborium, Pyxes, Cruets of Wine & Water, Flagon, Wash Bowl, Hand Towel, Roman Missal, etc. are placed here Before Mass/Liturgy and After Holy Communion.
Holy Oils Ambry The Holy Oils Blest by the Bishop at the Annual Chrism Mass, Celebrated During Holy Week are Kept Here. The Holy Oils are: “IO” Oil for the Infirmed (Sick) to Anoint the Sick/Infirmed; “OS” Oil for Catechumens to Anoint Babies Welcomed into the Family of God; “SC” Sacred Chrism, Oil with a Fragrance used in Confirmation and Baptism as a Sign of the Holy Spirit. It is Located, Mounted on the Wall, Left of the Sanctuary, Above the Credence Table.
Work Sacristy It is located to the left of the Sanctuary near the Altar Server Seats. The room used to store items such as the Procession Cross/Crucifix, the vessels for Mass, the Altar Cloths, Keys, etc.
Altar Server Seats These are for Servers located between the Work Sacristy & the Sanctuary. The Book Bearer should sit farthest back, closest to the Credence Table, where the Mass Books (Roman Missal) are kept when not in use during Mass.
Altar Candle These Candles are Stationary Around the Altar and Generally are not used to Process with. They are Lit for Liturgical/Mass Celebrations in which the Sanctuary is used.
Offertory Gifts Table This is Located on the Right Side of the Center Isle, behind the Front Set of Pews. It is Used to Place the Gifts of “Altar Wine” in a “Flagon or Cruet” and “Hosts/Bread” in a “Ciborium or Bowl Paten.”
Baptismal Font It is Located in the Center Isle halfway towards the Sanctuary. This is where Under Normal Conditions, the Sacrament of Baptism, is Performed for Children from Infant up to Six Years of Age. Baptisms are on the Third Sunday at Noon & the Fourth Sunday during the 11:00am Mass. Those Seven Years of age and up, including Adults after RCIA, are Baptized at the Easter Vigil.
Chalice This is made of Precious Metal: Gold, Silver, etc.
It is used by the Main Celebrant/Presider/Priest where Wine + Water are Placed for Consecration into the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Cup This is Used by the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion During Communion Time at Mass/Liturgy for Distribution of the Blood of Christ to the People. It is Used Along with a Purificator. It is Stored in the “Work Sacristy” in the Upper, Right-Hand Cabinet.
Ciborium The Hosts/Bread are placed in this bowl type precious metal vessel, where once Consecrated, it is used to distribute the Body of Christ to the people. Remaining Consecrated Hosts are kept covered in this vessel and locked in the Tabernacle. When not in use this Vessel is kept in the Upper Right Cabinet of the “Work Sacristy.”
Pyx This Sacred Vessel is a Smaller Version of a Ciborium.
It Holds a Small Amount of Consecrated Hosts, Holy Communion / Eucharist. It is generally used to Bring Holy Communion / Eucharist to the Sick and HomeBound. When not in use this Vessel is kept in the Upper Left Cabinet of the “Priest/Deacon Sacristy.”
Paten This is a precious metal plate or bowl type vessel where the Main Host is placed, and then Consecrated into the Body of Jesus Christ. Sometimes servers use one with a handle when Holy Communion is distributed to help prevent Holy Communion from falling to the ground if dropped. When not in use this Vessel is kept in the Lower Left Cabinet of the “Work Sacristy.”
Priest Host One or the other of these Main Hosts are Consecrated on the Altar, the larger host is used for large congregations. The Consecrated Host is broken and given as Jesus did with His Disciples.
Flagon When a large amount of wine is needed, it can be placed in this Vessel, which is brought Forward at the Offertory and then Poured into the Cups. When not in use, this is Kept on the Counter in the “Work Sacristy.”
Purificator This Long Altar Cloth is used to clean the Sacred Vessels which contained the Body & Blood of Jesus. The used Cloths are then washed in a special way so that the rinse water drains into the ground and not in the sewer. A Sacrarium is a special sink for this purpose. This Long Altar Cloth is Kept in the Left Drawer of the “Work Sacristy.”
Corporal This Altar Cloth is opened & placed on the Altar to catch any small particles of the Body of Christ or Spills of the Precious Blood. These cloths are washed with the same care as Purificators in a Sacrarium. This Altar Cloth is Kept in the Left Drawer of the “Work Sacristy.”
Cruets Small Glass Pitchers used for Wine & Water.
The Water is placed on the Credence Table before Mass/Liturgy, while the Wine can be Brought Forward at the Offertory or Placed on the Credence Table with the Water. When not in use, these are Kept in the Lower Left Cabinet in the “Work Sacristy.”
Lavabo/Washing Bowl This Lavabo Bowl is used for the Priest/Presider to Wash his Hands at the Offertory. This Procedure Originated before Jesus’ time when the Priest Slaughtered Animals for the Sacrifice to Take Away Sins. Thus, the need to Wash after the Sacrifice. When not in use, this is Kept on the Counter in the “Work Sacristy.”
