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Presentation on theme: "1 PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS MESH PROJECT 2 nd Working Meeting Madrid, 4th May 2012 WP2: Review of current."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS MESH PROJECT 2 nd Working Meeting Madrid, 4th May 2012 WP2: Review of current international methodological handbooks, guidelines and practices Ongoing Tasks and Coordination Pilar de Arriba Segurado IDAE – General Secretary – Planning and Studies Department

2 2 Planning and Current Status M ESH PROJECT : P RODUCTION OF A M ANUAL FOR S TATISTICS ON E NERGY C ONSUMPTION IN H OUSEHOLDS Main actions focused on coordination and communication Preliminary activities within WP2

3 3 Review of WP2 Activities Task/Work package number2Start Month: End Month: 1/1/2012 10/9/2012 TitleReview of current international methodological handbooks, guidelines and practices Partner/co-beneficiary1 IDAE2 STAT3 CBS4 SORS5 DECC6 7 Objectives: determining the situation of the energy statistics in the residential sector in the EU MMSS and identifying, both in and outside EU, the best practices used to draft detailed statistics in the residential sector. Description of work This work package, essential to the right execution of the project, relates to determining the situation of the energy statistics in the EU residential sector, to the identification of good practices, both in the EU and in countries and organisations external to the EU, and to the standardisation of methods, and the terminology to be suggested to the EU MMSS with a view to being able to meeting the conclusions and requirements recommended by Task-force 2008. Sub-Tasks: Task 2.1. Global inventory and geographic coverage Task 2.2. Compendium inventory Task 2.3. Standardized methodology Task 2.4. Operational list of definitions Task 2.5. Manual structure Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery) ProductDescriptionMonth 1 Global inventorySituation energy statistics in households sector in EU’s MS and identifying the best practices used to draft detailed statistics in the residential sector Jun/2012 2 Compendium inventoryInventory documented and referenced of good practices detected in the global inventoryJun/2012 3 Standardise methodologyDevelopment of methodologies based on good practices possible to apply in UE’s MSAug/2012 4 Operational list definitionsReview list variables Task Force 2008 and new operational list with definitions and clarifying examplesJul/2012 5 Manual structureDetermination contents and structures of the ManualSep/2012 M ESH PROJECT : P RODUCTION OF A M ANUAL FOR S TATISTICS ON E NERGY C ONSUMPTION IN H OUSEHOLDS

4 4 Task 2.1. Global Inventory: Main Steps (1) M ESH PROJECT : P RODUCTION OF A M ANUAL FOR S TATISTICS ON E NERGY C ONSUMPTION IN H OUSEHOLDS Geographical Coverage: Contact with EU and Candidate countries; non EU countries and relevant international organizations 1 st Scope of Geographical Coverage: EU countries (27 MMSS + Croatia and Turkey) Updating of Task Force 2008 Questionnaire Updating of the previous questionnaire sent to Eurostat in 2008 Assessment on the current coverage of the TF 2008 requirements and its priority Question on the possible coverage of the “Fuel Poverty” issue (Chapter 12 of the Manual) by the NSIs Request for methodological documents and reports on energy statistics focused on the household sector 2 nd Scope of Geographical Coverage: non-EU countries (Switzerland; Norway; Australia; New Zealand; Canada; Japan) Request for Information: Description of procedures, statistical methods applied in the household sector Reports on methodology and/or website Application of the methods: Planning for energy policies; fuel poverty; etc. Fuel poverty Methodology 3 rd Scope of Geographical Coverage: International Organizations (NU and IEA) Identification of best practices in energy statistics in the household sector

5 5 Task 2.1. Global Inventory: Main Steps (2) M ESH PROJECT : P RODUCTION OF A M ANUAL FOR S TATISTICS ON E NERGY C ONSUMPTION IN H OUSEHOLDS 38 Contacts and requests for information 26 responses Response Rate > 68% All the information should be analyzed and processed by the Technical Assistance (or IDAE)

6 6 NSi c1 NSi c2 NSi c3 NSi c27 External Collaborator 1 NSi cn Coordinator Partner Partner 1 Partner 2 Partner 3 Partner 4 Eurostat External Collaborator n International Organization s M ESH PROJECT : P RODUCTION OF A M ANUAL FOR S TATISTICS ON E NERGY C ONSUMPTION IN H OUSEHOLDS Communication Plan

7 3 strategic objetives: 1.Conceptual framework which provide a common basis to consolidate the statistic information on energy statistics in the household sector 2.Concepts and definitions, statistical units, variables, and classifications. 3.Coherent use of data acquisition and processing methods in order to produce statistical data 7 Task 2.3. Standardized Methodology M ESH PROJECT : P RODUCTION OF A M ANUAL FOR S TATISTICS ON E NERGY C ONSUMPTION IN H OUSEHOLDS What we understand by “Standardized Methodology”? “Use of a common normalized system of methodological components: harmonised concepts and definitions; statistic units; classifications; nomenclatures and codes; standardized models of questions and standard variables …..which make it possible the comparison, integration and analyses of data and results” Initial inventory of concepts/methods.. obtained from glossaries, NSIs, etc. of the countries considered in the geographic coverage Review, adjustment and depuration Criteria to standardize concepts/methods Selection of a glossary of concepts/methods (1)Relevant concepts/methods for the design and development of the statistical operations; (2)Concepts/methods of interest to consider (1)Accordance with international official guidelines/recommendations or theory; (2)Other concepts/methods Standardized methodology

