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1 Parametric Oscillator Demonstration for NGAO Requirements Review Sept 9, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Parametric Oscillator Demonstration for NGAO Requirements Review Sept 9, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Parametric Oscillator Demonstration for NGAO Requirements Review Sept 9, 2010

2 2 Agenda Requirements Doc comments Format of Comments Text / section comment applies to Comment Response / update SOW comments Same format as above Top Level Schedule Near Term Status Next Steps

3 3 Requirements Doc Section 5: System Requirements PW: You only cover the Microgate requirements here. Will there be a separate set of requirements for the overall project. What I think is missing for the overall project is the software changes on the AO side, characterization and documentation of the performance and changes to the user/operator documentation. This is meant to be a overall requirements document not just for MG Jitter Reduction Algorithm (SR-001) The Keck II AO software shall use a parametric oscillator algorithm as detailed in KAON 680, see reference [2]. PW: Is this algorithm sufficiently clearly defined in KAON 680 for Microgate to proceed? Chris will be working on a new document

4 4 Requirements Doc PW: There is also dual NGS mode where the TT error is determined from STRAP. Do we want to cover this? Since this is good for testing we probably should. NGS mode with STRAP sensor (SR-004) The parametric oscillator shall be capable of working with NGS targets where the tip tilt error is determined from the STRAP sensor and the higher order wavefront error is determined from the SciMeasure wavefront sensor camera. Down Tip Tilt mode (SR-005) The parametric oscillator shall be capable of working with down tip tilt system only. The parametric oscillator will not be required to work on the upward tip tilt of the LGS system.

5 5 Requirements Doc Allowable Delay in Tip Tilt Servo Loop (SR-007) The parametric oscillator parameters shall not increase the delay in processing the tip tilt servo commands by more than 5 (TBC) microseconds. When it is disabled, the parametric oscillator shall add no additional delay in processing the servo commands. Discussion: Instead of specifying the delay in executing the parametric oscillator algorithm, we could state that the current execution rate of the tip-tilt correction at 70 KHz be maintained; in other words, addition of the parametric oscillator should not create changes to the current execution rate of the tip-tilt correction. PW: Is it really 70kHz? EJ: 70 kHz is the loop rate of the closed loop mirror positioning system, not the atmospheric TT controller. Allowable Delay in Tip Tilt Servo Loop (SR-009) The parametric oscillator software shall not increase the delay in processing the tip tilt commands beyond its current value. When it is disabled, the parametric oscillator software shall add no additional delay in processing the servo commands.

6 6 Requirements Doc Allow Update of Parametric Oscillator Parameters Only When Tip Tilt Loop is Open (SR-009) The software shall only allow an update of the parametric oscillator parameters given in SR-008 when the tip tilt tracking loops are open. Discussion: This requirement is needed to ensure that the tracking loop makes a smooth transition from open to closed loop. PW: Why would changing the parameters when you are closed loop impact the transition from open to closed loop? What is the issue with changing the parameters when the loop is closed? Discussion: In order to have bumpless transfer from going open to close loop, it's a good idea to change parameters in open loop. Also, we shouldn't be tweaking performance parameters too often and therefore don't see this as being an operational issue. This is intended to prevent any kind of instability when in closed loop if the gains change

7 7 Requirements Doc Adapted to Changing AO Frame Rate (SR-010) The parametric oscillator delay and gain parameters shall be changed as the AO frame rate is modified. The parametric oscillator delay and gain parameters shall change as the AO frame rate ranges between 1.054 KHz (current maximum update rate of Keck II NGWFC) and 80 Hz. For frame rates below 80 Hz, the parametric oscillator will be disabled. PW: This statement isn’t obvious to me. The vibration phase and gain don’t change as you change the AO frame rate. Can’t you express these in some absolute form so that they do not need to change? The par osc phase and gain needs to change as the AO frame rate changes. We will be updating the introduction to include more information.

8 8 Requirements Doc Overall Reliability (SR-014) The parametric oscillator requirements must in no way compromise the reliability of the Keck II AO system. Overall System Performance (SR-015) The parametric oscillator shall not degrade current performance of the existing system. PW: Do you mean when it is not in use or when it is in use? If it is when it is in use this means that it must be 100% reliable which might be asking too much. If it is when it is not in use then you need a separate reliability requirement for when it is in use. We concluded this requirement no matter how its written is not testable since we don't have any baseline so we will be removing it; also if SR- 009 Allowable Delay in Tip Tilt Servo Loop is met, we will be okay

9 9 Statement Of Work Implementation Plan EJ: Remote access will be difficult for debugging real-time computations. I think Microgate has most of a 4th system they can use for this. Remote access will probably only work for lab I&T. I think some kind of travel or equipment shipment will still be required. They need to have access to the boards in the NGWFC and see the leds. Maybe you can rig up a web cam they can use (although there is still the issue of needing the lights on in the room). I think remote access will not help all that much. Initiated email communication with Roberto of MG to find out what they have / need.

10 10 Statement Of Work Intellectual Property Rights PW: Does this fully address the intellectual property rights issue? Went through Margarita -> Richard Haley -> Gavin Intellectual property rights to all deliverables to WMKO shall be governed by the following considerations: Foreground intellectual property (FIP) is defined as intellectual property developed as a result of work performed under the contract resulting from this SOW. Background intellectual property (BIP) is defined as intellectual property belonging to the RTC vendor and developed prior to the start of the contract resulting from this RFP. The RTC vendor shall grant to CARA a royalty free non-exclusive license to all BIP required for, or used in, any deliverables, including software source code. Ownership of all FIP, including all software source code shall belong to CARA. CARA shall grant to the RTC vendor a non exclusive license to all FIP developed as a result of work performed under the contract resulting from this RFP.

11 11 Statement Of Work Configuration Management EJ: The issue of the flash makes this a little more complicated. You will need to manage the upload of new flash firmware and the switching between old and new versions, and, finally, the possible reversion of flash if needed. SL has contacted EJ and is gathering the necessary information Schedule EJ: Need some more detail. When is I&T going to occur? This is pretty aggressive. Can MG meet this schedule? Added lab and summit integration to schedule and indicated that everything is TBD to indicate that its needs to be agreed to by MG

12 12 Top Level Schedule

13 13 Near Term Schedule Status 1.1 Demonstration Planning Due: 9/6/10 Status: 95% complete 1.2 Preparation Due: 8/11/10 Status: 50% complete 1.3.1 Requirements Document Due: 9/17/10 Status: 90% complete 1.3.2 Generate SOW Due: 10/1/10 Status: 90% complete 1.3.3 Writeup Contract with Microgate Due: 10/15/10 Status: not started

14 14 Next Steps Complete 1.2 Preparation Parametric Oscillator algorithm background investigation NGWFC architecture background investigation Wavefront Processor (WFP) and Interface (WIF) documentation and code review Wavefront Controller Command Processor (WCP) documentation and code review Setup and document software development environment at Waimea HQ Setup and document NGWFC lab hardware at Waimea HQ Finalize 1.3.1 & 1.3.2 Requirements Doc and SOW Start 1.3.3 Microgate Contract Confirm 1.3.4 Microgate remote access

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