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Ch 26: Exercise & Activity Review ( Also on Quiz: Ch 32 Wound Care, decubitus ulcers + Ch 36 Rehab & Restorative Care) Exercise & Activity X-Wd: Green.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 26: Exercise & Activity Review ( Also on Quiz: Ch 32 Wound Care, decubitus ulcers + Ch 36 Rehab & Restorative Care) Exercise & Activity X-Wd: Green."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ch 26: Exercise & Activity Review ( Also on Quiz: Ch 32 Wound Care, decubitus ulcers + Ch 36 Rehab & Restorative Care) Exercise & Activity X-Wd: Green WB, p. 38-39 Range of Motion (ROM) information and motion names (see crossword & Green WB p. 20 - 30) were tested with the skill check off. Videos: Ambulation, Falling Patient, Transfer, ROM

3 Ch 26: Exercise & Activity: Complications of Bedrest – Decubitus ulcers – any injury caused by unrelieved pressure (also called pressure ulcer/sore, bedsore) p. 552 Constipation – passage of hard dry, stool Fecal impaction – (p. 381) prolonged retention/buildup of feces in rectum from unrelieved constipation. Person can’t defecate. Blood clots – also called thrombus, embolus is a traveling blood clot (p. 542) UTI (urinary tract infection like a bladder infection) Pneumonia - Inflammation & infection of lung tissue. Contracture – abnormal shortening of a muscle. A permanent deformity. (px: p. 464) Muscle atrophy - decrease in size or wasting away of muscle tissue (picture 464)

4 Range of Motion p. 466 – 471 The movement of a joint to the extent possible without causing pain. Joints are moved slowly, smoothly & gently The nurse tells you which joints to exercise. They can cause injury if done incorrectly.

5 Why Bedrest (BR) (p. 463) Reduce physical activity Reduce pain Encourage rest Regain strength Promote healing

6 Common Types of BR (p. 463) For all good body alignment is important. Bedrest: Some ADLs are allowed Strict Bedrest: –Everything is done for person. No ADL allowed Bedrest with commode privileges Bedrest with BRP

7 Equipment + terms – see Text Foot Board – Device to keep soles of feet flush against it with feet in flexed position. Helps prevent foot drop (plantar flexion) (picture 465) Bed cradle – Device only used to keep top linens off of the feet. (picture 466) Trochanter Roll – supports placed to prevent hips from turning outward (prevents external rotation of hips & legs. px 465) Hand Roll/Hand Grip – prevents contracture of thumb, fingers & wrist. (px 465) Hip abduction wedge (picture 465 ) A kind of pillow wedged between the legs to keep hips abducted after hip replacement surgery. Orthostatic or Postural Hypotension (p. 464) A drop in BP when the person stands up. More likely to happen when standing quickly., Key: Change position slowly! Syncope (p. 464): Fainting, brief loss of consciousness. May occur due to orthostatic hypotension

8 Braces, Crutches & Canes ID equipment on Fri Quiz Braces: Support weak body part, prevent/correct deformities and prevent joint movement. C/O redness, skin breakdown or pain/discomfort need to be reported. (p. 477) (p. 477, KNOW: AFO ankle/foot orthosis) Canes: used for weakness on one side of the body. They provide balance & support. A cane is used on the strong side of the body. (p. 476) Also: Quad Cane Crutches: Need to be fitted to patient Crutch tips are necessary Nonskid shoes are worn Clothing must fit well and not be loose. (p. 474) Walker: 4 point walking aid that gives more support than a cane. Standard walker picked up and moved 6 – 8 in ahead and then the person steps up to t he walker. Wheeled walkers are pushed ahead. (p. 477)

9 Ambulating the Patient Assist with ambulation (p. 472 by walking at the pt’s side and slightly behind. Use a gait belt prn. The falling patient: If a person starts to fall, ease him/her to the floor. This allows you to better control the fall and protect the person’s head. Always call the charge nurse before getting the fallen person up. (p.181)

10 Exercise & Activity X-Word Handroll Belt Complications Quadriplegia Quadcane Four Floor Atrophy Extension hemiplegia flexion Contracture Supination Walker Cradle Abduction passiverom activerom Side Footboard paraplegia

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