8 Necessary input for the methodology standardization Consideration of a preliminary list of definitions related to energy consumption in households, developed by the ESWG of Eurostat in 2009 Set of definitions structured according to the TF 2008 requirements Distribution of the list as a reference for comments among MESH partners 8 Task 2.4. Operational List of Definitions (1) M ESH PROJECT : P RODUCTION OF A M ANUAL FOR S TATISTICS ON E NERGY C ONSUMPTION IN H OUSEHOLDS

9 9 Task 2.4. Operational List of Definitions (2) M ESH PROJECT : P RODUCTION OF A M ANUAL FOR S TATISTICS ON E NERGY C ONSUMPTION IN H OUSEHOLDS ItemBlock of DefinitionConcepts Necessary modifications/clarifications 1 Housing Stock Characteristics 1.Dwelling: 2.Owned/Rented: 3.Dwelling type: 4.Single house: 5.Urban/rural: 6.Heated Floor space: 7.Air-conditioned Floor space 8.Dwellings by period of construction 2 Household characteristics 1.Household: 2.Number of occupants of a dwelling. 3.Household Income: 4.Economic activity: 5.Primary Residence: 3 Consumption / expenditure of energy commodities 1.Consumption: 2.Expenditure: 3.Energy commodities: 4 Space Heating 1.Space Heating 2.Main / Supplementary: Collective / Individual: 3.Type of Heating Equipment: 4.Age of the Heating Equipment, 5.Availability and type of thermostats 5 Hot Water 1.Water Heating: 2.Combi boiler: 3.Water Heater: 4.Tank size, age: 5.Fuel: 6.Water Heating equipment

10 10 Task 2.4. Operational List of Definitions (3) M ESH PROJECT : P RODUCTION OF A M ANUAL FOR S TATISTICS ON E NERGY C ONSUMPTION IN H OUSEHOLDS ItemBlock of DefinitionConcepts Necessary modifications/clarifications 6 Cooking 1.Cooking: 2.Equipment: Cooker, oven, hob, cooking stove, microwave oven 7 Electrical Appliances Dishwasher, refrigerator, separate freezer, fridge-freezer, iron, clothes washer, clothes dryer, clothes washer-dryer, ceiling fans Colour TV, cable networks, satellite antennas, VCR / DVD and music equipment PC, printer, internet/modem, fax, photocopier Hot-water boiler, electric toaster, coffee machine, blender, grills 8 Air conditioning 1.Air conditioning: 2.Air conditioning equipment type 3.Thermostat types: Manual /Programmable 9 Penetration of energy efficiency technologies 1.Improvement work carried-out over the last year to reduce energy consumption may be investigated. 2.condensing boiler. 10 Energy service demand 1.Intensity of use of heating system and thermostat set points during the heating period 2. Intensity of use of air-conditioning system and thermostat set points during the cooling period 11 Penetration of RESSolar panels; Biomass ; Heat pumps.. 12 Energy consumption by end use End Use: Space Heating; Water Heating; Space cooling; Cooking; Lighting and electrical appliances

11 11 External Contributions Contacts with Germany, Poland, Greece and Cyprus Reactions: M ESH PROJECT : P RODUCTION OF A M ANUAL FOR S TATISTICS ON E NERGY C ONSUMPTION IN H OUSEHOLDS CountryInterest Type of Participation Involvement in WP Description of the Collaboration CyprusNo-- GermanyYes Voluntary; Free of charge WP2/WP3 Possible assessment on surveys techniques to be considered within the Global Inventory Contribution to chapter 10.b “International Best Practices: BU approach” Possible contribution to chapter 5.b “Approach Methodologies: BU approach – Surveys and Measures” PolandYes Voluntary; Free of charge WP2/WP3 Review of drafts, materials and components Identify weak points and advice on necessary corrections and modifications GreeceYesSubcontractingWP2/WP3 1 st alternative: Contribution to chapters 3 “Identification needs and definitions” and 9 “Consideration of RES”. Examination, assessment and proposed KPI indicators. 10.000 € 2 nd alternative: Additional contribution to 2 other subjects: “Fuel Poverty” and a new possible “Rebound Effect”. 18.000 € Do we all agree? Any necessary specification/other needs to communicate to the contributors?

12 12 Technical Assistance M ESH PROJECT : P RODUCTION OF A M ANUAL FOR S TATISTICS ON E NERGY C ONSUMPTION IN H OUSEHOLDS The Public Tender Call is under awarding process Deadlines: 15-20/05/2012

13 13 Thank you very much for your attention

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