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Published byPhoebe Headen Modified over 10 years ago
Capitol Area CouncilBoy Scouts of America Philmont 2005 Philmont 2005 Council Contingent Second Organizational Meeting Contingent Advisor:Sid Covington 380-9083, 925-1231 (cell), 380-9132 (fax) Scouting Advisor:Martin Payne 926-6363 x16
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 22 Agenda Tonight: Review 2004 Contingent Trek Experience Contingent/Crew Organization Review Financial Policy & Payment Schedule Contingent Duffle Bags/Shoulder Strips/Crew Tee-Shirts Philmont. What is it? How do we get there? What do we do there? Itinerary Selection Trek Schedule Crew preparation “Rules” Planning Timeline What Next?
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 23 Philmont Vocabulary/Jargon Trek/Expedition “Bear-muda” Triangle Programs Itinerary # Camps Staffed Trail Dry Day Expedition # Ranger/Ranger Mile CHQ/Camping Headquarters/Base Camp PTC/Philmont Training Center Tent City Trailbound Homebound Yum-yum Bag Oops Bag Bears/Mini-bears What you do. Who you are. When it is. Where you go. 9 — 12 day Backpacking Cavalcades (8-day horseback) Ranch Hands (8-day working, 8-day Cavalcade) Rayado Trek (20-day backpacking) R.O.C.S. (21-day conservation school/backpacking) OA Trail Crew (7-day Service, 7-day backpacking) Autumn Adventure (Any length, can be adult only) Kanik (Winter weekend program) Rangers: Very well trained. Very competent. Sometimes wrong! Never in doubt! Always have an answer!
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 24 Largest Capitol Area Council contingent ever: 13 Crews, 154 participants (of 156 — 2 youth broke bones week before departure! Departed Austin on schedule! Busses were crowded — one time event. Travel/meals worked as planned – bus trip takes ~15 hours Arrived at Philmont at 9:20 pm, scheduled for 9:30 pm — 10 minutes early! Welcome Center assigned tent city tents for both nights to all crews except one! Check-in completed by noon Day 1 – museum tours, naps, Cimarron, etc. Weather very good, little rain, some hail, no trail injuries – one young man sick in Medic Lodge at beginning of trek — able to join crew Day 5. Nobody eaten by bears! Saw some. Some good stories! Took too much stuff! Didn’t get in good enough shape! Ready to go again. One bus lost air conditioner on return trip (have had the same experience with three different bus companies)! Arrived back at REI parking lot 45 minutes late! (related to stopping to purchase additional water/ice for bus with broken air conditioner). 2005 & 2006 will be bigger! 16 Crews 192 Participants Contingent Experience: 2000 was small, 2001 was large & Very Successful, 2003 was Good (except for some adult issues), 2004 was absolutely Great! 609-E Ponil Complex Forest Fire 6/2/2002 — 6/17/2002 92,500 acres
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 25 Council Contingent: Council makes reservation for multiple crews prior to unit application process. Philmont deals with the Contingent, not individual units from a financial, mailing, communications standpoint. “Contingent” arrives and departs and is checked in as a single group by the Contingent Advisor. “Crews” check themselves out. Contingent Advisor prepares one National Tour Permit for entire group – Crews do not need to do one. Contingent Advisor prepares “Arrival” postcard (and request for early arrival) for entire group – Crews do not need to do it. “Crews” will plan/reserve own itineraries (you mail your own selection postcard). “Crews” will be on trail independently from each other (may be a “sister” crew with same itinerary – from the contingent or elsewhere).
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 26 Philmont Crew A “Crew” goes on a trek at Philmont. The “Crew” may be created from either a Boy Scout Troop or a Venturing Crew (may be coed youth) — at Philmont, they are all referred to as a “Crew.” By definition, a “Crew” is 7 to 12 people with a majority of youth and a maximum of 4 adults (21 or older). Adults may be male or female. A Capitol Area Council Contingent Crew is 12 people with a maximum of four participants that are 21 years old or older.
