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Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 1 Care of the Newborn prepared by: Maha Nahal.

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Presentation on theme: "Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 1 Care of the Newborn prepared by: Maha Nahal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 1 Care of the Newborn prepared by: Maha Nahal

2 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 2

3 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 3 Dry the Baby Hypothermia is common Wet newborns rapidly lose heat Use a warm, dry, soft towel Any absorbent material: –Shirt –T-shirt –Socks –Battle dressings

4 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 4 Replace the Wet Towels Then let the mother hold the baby Her body heat will help keep the baby warm Cover the head to prevent heat loss

5 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 5 Position the Baby Keep the baby on its’ back or side, not on its’ stomach Neither extend nor flex the head. Either may obstruct the airway. Newborn babies normally make this adjustment themselves. If depressed, however, you may need to position the head to get a good airway.

6 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 6 Suction the Airway May need to help them clear mucous and amniotic fluid from the airway Use a bulb syringe Use it gently If bulb syringe is not available, use any suction device, including a small hypodermic syringe without the needle.

7 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 7 Cut the cord

8 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 8

9 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 9

10 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 10 Evaluate the Baby Breathing Color Heart Rate Tactile stimulation (rubbing) with a towel.may effectively stimulate a mildly depressed baby

11 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 11

12 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 12 Color Most newborns have acrocyanosis (body is centrally pink, but hands and feet are blue Cyanosis requires treatment: –Oxygen –Airway –Ventilation Pink Acrocyanosis Cyanosis

13 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 13 Ventilate if Necessary If not breathing following brief stimulation, ventilate Ideally, bag/mask, 100% oxygen, pressure gauge, flow control valve May need to use mouth-to- mouth Cover nose and mouth Use shallow puffs to ventilate

14 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 14 Check the Heartbeat Normal newborn rate is >100 Palpate umbilical cord or brachial artery If pulse <100, ventilate the baby, using whatever skills and equipment you have

15 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 15 Keep the Baby Warm Keep the airway open Keep the head covered Use any available cloth or heat-retaining material Check temp several times: 97.7-99.3F axillary

16 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 16 Assign Apgar Scores

17 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 17 Breast feeding Breast feeding is better If mother not available: –Formula –Warm to body temperature –If formula not available, use sugar water –Avoid cow’s milk unless there is no alternative and baby formula is not expected soon.

18 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 18

19 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 19 Vernix Cheesy-white Normal Antibacterial properties Protects the newborn skin

20 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 20 Eye Prophylaxis 1% silver nitrate 1% TTCN ophthalmic ointment 0.5% erythromycin ointment Vitamin K First few hours 0.5-1.0 mg IM Prevents hemorrhagic disease

21 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 21 Umbilical Cord Care Clean & dry Alcohol wipe once a day Topical antiseptic only in contaminated areas

22 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 22 Cover the head

23 Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology · Bureau of Medicine and Surgery · 2000 Slide 23

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