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BRAZILIAN MARKET ETHANOL. ETHANOL FUEL OF THE FUTURE (Henry Ford - 1906) Ethanol first became popular as a fuel with the model T. (above) Henry Ford mixed.

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Presentation on theme: "BRAZILIAN MARKET ETHANOL. ETHANOL FUEL OF THE FUTURE (Henry Ford - 1906) Ethanol first became popular as a fuel with the model T. (above) Henry Ford mixed."— Presentation transcript:


2 ETHANOL FUEL OF THE FUTURE (Henry Ford - 1906) Ethanol first became popular as a fuel with the model T. (above) Henry Ford mixed ethanol with gasoline to run this machine. In 1850, 90 million gallons were produced in The United States.

3 The Bazilian Ethanol Programme Pro Alcohol Adopted in 1975 due to the international petrol crisis: 1 – Adding ethanol to gasoline 2 – Incentive for development of vehicles 100% on ethanol Why Ethanol? Why Ethanol? - Brazil has been one of the main producers of sugar cane since century XVI. - Since 1930 (especially during the 2 nd World War),ethanol mixed with gasoline has been used as automotive fuel in Brazil with good results.

4 Domestic sales of automobiles and light vehicles per fuel Source: Anfavea

5 Productive Chain of Sugar in Brazil Credits of Carbon 5,4 million hectars 72 thousand growers 334 mills & destilleries (operation & projects) Harvest 380 million tons ETHANOL 3,6 billion gallons SUGAR 24 million tons BAGASS Bioplastic Ethanol Food Pharmacy Lisine Derivatives


7 +69% Fao Stat database Evolution of sugarcane in Brazil

8 + 420 % Fao Stat database Evolution of sugarcane in Brazil

9 Sources: IBGE & CTC Atlantic Rain Forest Sugar Cane Pantanal AMAZON RAIN FOREST New expansion areas for sugar cane growing

10 Ethanol Brazilian Production

11 Ethanol production projection in Brazil between harvests 2005/06 and 2015/16 Source: IEA Harvest Thou. Million of liters

12 Brazilian Ethanol Exportation Projection 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 2004/052005/062006/072007/082008/092009/10 Billion of liters

13 Energy Matrix 2005 Source: MME

14 Benefits to the ozone layer in the Atmosphere Gasoline 0%Gasohol 22 % Ethanol 100% Source: ANFAVEA




18 Ethanol Cluster - APLA APLA is an entity that seeks to unite all the ethanol productive chain,which is composed of industries that produce equipment, research and technical development centers, associations of the ethanol sector and producers: - 10 distilleries - 70 industries - 05 Institutions and Research and Development Centers - 19 Public and Private Entities - Harvest - 16,7 million tons - Ethanol Production - 502 million liters - Sugar - 1.380 thousand tons - Energy - 172.900 mw/year

19 APLA - Objectives - Planning and Organization of the Sector. - Association with government and private entities for development of the ethanol productive chain. - Advertisement of the products and services rendered by the companies. - Statistical Data Bank and Information Center. - Standardization and certification of ethanol and development of new technologies & equipment. - Development of executive project for logistic and production flow of the Ethanol Cluster area. - Studies and researches for new applications, markets and products derived from ethanol.

20 New projects of distilleries anywhere in the world Products, Services and BrazilianTechnology Available Photo: Unica - Economical feasibility studies and analysis of area/soils and weather feasibility - Supply of sprouts and productive & resitant genetic diversity - Technology for plague control and combat

21 - Machinery and Equipment for cutting, loading and transportation - “Turn-Key” Plants. Sugar & Ethanol Plants. Ethanol Destilleries. Energy co-generation using bagass. Biodiesel Plants Photo: Dedini Photo: Unica Photo: Motocana - Consulting and follow-up of all process of the productive chain - Professional Qualification Products, Services and Brazilian Technology Available

22 BUSINESS PROPOSALS 1 – Ethanol Production Projects anywhere in the world: 1 – Ethanol Production Projects anywhere in the world:. Supply technology, render services and products. Studies of Economical Feasibility. Projects Implementation 2 - Exportation of Brazilian ethanol to the United Kingdon: 2 - Exportation of Brazilian ethanol to the United Kingdon:. Strategic plan. Public policies. Local fuel distributors. Contacts with Brazilian producers. Logistic operators and traders 3 – Association with Brazilian companies for production of ethanol in Brazil. Contact with Producers Associations. Brazilian society legislation. Economical feasibility projects. Research Centers and Universities

23 APLA - Members Ministério de Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior

24 Contacts APLA – Ethanol Cluster Municipal Department of Industry and Commerce of Piracicaba São Paulo - Brazil Phone: 55 19 3403-1160 E-mail:

25 THANK YOU Luciano Santos Tavares de Almeida Secretary of Industry and Commerce Piracicaba - São Paulo - Brazil Tel: 55 19 3403-1160 E-mail:

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