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MOVING FORWARD “Working together to support individuals in treatment, take their first step on a pathway into work and subsequently achieve change.”

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Presentation on theme: "MOVING FORWARD “Working together to support individuals in treatment, take their first step on a pathway into work and subsequently achieve change.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 MOVING FORWARD “Working together to support individuals in treatment, take their first step on a pathway into work and subsequently achieve change.”

2 Who are we and what do we do? Amanda Brookes - Drugs Coordinator, Jobcentre Plus Rebecca Steggles – Senior Project Worker, CRI Brighton Moving Forward

3 What is Recovery? “Gainful employment, appropriate housing and functional family relationships,” – NTA 2010 Over 70% of people entering treatment say they want to stop taking drugs all drugs Most effective when a person’s needs and aspirations are placed at the heart of care. DWP Drugs Strategy Moving Forward

4 Jobcentre Plus and drug treatment services working together April 09 – introduction of Drugs Strategy within JCP June 10 – changes to strategy following new government Working with drug treatment services to ensure that employment, training and education is a focus within treatment journey Moving Forward

5 Helping people get jobs: 5 key challenges Basic Belief – I can’t/I’ll never find work Local Labour Market knowledge- there are no jobs I can do around here Jobsearch skills – I’ll never find someone who will employ me Presenting my case effectively – they will take one look at me/my CV and say no! Keeping the job – even if I got a job I’d never be able to keep one with my problems Moving Forward

6 Example – Charlotte’s story “ My name’s Charlotte, I started working as a Cashier at the age of 18; I fell pregnant a year later and haven’t worked for ten years. I left school with no qualifications. I am a single mum who has raised three children. I had limited support in raising my children, due to leaving a violent relationship and I rarely speak to my family. Social Services are still involved with my family due to the nature of my past relationship and substance misuse issues. I frequently feel low and depressed.” Moving Forward

7 Task When do you think Charlotte would be ready to start talking about work? When do you think Charlotte would be ready to start applying for work? What experience do you think Charlotte has? What skills does she have to offer? What work could she do in the future? What tools do we currently use in treatment services that may help Charlotte? Moving Forward

8 Charlotte’s transferable skills - example Problem solving – Single mum for 10 years facing many obstacles brought by raising children with limited support and living on a budget Communication skills – As a mum communicating with children, other parents, Schools etc Empathy – As a single mum looking after children as well as a vast amount of experience of being in vulnerable situations. Practical skills – As a single mum undertaking practical alterations within a home such as building furniture, electrical or plumbing issues Moving Forward

9 Example of Tools Regular Interactions – e.g. Key work / groups Individuals engaging in treatment provides an opportunity for agencies to support a person to “move forward.” C.B.T Supporting an individuals to challenge their own thought processes about work will ultimately increase a persons confidence and empower them to step out of their comfort zone, and “move forward.” Moving Forward

10 Examples of Tools continued.. Motivational Interviewing A fundamental tool that should be part of any Intervention during treatment. “Developing discrepancy” is an effective way in identifying where a person wants to be in comparison with their current situation – Can identify SMART goals SMART goal setting Ensuring steps on the pathway to work is included as part of SMART goals, (i.e. Care plan Moving Forward

11 Examples of Tools continued…. Partnership working Increasing knowledge of local services and making contact will building partnership working and subsequently benefit the individual. BTEI / ITEP A visual tool currently being introduced across the country. Supports engagement, rapport building and provides a method to record a person’s progress throughout treatment Moving Forward

12 Charlotte’s transferable skills Problem solving – Single mum for 10 years facing many obstacles brought by raising children with limited support and living on a budget Communication skills – As a mum communicating with children, other parents, Schools etc Empathy – As a mum looking after children Practical skills – As a single mum undertaking practical alterations within a home such as building furniture, electrical or plumbing issues Moving Forward

13 Example 2 – Charlotte’s story- different perspective “ I am a strong and determined individual who has a passion for overcoming barriers or obstacles that I may face. This passion has enabled me to develop excellent problem solving skills. I have outstanding communication skills across a wide range of audiences, including direct customer service but also with public authorities such as Schools. I am not only a caring and emphatic individual but I am also someone who has the ability to perform practical tasks such as budgeting and DIY. I am looking for an opportunity to develop both personally and professionally.” Moving Forward

14 Paths into Work – practical steps Identify skills – direct or transferable Identify interests or possible career path Start preparing both physically and mentally to return to work Build a routine around career path – possibly looking at voluntary work Start looking for opportunities and practicing job searching methods Moving Forward

15 So what is happening locally? Set up of Recovery and Reintegration steering group within Brighton and Hove inc ETE sub group 35 advisers within Brighton JCP have received DAAT basic drug awareness training 2 key workers from CRI have received joint NTA/JCP led training Production of Moving Forward toolkit to assist key workers and service users Delivery of workshops for key workers and service users to focus transferable skills and moving forward. Moving Forward

16 Any questions? Moving Forward

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