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 27 Crew Members Contingent Organization: Bus Leader Same bus, could work together on training, shakedown campouts, etc. Leader obtains snacks/drinks for bus, does headcount before departures. Crew Advisor (Adult) Scouting Advisor (Professional) Martin Payne Contingent Advisor (Volunteer) Sid Covington Crew Leader (youth) Chaplain’s Aide (youth) Crew Logistics, travel to and from Philmont At Philmont and on the trail The Crew Leader is in charge! The crew always stays together on the trail! “Crew” is made up of:
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 28 Bus Assignments: Busses will pickup from and return to the Whole Earth parking lot at the Westgate Shopping Center near Ben White & Lamar Blvd (360 & 71/290). DON’T LEAVE CARS PARKED IN THE PARKING LOT! Richard Warms704-L-08 Troop 1954 John Conaway704-L-04Troop 256 David Hailes704-L-03Troop 145 Sam Brister704-L-02Troop 88 Sam Brister2 Bruce Anderson704-L-07Troop 511 Joe Denton704-L-06 Troop 410 Paul Watkins704-L-05Troop 263 Jackson Harper704-L-01Troop 4 Jackson Harper 1 Mike Gordon622-N-08Troop 448 Douglas Spencer622-N-07Troop 284 Larry Jantzen622-N-06Troop 172 Walt Reep622-N-04Troop 146 Walt Reep2 T.W. Cook622-N-05Troop 151 Frank Scofield622-N-03Crew 2100 Victoria Fuqua622-N-02Crew 183 Gary Boyd622-N-01Crew 151 Frank Scofield 1 Crew Advisor Expedition # UnitBus Leader Bus 622-N 704-L Class-A Uniform required: Boy Scout Troop based crews: Tan uniform shirt Scout belt Scout long pants -or- Scout Shorts with Scout socks Venturing Crew based crews: Green uniform shirt Crew’s “official” pant belt Crew’s “official” socks
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 29 How are Crews Organized? Crew Leader (youth) Selects itinerary with Advisor Choose routes during trek Assign duties (manage the duty roster) Provides leadership Check-in/out camps Insure “smellables” properly stored Insure Philmont Wilderness Pledge upheld Chaplain’s Aide (youth) Supports Crew Leader Facilitates daily reflections/devotionals Crew Advisor (adult) Selects itinerary with Crew Leader Counsel & coach crew leader and crew members Arrange logistics (permits for shakedowns, etc.) Philmont Wilderness Pledge: 1.LITTER/GRAFFITI-Keep Philmont free of litter and graffiti. 2.WILDLIFE-Respect all wildlife. 3.TRAILS-Stay on Trails: Do not cut across switchbacks. 4.CAMPSITES-Use designated sites and leave neat and clean. Thorns & Roses (& buds) Eagles Soaring High book
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 210 Financial Policies/Information: Capitol Area Council conducts and coordinates Contingent as a service to Units. Council will incur no financial burden. Crew pays Council, Council pays Philmont & other expenses (travel, meals, etc.). Only additional personal expense is what individuals spend while at Philmont on snacks, souvenirs, etc. Each crew is financially responsible for 12 participants (12 x $725 = $8,700). If unit cannot fill slots, must pay fee and/or find youth/adults to fill vacancy. There is R.E. Freeman scholarship money available for youth. There will likely be Waite Phillips scholarship money available as well ( $100, $200, $300 per youth for 2004 ). Available to any Philmont participant in Capitol Area Council—not just Contingent. Let us know early if there are financial issues or needs!
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 211 Budget/Costs: Description Cost per Participant Cost per Crew Bus transportation$93 $1,116 Philmont Fee495 5,940 Travel meals 2 Dinner 2 Lunch 13 12 156 144 Drinks/Snacks for bus10 120 Maps 1 set per participant 15 180 Contingent travel bag20 240 Contingent shoulder strip (Council strip)5 60 Additional Philmont night/breakfast12 144 Administrative25 300 Contingency25 300 TOTAL:$725 $8,700 Personal Spending Money for Souvenirs at Tooth of Time Trading Post ( “Campers spend an average of $100 at Philmont’s trading posts. If major items such as jackets are desired, more money will be needed.”
