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Fourteenth Meeting of the National Food Security Mission Executive Committee (NFSMEC) DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, TELANGANA STATE ON 18-11-2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Fourteenth Meeting of the National Food Security Mission Executive Committee (NFSMEC) DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, TELANGANA STATE ON 18-11-2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fourteenth Meeting of the National Food Security Mission Executive Committee (NFSMEC) DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, TELANGANA STATE ON 18-11-2014

2 SEASON AND CROP REPORT Sl. No Monsoon Normal as on date Actual 2013Actual 2014 % Deviation compared to Normal as on date Status 1 South -West Monsoon (June'14 to September'14) 715.1851.5498.1-30Deficit 2 North - East Monsoon (1 st Oct. to 12 th Nov. 2014 109.2223.639.4-64Scanty Total Annual Rainfall824.31075.1537.5-35Deficit RAINFALL STATUS – RABI 2014-15 Sl. NoDistrictsNo. of DistrictsStatus & Deviation 1Nil0 Excess (20% & above) 2Mahabubnagar1 Normal (+19% to -19%) 3Adilabad, Nizamabad, Medak, Warangal, Karimnagar, Hyderabad, Ranga Reddy, Nalgonda and Khammam 9 Deficit (-20% to -59%) 4Nil0 Scanty (-60% to -99%) 5Nil0 No Rain (-100%) Kharif Rainfall - 30% Rabi deficit -64% 2

3 CROP WISE NORMAL AREA, YIELD AND PRODUCTION PROSPECTS DURING KHARIF 2014 S.No.Crop Area (Lakh ha)Yield (Kgs/ha)Production (LMTs) NormalActualNormalExpectedNormalExpected 1Paddy (Planted)10.047.263079332130.9124.11 2Jowar0.890.4510497930.930.36 3Bajra0.050.0210084620.050.01 4Maize4.654.643395260015.7912.06 5Ragi0.020.0111204270.020.00 Millets0.010.0061800.010.00 6Redgram2.902.094384101.270.86 7Greengram1.520.624833890.730.24 8Blackgram0.460.165803960.270.06 Other pulses0.030.012962020.010.00 9Total Pulses4.922.88465 2.291.16 10Total Foodgrains20.5815.262430 50.0137.71 11Groundnut0.250.1411177970.280.11 12Sesamum0.090.041661680.01 13Castor0.930.504934150.460.21 14Sunflower0.040.025904580.020.01 15Soyabean1.621.8215158312.451.52 16Total Oilseeds2.972.53124903.711.85 17Cotton15.3215.7434339230.9136.30 18Chillies0.580.30307024001.780.72 19Sugarcane0.390.36826155400032.2219.44 20Total Cropped Area40.3838.20 *DES, Telangana (First Advance Estimate)  The food grain production is expected to come down by 12.30 Lakh tones, mainly under Rice, Maize and Pulses. 3

4 CROP WISE AREA SOWN DURING RABI 2014-15 AS ON 12-11-2014 Sl. NO CROP Normal Season As on date During corresponding period Current year As on 12/11/14 % sown to As on 12/11/12 As on 12/11/13 Season As on date 1Rice6.500.01 0.00 00 3Jowar0.610.460.450.160.182938 4Bajra0.090.00 00 5Maize1.520.350.220.26 1774 6Ragi0.00 1848 8Redgram0.05 9Bengalgram1. 10Greengram0. 11Blackgram0.170.060.04 2258 12Horsegram0. 13Other Pulses0. Total Pulses1.611.331.220.870.503138 Total Foodgrains10.412.171.891.310.94943 Total Cropped Area13.094.053.592.952.081651 (Area in lakh hectares) Only 50% of the normal area is sown as on 12.11.2014 4


