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Potato lab.

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Presentation on theme: "Potato lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Potato lab

2 Observing, Researching, Hypothesizing, and writing variables
Observation: medium sized potato 2 sprouts already growing on potato. RQ: does the dark affect the potatoes growth of eyes and sprouts rather then the light. IV- light and dark DV- growth of eyes and sprouts. Hypothesis: If the potato is exposed to light then potato eyes and sprouts will be on the potato.

3 Writing steps… 1. Gather plastic bag, knife, paper towel, small beaker filled with 2ml of water. 2. Discuss with partner how the dark or light affects how the sprouts and potato eyes form on the potato. 3. Quadrisect the potato between the two groups with the knife( one group of 2 is irrelevant my group of 2 is) 4. take ¼ of whole potato and set on top of p. bag set aside use water to evenly wet the towel. 5. place ¼ of the potato on the wet paper towel place inside p. bag 6. zip bag shut carefully place the bag in the drawer under the lab table. 7. every 1 day record the possible growths of potato eyes or potato sprouts.

4 Graphing the results…

5 And Concluding… The potato grew more sprouts and potato eyes in the dark rather then in the light. The potato that was exposed to the sun seem to only grow bacteria and mold rather then potato sprouts it did have some growth besides the mold it had formed about three potato eyes ,but that wasn’t until a few days had already past.

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