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Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 Click Icon for Teacher Information SUPPLEMENTAL ACTIVITY ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission.

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Presentation on theme: "Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 Click Icon for Teacher Information SUPPLEMENTAL ACTIVITY ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission."— Presentation transcript:


2 Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 Click Icon for Teacher Information SUPPLEMENTAL ACTIVITY ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission

3 Supplemental Activity includes eight pages of information and six question and answer activities. Also included are links for video viewing. The Supplemental Activity is intended to enhance News-2-You and Unique (ULS) content. Newspaper Overview Topic: Terrible Towel Black and gold Terrible Towels can be seen waving at Pittsburgh Steelers football games. Radio broadcaster Myron Cope had the idea for the towels in 1975. People use the towels to cheer on and support their favorite team. Money made from towel sales goes to support a Pennsylvania school for people with disabilities. ULS Overview Topic: Government Like a government needs support from its citizens, a team needs support from it fans. Many Steelers fans looked up to Myron Cope as a leader in the support of their favorite football team. Good leaders come up with ideas to accomplish their group’s goals, such as helping their team win. The Terrible Towel helped Steelers fans feel more a part of the team. ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011

4 Pittsburgh Steelers’ fans use the Terrible Towel to cheer for their team. Let’s look at some things fans do to support their teams. 2 Sports fans love to find fun ways to show their support. ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011

5 Like the Steelers, many teams have used a towel to cheer their team. Since 1975, towels have been used by football, baseball, basketball, hockey and soccer teams. Fans feel they are part of the team when they cheer together. Fans of many different sports have come up with other fun ways to support their favorite teams. 3 Many other sports teams liked the Terrible Towel idea. Why was the Terrible Towel a good idea? Hockey Fans Waving Towels ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011

6 The hand is like a huge, flat glove with the pointer finger pointing up. The words, “#1 Fan” or “We’re #1!” are often printed on the glove. Fans wear the foam gloves over their hands and wave them back and forth at games. A fan may wear a glove with another “hand” shape, such as a paw shaped glove for the Detroit Tigers. Foam Hand at a Baseball Game Have you ever seen the famous foam hand? What would a foam hand for your favorite team look like? 4 ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011

7 Sometimes fans organize a “white- out” or a “red-out.” This is when everyone wears the same color of t-shirt – white, red or another team color. Whole sections of the crowd appear to be in one color. The team is encouraged because they can easily see their fans’ support. A White-Out Do you have any team t-shirts? Some teams use the simple idea of t-shirts – lots of them! 5 ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011

8 farmersfansmummies Who comes up with ways to support their favorite teams? ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011

9 Try Again! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 farmersfans Who comes up with ways to support their favorite teams?

10 Try Again! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 fansmummies Who comes up with ways to support their favorite teams?

11 fans! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 fans Who comes up with ways to support their favorite teams?

12 What might fans wear on their hands to cheer? foam handpuppetdiamond ring ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011

13 Try Again! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 What might fans wear on their hands to cheer? foam handpuppet

14 Try Again! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 What might fans wear on their hands to cheer? foam handdiamond ring

15 foam hand! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 What might fans wear on their hands to cheer? foam hand

16 What would fans wear for a “green-out?” white t-shirtsblue slippersgreen t-shirts ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011

17 Try Again! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 green t-shirts What would fans wear for a “green-out?” blue slippers

18 Try Again! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 white t-shirtsgreen t-shirts What would fans wear for a “green-out?”

19 green t-shirts! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 green t-shirts What would fans wear for a “green-out?”

20 The fans turn their baseball caps inside-out and wear them like that! They hope the rally caps will help the team “rally” and come from behind to win. Rally caps became famous during the 1986 Baseball World Series. New York Mets’ players wore rally caps when they were behind in that Series and they went on to win. Have you ever worn a rally cap? Did your team win? If a team is losing late in a game, fans may use rally caps. 6 Rally Caps ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011

21 In the early 1900s, British soccer fans started wearing team scarves. Today, soccer fans all over the world wave the scarves at soccer matches. The scarves usually have the team name and slogan in the team colors. Fans hold up scarves with both hands to create a “scarf wall,” while singing a team song. Did you see scarves at the World Cup? Fans of professional soccer often show their team spirit with a scarf. 7 Soccer Fans With Scarves ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011

22 Maybe the most famous fan hat is the Cheesehead hat, first seen in Wisconsin in 1987. The Cheesehead hat is a triangular foam hat that looks like a large piece of cheese! Wisconsin is famous for making good cheese. The Cheesehead hat is worn to support the Green Bay Packers and other Wisconsin teams. What do you do to support your favorite team? Hats are a popular way to show support for a favorite team. 8 A Green Bay Packers Fan With a Cheesehead Hat ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011

23 Fans wear a rally cap when their team is ___? losingwinninghungry ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011

24 Try Again! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 Fans wear a rally cap when their team is ___? losinghungry

25 Try Again! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 Fans wear a rally cap when their team is ___? losingwinning

26 losing! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 Fans wear a rally cap when their team is ___? losing

27 What do soccer fans use to show their spirit? cowboy bootsnecktiescarf ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011

28 Try Again! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 necktiescarf What do soccer fans use to show their spirit?

29 Try Again! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 cowboy bootsscarf What do soccer fans use to show their spirit?

30 scarf! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 scarf What do soccer fans use to show their spirit?

31 Wisconsin fans wear a hat that looks like what food? cheesehot dogcherry pie ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011

32 Try Again! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 Wisconsin fans wear a hat that looks like what food? cheesecherry pie

33 Try Again! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 Wisconsin fans wear a hat that looks like what food? cheesehot dog

34 cheese! ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011 Wisconsin fans wear a hat that looks like what food? cheese

35 Click on the video camera to see the beginnings of the Terrible Towel: Click on the video camera to see how to make a rally cap: Visit the following links for expanded video content. Note: Ads on some of these videos may not be appropriate for students. We try to avoid them; however, we can’t control materials that are added after our review. Preview all videos before in-class presentation. Show videos full-screen when possible. ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011

36 Hope you enjoyed learning about: Terrible Towel! The next topic will be: Monarchs Fly. News-2-You connects the classroom to the world. It’s a connection that spurs learning and increases communication. Our news stories provide stimulating new information on reader-friendly themes. Our subscribers come from all levels of special education (preschool to adult education), regular education (preschool to 4 th grade) and ESL classrooms (preschool to adult). Each newspaper is ready to use. No software to learn. No extra prep work. Just download and build your lesson plans around the material. It’s all there! The Unique Learning System is the only comprehensive, dynamic curriculum designed specifically for special learners. It is a standards-based approach to learning that was developed in grade level bands. A unit format incorporates instructional activities for each monthly topic. Unique has 29 lessons in each of the four grade bands, and 22 activities in the transition band. Each unit incorporates reading, writing, math and related content activities. It has differentiated tasks for various learning needs and has adapted materials in each lesson. There is an assessment guide with suggested instructional strategies and instructional tips for each grade level band. N2Y, Inc. P.O. Box 550 Huron, OH 44839 Toll free: (800) 697-6575 Phone: (419) 433-9800 Fax: (419) 433-9810 ©1997-2011 N2Y, Inc. ©SymbolStix, LLC used with permission Terrible Towel September 12, 2011

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