6 S.NoRicePulses Coarse Cereals Commercial crops (Cotton) Sugarcane 1 Mahabub nagar RangareddyMedak Mahabub nagar Medak 2WarangalNizamabad Mahabub nagar Nalgonda Mahabub nagar 3KhammamMedakWarangal Nizamabad 4Adilabad Mahabub nagar KarimnagarKhammam 5NalgondaNizamabadKarimnagar 6Warangal Adilabad 7Khammam 8Karimnagar 9Adilabad NFSM RICE, PULSES AND COARSE CEREALS ARE UNDER IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FOLLOWING DISTRICTS DURING 2014-15  Under Rice Nalgonda and Medak are deleted from NFSM  The NFSM Sugarcane crop programme is under implementation by Commissioner Sugars, Telangana state. 6 4 3 66

7 PROGRESS MADE UNDER NFSM IMPLEMENTATION UP TO OCTOBER 2014 Sl. No Crop Annual Allocation ReleasesAchievement % achieved over Releases 1Rice 2658.401712.00904.7753 2Pulses 4569.291610.001631.28101 3Coarse Cereals 716.74502.00396.2579 4Cotton 76.040.0075.0098.63* 5Sugarcane 3.400.003.40100* Total8023.873824.003010.7079 6 Additional allotment (Rabi /summer pulses) 520.000.00 0 Grand Total8543.873824.003010.7079** Further expenditure is in progress for payments to supplying agencies viz: Seed Corporation, MARKFED and AGROS. * Percentage over Annual Allocation **79% of the released amount is utilized 7

8 DISTRICT WISE ALLOTMENT/TARGETS FOR THE ADDITIONAL AREA COVERAGE FOR INCREASING PULSES PRODUCTION DURING RABI/SUMMER 2014-15 UNDER NFSM-PULSES Sl. No District Compo nent Approved rate of assistanc e Compone nt Approved rate of assistance Compo nent Approved rate of assistance Total Financial Cluster demonstration (of 100 ha each) (Green gram) Rs. 7500/- per ha Sprinkler sets Rs. 10000/- per ha or 50% of the cost whichever is less Pipe for carrying water Rs. 25/- per meter or 50 % of the cost whichever is less with maximum limit of 600 meters and costing Rs. 15000/- 1Mahabubnagar20015.00757.5000.0022.50 2Warangal2000150.0025025.0020000050.00225.00 3Khammam90067.5020020.0015000037.50125.00 4Karimnagar30022.50757.5015000037.5067.50 5Adilabad60045.0010010.0010000025.0080.00 Total4000300.0070070.00600000150.00520.00 UPLOADING OF NFSM DATA COMPLETED - 100% Physical (in Ha) / Financial (in Lakhs) 8

9 MAJOR INITIATIVES IN 2014-15 1)Seed Rolling Plan prepared - Less than (10) years varieties - VRR plan prepared 2)Crop Diversification Plan 3)Soil Health Cards 4)Enhanced allocation in Micro Irrigation 5)Enhanced allocation in Farm Mechanization 6)Agro –Climatic zones and Farming situations 7)Market support 8)Fodder Security 9)Capacity building of young farmers for retention in Agriculture 9

10 BREEDER SEED PRODUCTION PLAN OF PJTSA UNIVERSITY (Qty in Qtls) Sl. No. Crop2015-162016-172017-182018-19 1Paddy210.00220.00 230.00 2Groundnut6718.757093.757468.757812.50 3Soybean600.00800.00 4Bengal gram220.00250.00 5Red gram3.004.00 6Green gram10.00 7Black gram5.00 8Maize iFemale3.006.00 iiMale1.002.00 9Jowar3.00 3.50 10Bajra0.50 11Ragi0.50 12Castor0.10 0.20 Total7774.858394.858770.459124.20 Agency wise Foundation & Certified seed production plan also prepared SEED ROLLING PLAN 10

11 1.Telangana is a dominant player in seed sector, about 37.00 Lakh Qtls of seed is produced and supplied to various states 2.Seed Rolling Plan is prepared after deliberations with University, ICAR Institutes and Producing Agencies. 3.By 2018-19 the state would require 9124 Qtls of breeder seed 4.An amount of Rs. 50.00 Crores is earmarked for seed production plan 2014-15 (Contd..) SEED ROLLING PLAN 11