Finger Towels Used to dry the Priest/Presider’s Fingers after Washing.
Small or Large Cloths can be used. When not in use, these are Kept in the Left Drawer in the “Work Sacristy.”
Lavabo/Washing This shows the Complete Set of items for the Priest’s/Presider’s Washing. A Lavabo Bowl, Cruet of Water and Finger Towel. These are Kept in each Respective Place in the “Work Sacristy.”
Distribution/People Hosts
These Smaller Hosts are packaged in Plastic Sleeves of 100. They are placed in the Ciborium and Brought to the Altar at the Offertory. Once Consecrated into the Body of Christ/Eucharist, they are Distributed to the People. The unconsecrated hosts are Kept in the Lower Left Cabinet in the “Work Sacristy.”
Roman Missal This Book contains the Rubrics, which are instructions for what to say and do when celebrating Mass. The Book Bearer Holds this Book for the Presider/Priest or Deacon. This Book is Kept in the Priest/Deacon and work Sacristies. It is Placed on the Altar at the Preparation of the Gifts/Offertory and Removed After Communion.
Book of the Gospels This Book Contains all Four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke & John used for the Mass/Liturgy Celebration. The Deacon or Reader may Process with it in the Entrance Procession but NOT out at the Recessional. It contains only the Gospel writings chosen for Mass, separated into Three Cycles: A,B,C; One Cycle per Year.
Book of Blessings This Book Contains Prayers of Blessing addressed to Specific: Persons, Places and Things; for example, Altar Servers, Homes, Cars, etc. The Book Bearer can Hold this Book for the Priest or Deacon. This Book is Kept in the Priest/Deacon Sacristy, in the Upper Right Cabinet.
Tabernacle Key This Key is used to Lock & Unlock the Tabernacle, where the True Presence of Jesus Christ in Holy Eucharist is Kept for Visiting the Sick & HomeBound. It is Kept in the Lower Left Hand Drawer in the “Work Sacristy.”
Mass/Liturgy Bells These Bells are Rung Twice Normally with the Option for a Third time. Optionally, at the Epiclesis, when the Priest Holds his Hands over the Bread & Wine, while Calling Down the Holy Spirit. When only rung twice, the first is when the True Presence of Jesus Christ is Held up in the Air after the Words of Concentration are Said, “This is MY Body….for You.” Also when only rung twice, the second is when the True Presence of Jesus Christ is Held up in the Air after the Words of Concentration are Said, “This is MY Blood….given up for You.”
Holy Water Bucket & Sprinkler Also Called Aspersory & Aspergill
This is used when Blessing a Person, Place or Thing, usually along with the “Book of Blessings.” Also, it is needed at Funerals, Weddings and Certain Liturgy/Mass Celebrations. It is Kept in the “Work Sacristy”, in the Lower Cabinet on the Right Side.
Thurible This is used when incensing, which is a Form of Blessing using a Lit Charcoal and a Fragrant Incense that gives off Smoke as a Sign of Our Prayer Going up to God. This is used only by Experienced Servers who are Capable of Serving Funerals, Weddings and the like. It is Kept UNLIT in the “Working Sacristy.”
Incense Boat This is the Vessel that contains a fragrant powder/pebbles for burning in the Thurible. It is Kept with the Thurible on a Stand in the “Work Sacristy.” Additional refilling material is kept in the Lower Right Cabinet of the “Work Sacristy.”
Holy Water Reservoir This is located in the “Work Sacristy” for Dispensing Holy Water.
Candle Snuffer & Wick These are Located in the “Work Sacristy” for Lighting & Extinguishing Candles.
Alb This White Garment is Worn By Priests, Deacons, Altar Servers to signify Reverence. They are Located in the “Priest/Deacon Sacristy” and “Altar Server Room”.
Cincture This Rope, in the Color of the Liturgical Season, is normally: Green for Ordinary Time; White for Liturgical Feasts, Baptisms, First Holy Communion, Marriage, Funerals & Holy Orders; Red for Martyrs, Pentecost, Confirmation, and Violet for Advent & Lent. The Ropes are Located in the “Altar Server Room.”
Procession Crucifix/Cross
This is the Crucifix/Cross Carried by the Crucifix/Cross Bearer to Lead any Procession: Mass Entrance, Gifts Brought Forward, Mass Recession, May Procession, etc. It is stored in the “Work Sacristy.”
Procession Candle The Candle Carried by the Candle Bearer Directly Along Side the Procession Crucifix/Cross for Various Liturgical Functions. It is kept outside the “Work Sacristy” Unlit During Mass and Relit after Holy Communion for the Procession out, then it is returned to its Stand in the Narthex Next to the Blessed Virgin Mary Statue after Mass has Finished.
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