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 212 Payment Schedule: April 1, 2004$181.25 per participant $2,175 per crew August 1, 2004$ 181.25 per participant $ 2,175 per crew December 1, 2004$ 181.25 per participant $2,175 per crew March 3, 2005$ 181.25 per participant (balance) $2,175 per crew Crews should use similar payment schedule for crewmembers.
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 213 Duffle-bags: All participants provided with a duffle bag to carry on bus with items for travel & base camp. Make your own or crew bag tags — duffle bags all look alike! Duffle bags will stay in locker at CHQ while you’re on the trail. 2004: 10½ x 21½ x 10½ w/handle wrap & shoulder strap Colors: Black, White logo
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 214 Shoulder Strips Each participant provided with one Council strip: Some extra 2005’s available ~$5.00 each In 2003, one adult leader volunteered to order additional Council strips and made logo patches that were sold to participants. ~$3.00 each.
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 215 Crew tee-shirts: Each Crew designs its own tee-shirt. Include Contingent logo on sleeve or breast (artwork on website). Typically have at least two shirts per participant. Tee-shirt ideas: Topo map Trek map (from Treks-2005 book) Crew designed logo Philmont logos (arrowhead, brands, etc.) Some crews do hats too! Some do Polo-type shirts. Contingent in 2003 did same design tee-shirts & book packs. Tee-shirt is likely to be the “best” Philmont souvenir. May want to have extra shirts for “gift” for your crews’ Ranger.
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 216 Where is Philmont? North Central New Mexico – near Colorado border – 735 miles from Austin! On edge of plains in the Sangre de Cristo mountain range. Elevation ranges from 6,500’ to 12,441’ Headquarters is ~4 miles south of Cimarron, NM
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 217 What is Philmont? Philmont is a BSA high adventure base for camping and training. Philmont is a working ranch: Cattle Horses Burros Buffalo History: Early Ponil people Jicarilla Apache/Moache Ute Beaubien-Miranda — Maxwell Land Grant Waite Phillips Boy Scouts of America You get to experience this with Philmont’s programs!
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 218 What does Philmont look like? Near Colorado Border in north central New Mexico Valle Vidal: ~40,000 acres No trails, 3 – 4 camps Philmont: 137,493 acres 330 miles trails, ~120 backcountry camps Country’s: Valle Vidal Rolling country, spacious meadows, limited water, large Elk population, buffalo, LNT, no trails, no permanent facilities North Country Highest elevations (Baldy), gold mining, dramatic vista’s Central Country Much elevation change, dense forest South Country Narrow valleys, more creeks, best fishing, warmer Philmont In summer 2004, over 28,000 campers. ~350/day arrive, ~350/day depart ~4,000 in backcountry at any time.
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 219 Travel Plans: Travel will be on 57 passenger busses Chartered from San Antonio City Tours, San Antonio, TX Austin to Philmont: Departure Dates: Tuesday, Sunday, June 21, 2005July 3, 2005 — Meet at 5:00 am Busses will drive straight through to Philmont, with stops for lunch and dinner. Arrival time at Philmont is approximately 9:30 pm (MDT). Philmont to Austin: Return Dates: Monday, Saturday, July 4, 2005July 16, 2005 — ~10:30 pm B usses will depart Philmont ~ 6:30 am (MDT) and stop for lunch and dinner on return to Austin.
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 220 Travel Plans DatesAustin Philmon t Austin June 21 July 3 July 4 July 16 Empty from San Antonio Empty to San Antonio 704- L 622- N
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 221 What do we do when we’re there? Burros Challenge.30-06 L.N.T. Rock Climbing Program s Homesteadin g Gold Panning Mountain Biking Astronomy Fly Fishing Archeology Black Powder Rifle, Shotgun,.30-06 Rifle Jicarilla Apache Life T-Rex Track Search & Rescue 3-D Archery Spar pole climbing
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 222 Wildlife What do we do when we’re there? Backpacki ng Navigation Apache Indian life Campsite Camping
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 223 What do we do when we’re there? Places French Henry Return to Base Camp Baldy Town Dining Hall Stockade Beaubien Villa Philmonte Tooth of Time T-Rex
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 224 What itinerary should we pick? 2004: 35 itineraries, 34 programs, 28 staffed camps Described in Treks-2005 book (March) Itineraries vary on: Difficulty – “typical” to “super strenuous” Distance – 50 to 78 miles Area – South, Central, North, Valle Vidal or combinations Campsites/Programs Elevation – min/max & up/down Select based on crew’s capabilities and interests. Use questionnaire or other techniques to decide. Ask your crew!