12 Sl. No. Crop/ Variety Year of Notifi cation 2015-16% 2016- 17 %2017-18% 2018- 19 % CROP : PADDY 1MTU- 100119970.996.000.835.000.664.000.332.00 2MTU -101019953.3120.002.4815.001.6510.000.835.00 3BPT -520419896.6140.004.9630.003.3020.001.6510.00 4JGL-1111820120.332.000.503.000.664.000.835.00 5JGL-1147020120.503.000.503.000.664.000.835.00 6JGL-180471.6510.002.4815.003.3020.004.1325.00 7JGL- 385520100.332.000.503.000.664.000.835.00 8JGL-179820040.835.001.328.001.6510.002.1513.00 9DRR-Dhan- 4220100. 10DRR Dhan-3520080. 11DRR Dhan 3220050. 12DRR Dhan-340.171.000.332.000.503.000.664.00 13DRR-H 320100. 14RNR-150480. 15WGL-283 2012 0.664. 16WGL-4420090.171.000.332.000.503.000.664.00 17 WGL-3200 18Krishna0. TOTAL 16.5310016.5210016.5110016.50100 PADDY - VRR PLAN FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS Note: VRR plan for all important crops formulated Qty. In lakh Qtls) 12

13  BPT 5204 – 1989 – presently having about 50% area, will comedown to 10% only by 2018-19  JGL 18047 – a promising variety will cover about 25% area by 2018-19  JGL 1798 (2004)- will increase from 0.59 Lakh Ha to about 2.15 Lakh Ha i.e.13% PADDY - VRR PLAN FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS (Contd..) 13

14 CROP DIVERSIFICATION PLAN  During 2013-14 Rice was cultivated in about 20.00 lakh ha  84% of irrigated area in Telangana is by bore wells and dug wells  It is planned to restrict rice area to 16.50 lakh ha by 2018-19  Water thus saved for 3.5 lakh ha will irrigate about 10.00 lakh ha of ID crops  It is planned to divert it to: Maize, Jowar, Bajra, Pulses and Soybean  This will improve cropping intensity & Irrigation intensity - Cropping Intensity 122% to 137% - Irrigation Intensity 144% to 157% 14

15 NEED OF MICRO IRRIGATION IN TELANGANA In Telangana out of 14.85 lakh ha of net irrigated area is with ground water, presently 4.7 lakh ha only is covered under micro irrigation, leaving a balance potential micro irrigation area of 10.00 lakh ha. Sl.No Name of the District Ground water net irrigated area (Ha) Area covered under Micro Irrigation fro 2003-04 to 2013-14 (Ha) Balance Potential Area (Ha) DripSprinklerTotal 1234567(3-6) 1Adilabad6096016703173013400426956 2Karimnagar31111628260961137871273245 3Nizamabad16957025099632131420138150 4Khammam940492403994813352060529 5Warangal25686633512908642598214268 6Nalgonda1856117694993838633299279 7Medak13051747538193356687363644 8Mahabubnagar205217800593164211170193516 9Rangareddy7194223516119283544436498 Total14858483556751240884797631006085 15

16 Enhanced allocation for Micro Irrigation Physical and Financial achievements under Micro Irrigation Project Sl. No. YearPhysical (ha) Financial (Rs. in crores) 12003-0466,64683.30 22006-0740,16192.76 32007-0854,785137.48 42008-0955,166138.08 52009-1066,066303.69 62010-1158,909243.86 72011-1251,135342.31 82012-1347,393406.52 92013-1439,501326.72 Total4,79,7622074.72  In a last 9 years 2074.72 crores is utilized and 4.79 Lakh Ha is covered under Micro Irrigation in Telangana 16

