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Close Reading Activity

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1 Close Reading Activity
“Thank You, M’am” by Langston Hughes Materials: pencil, highlighters, copies of text, Writer’s NB

2 Part 1: Independent Read
Mark with an “E” – emotional shifts Where do you react to the story as a reader? Where do characters have an emotional response to events? Mark with a “P” – plot shifts What are the most important events in the story? Mark with a “Q” – questions Where are you confused? Ask questions of characters and plot Mark with a “C” – conflicts Point out internal and external conflicts

3 Part 2: Turn and Talk Share your text annotations with your desk partner What do you have in common? What is different about your markings? DISCUSS the CONFLICTS: What does Roger want? What does Mrs. Jones want? What is Roger struggling with?

4 Part 3: Teacher Read Aloud
Listen as your teacher reads the story aloud Continue to mark up your text as we discuss the story together Our purpose for reading this second time is to really focus on character traits As you follow along, put a star next to the lines that help us characterize Roger and Mrs. Jones

5 Part 4: Develop a Theory/Claim
We need to vote on one character (Roger or Mrs. Jones) and decide on one character trait that we would like to examine more deeply in the story. Let’s VOTE: ROGER MRS. JONES

6 Part 5: Collecting Evidence and Explaining with Reasoning!
Character Roger Character Trait ___ Objectives: Practice making citations, practice with quotes, and practice with reasoning.

7 Evidence with Citations
The Basics: Use quotes around statements taken from a story. Put the author's last name in parenthesis and also list the page number after the author’s last name Put your ending punctuation on the outside of the parenthesis

8 Samples “She was a large woman with a large purse that has everything in it but a hammer and nails,” (Hughes 64). Mrs. Jones was described as “a large woman,” (Hughes 64). Mrs. Jones carried many items in her purse (Hughes 64).

9 Evidence – Quotation that shows the character trait (use citation)
Page # Evidence – Quotation that shows the character trait (use citation) Reasoning – Explain how that moment, dialogue, act, or conflict helps us see the character

10 Evidence – Quotation that shows the character trait (use citation)
Page # Evidence – Quotation that shows the character trait (use citation) Reasoning – Explain how that moment, dialogue, act, or conflict helps us see the character 65 Mrs. Jones told Roger to, “Let the water run until it gets warm,” and she added, “Here’s a clean towel,” (Hughes 65). This dialogue shows that Mrs. Jones cares about Roger because she doesn’t want him to wash his face with cold water. It’s usually a guardian’s advice for kids. 66 Mrs. Jones offers to make some hot cocoa for Roger (Hughes 66). This scene from the story displays an act of kindness from Mrs. Jones to Roger because hot cocoa is considered a comfort drink. 67 “Now here,” Mrs. Jones started, “take this ten dollars and buy yourself some blue suede shoes,” (Hughes 67). This moment from the story proves that Mrs. Jones is caring because she is willing to give money to a boy in order for him to buy something he desires.

11 Definitive Claim In the short story, “Thank You, M’am” by Langston Hughes, readers discover that Mrs. Jones is a truly caring person.

12 How to transition from your claim to your first piece of evidence:
There are many examples from the story which show Mrs. Jones's caring personality. One example is when...

13 NB Entry: Character Analysis of ______
Definitive claim (with TAG) Transition into evidence Evidence with citation (Hughes pg. #). Reasoning Conclusion At least ten sentences total Don’t worry about separating into paragraphs

14 Mrs. Jones told Roger to, “Let the water run until it gets warm,” and she added, “Here’s a clean towel” (Hughes 65). This dialogue shows that Mrs. Jones cares about Roger because she doesn’t want him to wash his face with cold water. It’s usually a guardian’s advice for kids.

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