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 225 Contingent Itinerary Selection Tools On Contingent web site ( Two components: Questionnaire to let participants rank interests (MS Word) Spreadsheet to fit responses to itineraries (MS Excel) Each unit should print questionnaire for each participant — enter responses into spreadsheet. Will “fit” crew’s interests to itineraries for further review. When TREKS-2005 is received, spreadsheet will be updated to reflect itinerary changes. Each Crew will submit itinerary selection postcard to Philmont with top 5 choices – Philmont will assign.
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 226 Contingent Itinerary Selection Tools 13146114 5 5 1818 10 20
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 227 Duty Roster: Prepare duty roster before leaving for Philmont. Make copies for all participants (laminate). Website has tool (MS Excel) & Philmont version. Crew Decisions: All participants share work equally? Tentmates Skill level Crew Leader? Adults?
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 228 Daily Trek Schedule: Day 1 — Camping HQ/Tent City — (Wed 6-22/Mon 7-4) Financial Check-inLogistics (bring wall map) Medical Re-checkServices (food, equipment) Equipment shakedown*Crew Photo* Museum tours (optional)Opening campfire * may do morning of Day 2 Day 2 — Depart CHQ/1 st Day on trail (Thu 6-23/Tue 7-5) Day 3 — 2 nd Day on trail, first full day (Fri 6-24/Wed 7-6) Day 4 — 3 rd Day on trail, Ranger Departs am (Sat 6-25/Thu 7-7) …… (hike between camps, participate in programs) Day 11 — Last Full Day on trail (Sat 7-2/Thu 7-14) Day 12 — Return to Camping HQ/Tent City (Sun 7-3/Fri 7-15) Return equipmentFinancial check-out SHOWERS!Trip to Cimarron SouvenirsClosing Campfire Day 13 — Travel — Philmont to Austin (Mon 7-4/Sat 7-16) Day 0 — Travel — Austin to Philmont – CHQ/Tent City? (Tue 6-21/Sun 7-3) Meet Your Ranger (or early Day 1) “Arrival Day”
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 229 What you come home with! WAMI Plaque Duty to God Patch Attend at least 1 chapel service at CHQ Participate in crew devotions at least 3 times while on trail Lead your crew in a before meal grace at least once on the trail. 50-Miler Award Partial Philmont Arrowhead Photographs, Memories that will last a lifetime!
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 230 Philmont “Rules” PHILMONT WILL NOT MAKE ANY EXCEPTIONS! Participants MUST meet age requirements. (Participants must be at least 14 by January 1, 2005) or (have completed the 8 th grade and be at least 13 years of age prior to participation). PHILMONT WILL NOT MAKE ANY EXCEPTIONS! One person (preferably two) per Crew MUST be currently certified in Red Cross Standard First Aid & CPR (bring cards). All participants MUST meet height & weight guidelines (on web site) — can be waivers, primarily for youth — obtain in advance. No copies! Don’t separate pages! All participants MUST use original 2005 Philmont Health & Medical Record form — requires physical exam within 12 months of trek. No copies! Don’t separate pages! Crew MUST be majority youth participants (20 or younger), Maximum of 4 adults per crew (over 20). If one crew from Contingent comes off mountain, all do!
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 231 Philmont “Rules” All participants must sleep in tents. No bivy sacks – two-man tents preferred. No open-toe shoes in backcountry. Long pants needed for rock climbing, horseback riding, spar pole climbing. Strict bear-bag use for all smellables; Change into sleeping clothes in dining fly (Bear-muda Triangle).