17 Physical Target for year 2014-15 Drip- 94,156 acres (38,120 ha) Sprinklers- 37,989 acres (15,380 ha) Total-1,32,145 acres (53,500 ha) NOTE: An amount of Rs. 455.22 crores is set apart in the budget 2014-15 17

18 MISSION SOIL HEALTH CARD  The State Government is gearing up to implement the Mission Soil Health Card from the current year, which happens to be the INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF SOIL HEALTH.  Necessary arrangements are being made to collect 4.5 Lakh Soil samples at 10 ha grid interval from 45 Lakh Ha of Net Cropped Area.  These soil samples would be utilized for determining MACRO & MICRO NUTRIENTS as one time collection of soil samples would be utilized for both the parameters.  Detailed sampling shall be organized in irrigated area during the subsequent two years period of the Mission.  Steps are taken to ensure that all the 55.54 Lakh farmers are provided with Soil Health card in the scheduled period. 18

19 LAND RESOURCE INVENTORY (LRI) @ 1:10,000 SCALE  The State has soil maps at 1:2,50,000 scale, showing details at Division Level. (Prepared by NBSS & LUP)  The next generation maps at 1:50,000 scale will be available by the end of the current year which will provide Mandal Land information. (Being prepared by NRSC & State Remote Sensing Centre)  The State has entered into a MOU with NBSS & LUP for soil mapping at 1:10,000 scale to provide soil information up to Village and Survey Number Levels.  During the first six months Pilot Project will be executed in three Mandals of the state for setting the methodology and contents of soil mapping.  In the next four years the entire state will be covered.  Besides the fertility status (Macro & Micro Nutrients) the soil maps at 1:10,000 scale will be provide information on 18 Soil and Land characteristics enable to suggest the best suited crop in each holding with alternate options in priority.  Besides the suggested crop, the soil data will also be useful for necessary Land Development Measure. 19

20 Enhanced allocation in Farm mechanization:  The budget provision under Farm Mechanization is raised from 112.91 crores in 2013-14 to Rs. 200.00 crores for 2014-15. Market intervention: Government provided Rs. 400 crores to MARKFED for market intervention.175 Maize procurement centers are opened by MARKFED as on 14-11-2014 Sl. No Procurement by MARKFED As on 14.11-2014 1Buying centres for Maize (Nos)175 Qty. procured (lakh MTs)1.09 2Cotton purchase centres by CCI (Nos)61 Qty. purchased (lakh bails)3.38 3Paddy purchase centres by CSC (Nos)775 Qty. purchased (lakh MTs)1.25 Fodder Security: An amount of Rs.415.65 Lakh is utilized to bring 62000 Acres under Fodder production and 642 chaff cutters were supplied on subsidy basis for fodder conservation. 20

21 Northern- Telangana Zone Central-Telangana Zone Southern-Telangana Zone High Altitude Zone AGRO CLIMATIC ZONES IN TELANGANA STATE 21 N.B: Four Agro-climatic zones are further sub-divided in to 100 farming situations based on soils, Copping pattern, rainfall and source of irrigation etc, and strategy designed for each farming situation. In consultation with research

22 Sl. No Farming Situation No.of Mandals Research Station Gross Cropped Area (Ha) Net Cropped Area (Ha) Cropping Intensity (%) Gross Irrigated Area (Ha) Net Irrigated Area (Ha) Irrigation Intensity (%) 1Project canal irrigation, light soils No conjunctive use 5ARS, Nathnaipally, Narsapur 105989111930322642115 2Tanks & Kuntas without conjunctive use-red soils 41FRS Sangareddy, 442213826811674496241119 3Tanks & Kuntas without conjunctive use-Black soils 42FRS Sangareddy, 398173412511749664233117 4Tanks & Kuntas supplemented by wells - red soils 35FRS Sangareddy, 22542189321198393671210118 5Tanks & Kuntas supplemented by wells - Black soils 35FRS Sangareddy, 1708014780116125903107112118 6Wells as irrigation source- red soils 45FRS Sangareddy, 641345376311964045321120 7Wells as irrigation source- black soils 32FRS Sangareddy, 260562185711996078113118 8Problematic-red soils7FRS Sangareddy, 378317119000 9Problematic- black soils13FRS Sangareddy, 1103928119000 10Rainfed areas - red soils43Sugarcane Research station Basanthapur 139569123242113000 11Rainfed areas - black soils44222177184569120000 12Pollution affected red soils4ARS, Nathnaipally, Narsapur 18471563118000 13Pollution affected black soils 2ARS, Nathnaipally, Narsapur 757632120000 TOTAL 580741493867118241297204872118 MEDAK DISTRICT - FARMING SITUATIONS 22

