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The Central and Southern Florida Project Conceived by Florida Built by the Corps Integrates a Large Dynamic Economy and Multiple Valuable Ecosystems How.

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Presentation on theme: "The Central and Southern Florida Project Conceived by Florida Built by the Corps Integrates a Large Dynamic Economy and Multiple Valuable Ecosystems How."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Central and Southern Florida Project Conceived by Florida Built by the Corps Integrates a Large Dynamic Economy and Multiple Valuable Ecosystems How do we Improve the Environmental Component and Keep the Economy Strong

2 Economic Activity: Generates 23,500 jobs in the state  Majority are in the Everglades Agricultural Area communities where jobless rate is 4 times that of the rest of the state. Contributes more than $2 billion annually to Florida’s economy America’s Food Supply: Largest supplier of winter vegetables to the eastern USA Largest producer of cane sugar  Half of the country’s cane sugar is produced within EAA Everglades Agricultural Area


4 Strategic Collaboration Paid for by Farmers Public Works Projects with Funding by Agriculture Landowner BMPs STAs Everglades Prepare for Restoration


6 Phosphorus Reduction 1078 tons 2565 tons Amount removed by Agricultural Best Management Program, Paid for and Implemented 100% by Farmers Amount Removed to Achieve Restoration Water Quality Targets through Stormwater Treatment Areas, paid for jointly by Farmers and SFWMD Phosphorus Prevented from Entering the Everglades Since the Everglades Forever Act in 1996 Note: All data from South Florida Water Management District

7 Urban Inflow Lake Inflow Rural Inflow

8 Active Septic Tank Permits Since 1983

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