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e changes short vowel sounds to long vowel sounds! The Magic.

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Presentation on theme: "e changes short vowel sounds to long vowel sounds! The Magic."— Presentation transcript:


2 e changes short vowel sounds to long vowel sounds! The Magic

3 The Vowels: aeuoi

4 The Rule: Adding the magic e makes the first vowel long. e C V C

5 Long a – Magic e bakebake raterate damedame fadefade mademade lakelake pavepave capecape

6 e The ‘a’ Sound With can - cane fat - fate can - came tap - tape

7 Long i – Magic bikebike bitebite dimedime firefire hidehide likelike pilepile riperipe e

8 The ‘i’ Sound With rip - ripe bit - bite hid - hide lit - lite e

9 Long o – Magic bonebone codecode conecone notenote hosehose nosenose polepole roperope e

10 The ‘o’ Sound With not - note cod - code con - cone cop - cope e

11 Long u – Magic cubecube dudedude fusefuse mulemule ruderude rulerule tunetune lubelube e

12 The ‘u’ Sound With cut - cute dud - dude cub - cube us - use e


14 e Circle the 8 Words With hate hat side mule site rat rate bit bite not bone cube

15 hate hit rob mule tide rot rode name cute bag bike home Circle the 8 Words With e

16 cape hike hit robe bug tape name bus mule rode bag ripe Circle the 8 Words With e

17 Review The Rule: Adding the magic e makes the first vowel long. e C V C Thank you!

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