23 Sl. No Name of the farming Situation Major CropsArea in Ha.ConstraintsStrategies 1Project canal irrigation, light soils No conjunctive use Paddy, Sugarcane, Greengram, Blackgram, G.Nut 891Low plant population, Zn deficiency in soils, Improper water mangement, Non application of Potash Wide publicity through mass media on cultivation practices, Ensuring optimum plant population, Zn application, Encouraging Micro-Irrigation, application of MOP, applying green manures, Conducting On Farm Demos, Intercropping in S.Cane 2Tanks & Kuntas without conjunctive use- red soils Paddy, Greengram, Blackgram 38268Overaged Seedlings, Low Organic Farming, Low plant population, Zn defiency in soils, Improper water mangement, Non application of Potash to apply FYM, Ensuring optimum plant population, Zn application, Encoraging Micro- Irrigation, application of MOP, applying green manures, Conducting On Farm Demos 3Tanks & Kuntas without conjunctive use- Black soils Paddy, Sugarcane, Greengram, Blackgram 34125Overaged Seedlings, Low Organic Farming, Low plant population, Zn defiency in soils, Improper water mangement, Non application of Potash Encourage farmers to apply FYM, Ensuring optimum plant population, Zn application, Encoraging Micro-Irrigation, application of MOP, applying green manures, Conducting On Farm Demos, Intercropping in S.Cane 4Tanks & Kuntas supplemented by wells - red soils Paddy, Maize, Sunflower, G. Nut, Sugarcane 18932Low plant population, Zn defiency in soils, Improper water mangement, High Pest Incidence Encourage farmers to apply FYM, Ensuring optimum plant population, Zn application, Encoraging Micro-Irrigation, application of MOP, applying green manures, Conducting On Farm Demos, IPM Practices, Intercropping in S.Cane 5Tanks & Kuntas supplemented by wells - Black soils Paddy, Maize, Sunflower, G. Nut 14780Low plant population, Zn defiency in soils, Improper water mangement, High Pest Incidence, Non application of Potash & Bio Fertilizers Encourage farmers to apply FYM, Ensuring optimum plant population, Zn application, Encoraging Micro-Irrigation, application of MOP & Bio Fertilizers, applying green manures, Conducting On Farm Demos, IPM Practices 6Wells as irrigation source- red soils Paddy, Groundnut, Maize, Sunflower, Sugarcane, Turmeric 53763Shortage of Water during early Kharif and Summer, Low plant population, Zn defiency in soils, Improper water mangement, High Pest Incidence, Non application of Potash & Bio Fertilizers Encourage less water consuming crops like Pulses and Vegetables, Encourage farmers to apply FYM, Ensuring optimum plant population, Zn application, Encoraging Micro-Irrigation, application of MOP & Bio Fertilizers, applying green manures, Conducting On Farm Demos, IPM Practices MEDAK DISTRICT – CONSTRAINTS & STRATEGIES 23

