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Advanced Rope Systems Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Rope Systems Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Rope Systems Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

2 Please Review The following slides are illustrations of the evolutions we will be performing and their associated rigging. Some equipment and sequencing were omitted for clarity. These illustrations were created as a visual reference and memory jogger only. The evolutions we perform at the drill may deviate from the slides shown on this presentation. Please review the Zone 3 Rope manual for detailed information on the skills referred to on the next slide. Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

3 Drill Objectives Complete Annual Rope Training Standards Belay system
Complete assignment while suspended Safety check Highline System Lead Climbing Lowering systems Mechanical Advantage Move a victim in a high angle environment Multi point anchors Patient packaging Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

4 Structure Based Guiding Line Offset
Reference Zone 3 Rope Manual (Highline Systems) Considerations Why are we working at the top? Is their enough room for a crew on top What are we bringing up? How many people are needed ? How much time will this take? Are the top side technicians physically able to make the climb? Are all team members on the same page? How tall is the structure? Will we have to knot pass? Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

5 Ground Based Guiding Line Offset
Reference Zone 3 Rope Manual (Highline Systems) Considerations How Tall is the structure? Do we have enough rope ? Are we prepared for a knot pass? Is it easier? Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

6 Safety Considerations
System safety check: Any system is only as strong as its weakest link! WE ARE THE WEAKEST LINK. Therefore we need to make sure we have built in redundancy with our rope rescue systems. There is greater potential for human error than equipment failure. Critical Point Test Whistle Test Touch Test Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

7 Rescuer Setup Mainline Attachment
Belay Line Attachment (Butterfly knot) or hard tie using long tail bowline. Mainline Attachment To Patient Chest Harness Pick Off Strap to Patient Seat Harness AZTEK Kit Other Optional Equipment Knife Patient Harness Trauma Shears Helmet Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

8 Bow Lake Water Tower Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

9 Structure Based Guiding Line Offset
Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

10 Structure Based Guiding Line Offset
Gear What are we bringing to the top People Rope Hardware Patient packaging Gear Hauling Line Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

11 Structure Based Guiding Line Offset
All necessary gear must be transported to top side. Crew may use guiding line as gear hauling line prior to tensioning. Rig for Lower using appropriate hardware Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

12 Structure Based Guiding Line Offset
Attach tenant to Main, Belay, then Guiding line Lower to patient for pick off Package patient in appropriate apparatus Pick off using strap or AZTEK kit Lower to ground Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

13 Ground Based Guiding Line Offset
Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

14 Ground Based Guiding Line Offset
Crew lead climbs with belay line, guide line, and appropriate hardware Crew Can use Guide line to haul gear before tensioned Ground belay becomes lowering system Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

15 Ground Based Guiding Line Offset
Crew Finds High Point anchors Rigs TPB or 540 Rigs CD for Main Line Lower Packages patient Attaches all lines Then attaches Stokes to guide line Communicates with ground for lower Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

16 Horizontal Highline With Reeving Line
Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

17 Horizontal Highline with Reeving Line
Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

18 Horizontal Highline with Reeving Line
Tukwila Fire Technical Rescue

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