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 232 BSA/Contingent “Rules” All participants must be registered members of Boy Scouts of America. All adults must be current on Youth Protection Training (within 2 years of trek) — can take on-line course. Crews required to follow Youth Protection Guidelines. In particular: Co-ed crews require female adult leaders (two in case one gets injured?) Tent assignments (base camp & trail) must follow Youth Protection guidelines. Recommend at least three adults per crew – must maintain two-deep leadership at all times. Full “Class-A” uniform when off busses while traveling (shirt/shorts/socks). Crew’s Adult Advisor is responsible for insuring these rules are followed.
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 233 Crew Preparation Suggestions Crew Payment schedule — secure the commitment! Schedule “Shakedown” activities: C.O.P.E. Course for crew Equipment shakedown(s) Technique shakedown(s): Campsite setup Bear Bags Water purification Cooking (Philmont style) First Aid/CPR Course Crewmember “Contract” May want to have “alternate” participants in reserve.
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 234 Planning Timeline (approximate): Tonight — Crews receive Planning Guide, Medical forms, copy of 2004 TREKS, 2004 Guidebook to Adventure, etc. March 2005 — Crews will receive information package: TREKS-2005 book: Select 5 itineraries (monitor website to see what other crews chose) Return postcard with 5 selections – e-mail selections to Sid Philmont will inform you of your itinerary – e-mail to Sid (for map order) DO NOT RETURN “ARRIVAL” POSTCARD – DONE BY SID DO NOT SUBMIT A NATIONAL TOUR PERMIT – DONE BY SID Equipment & Packing lists (Guidebook to Adventure) Program information brochure Crew Leader/Chaplain’s Aide/Advisor Information
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 235 What’s Next? Encourage crewmembers to get physicals now! Begin shakedowns, training (C.O.P.E.) May schedule another meeting (~March) to distribute TREKS-2005 books & discuss itineraries. May let Crew Advisors pick up. Final meeting will be ~mid-May to review and turn-in paperwork, distribute duffle bags & maps.
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 236 LOOK OUT! DROPOUTS! Legitimate Medical No skin in game ($$$$) Medical Forms: Adults wait until last minute (going to lose weight, get blood pressure down, get in shape, …) Insurance only covers one Physical per year — wait until 2005-2006 school year. Tee shirts not done. No uniform pants!
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 237 Crew Advisor “paperwork” Each Crew’s Adult Advisor MUST put together: A notebook/binder to take with you to Philmont containing: Philmont Crew Roster form (3 part) Receive in March Philmont Talent Release form — signed by Parents/Participant Receive in March Philmont 2005 Medical form for each participant – signed by Doctor, Participant, Parent (no copies, do not separate) Receive tonight Copies of Medical Insurance cards for each participant (letter/note if none) Original First Aid & CPR certification cards At least one set per crew Documentation for Contingent Advisor: (turn in at May meeting, fax, e-mail) Crew List with emergency contact info Form is on website Copy of Philmont Crew Roster form (copy from Philmont Crew Roster above) Copy of Philmont Talent Release form (Copy of Talent Release Form above) Copies of Philmont Medical Forms & insurance cards Only actual med form. Copies of First Aid & CPR Certification cards Paperwork must be turned in to Contingent Advisor no later than June 15. If it isn’t, you don’t go!
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 238 Web Site Contents ont 2005 Contingent Philmont Overview Itinerary Selection (includes tool & survey form) Programs Personal Equipment Crew Equipment Philmont Equipment Duty Roster (tool) Tips General Information Crew Information Financial Schedule/Transportation Logo Contacts Meetings 2001 Contingent 2003 Contingent 2004 Contingent 2002 Contingent
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 239 Information Resources Passport to High Adventure Boy Scout Field Guide Tooth of Time Traders Seldon’s List: Philmont Advisor’s Guide $10 — benefits Crew 1519, Warrenton, VA Request Word copy from Cooper Wright ( Philmont Staff Association: Jason Cotting (former Ranger) website: BSA Philmont website: Clip Art: General Philmont information: Don’t get obsessive! Don’t set unrealistic expectations! Relax and enjoy the experience! Philmont’s staff will make it work! Don’t get obsessive! Don’t set unrealistic expectations! Relax and enjoy the experience! Philmont’s staff will make it work!
11/3/2004Trek Meeting 240 Questions?
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