24 Sl. No Name of the farming Situation Major CropsArea in Ha.ConstraintsStrategies 7Wells as irrigation source- black soils Paddy, Groundnut, Maize, Sunflower, Sugarcane, Turmeric 21857Shortage of Water during early Kharif and Summer, Low plant population, Zn defiency in soils, Improper water mangement, High Pest Incidence, Non application of Potash & Bio Fertilizers Encourage less water consuming crops like Pulses and Vegetables, Encourage farmers to apply FYM, Ensuring optimum plant population, Zn application, Encoraging Micro-Irrigation, application of MOP & Bio Fertilizers, applying green manures, Conducting On Farm Demos, IPM Practices 8Problematic-red soils Paddy, Sugarcane 317Cultivation of traditional Varieties, Non-Adoption of Soil reclaimation Cultivation of Tolerant varieties, Reclaimation with Lime 9Problematic- black soils Paddy, Sugarcane 928Cultivation of traditional Varieties, Zn Deficiency and Saline and Alkaline Soils Cultivation of Tolerant varieties, Soil application fo Zn and Gypsum 10Rainfed areas - red soils Paddy, Jowar, Redgram, Blackgram, Bengalgram, Safflower, Sunflower, Sesamum, Groundnut, Maize, Cotton, Castor 123242Late receipt of rainfall, Low plant population, Zn deficiency in soils, Improper water mangement, High Pest Incidence Early Sowings, Encourage farmers to apply FYM, Ensuring optimum plant population, Zn application, Encouraging Micro-Irrigation, application of MOP, applying green manures, Conducting On Farm Demos, IPM Practices 11Rainfed areas - black soils Paddy, Jowar, Redgram, Blackgram, Bengalgram, Greengram, Safflower, Groundnut, Maize, Cotton, Castor, Chillies 184569Late receipt of rainfall, Low plant population, Zn deficiency in soils, Improper water mangement, High Pest Incidence Early Sowings, Encourage farmers to apply FYM, Ensuring optimum plant population, Zn application, Encoraging Micro-Irrigation, application of MOP, applying green manures, Conducting On Farm Demos, IPM Practices 12Pollution affected red soils Paddy, Jowar, Redgram 1563Toxic metals/ Chemicals etc.Encourage non food crops like flowers etc. 13Pollution affected black soils Paddy632Toxic metals/ Chemicals etc.Encourage non food crops like flowers etc. 493867 24

25 GROWTH RATE (CAGR) AFTER LAUNCHING OF NFSM Sl. No. CropYear Area (Lakh ha) Yield Kgs/ha) Productio n (LMTs) CAGR % 1Rice 2006-07 (Base Year) 14.89285842.56 6.52 % over base year of 2006-07 2007-0814.08315644.44 2008-0916.92316853.61 2009-1011.16 2927 32.67 2010-1119.80 3301 65.35 2011-1217.50 2943 51.48 2012-13 14.19 3277 46.48 2013-1420.08329766.22 2Maize 2006-07 (Base Year) 5.91275516.28 11.67 % over base year of 2006-07 2007-086.04475728.73 2008-095.99366321.94 2009-105.69 2399 13.65 2010-115.11 4047 20.68 2011-125.91 3200 18.92 2012-13 6.63 4440 29.44 2013-147.52468535.25 Source: DES 25

26 Sl. No. CropYear Area (Lakh ha) Yield Kgs/ha) Production (LMTs) CAGR % 3Total Pulses 2006-07 (Base Year) 6.855373.68 3.59 % over base year of 2006-07 2007-085.617045.14 2008-096.626994.63 2009-107.14 471 3.36 2010-117.55 624 4.71 2011-126.18 480 2.97 2012-13 6.11 804 4.91 2013-145.638374.71 4 Total Foodgrains 2006-07 (Base Year) 30.81211765.23 7.40 % over base year of 2006-07 2007-0830.10270381.26 2008-0931.68260482.49 2009-1026.49 1957 51.84 2010-1134.45 2687 92.55 2011-1231.09 2413 75.02 2012-13 28.36 2909 82.49 2013-1434.563110107.49 Source: DES Contd…. 26


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