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3 Agriculture scenario in zone IIa Total geographical area36.9 lac ha Cultivated area29.4 lac ha Net area sown26.7lac ha Net irrigated area7.8lac ha

4 Area & productivity of important crops CropArea (lac ha)Productivity (Kg/ha) Bajra12.21548 Moth3.01193 Moong2.77353 Cowpea0.77445 Guar4.12243 Wheat2.283088 Mustard2.981433 Gram3.57725 Barley0.452867

5 Cowpea (Vigna anguiculata)

6 Varieties Mean grain yield (kg/ha) Days to maturity RC-10158170 RCp-2765272 RC-1955467 Suitable varieties

7 Treatment Mean grain yield (kg/ha)* Mean fodder yield (kg/ha)* Additional return (Rs/ha) (kg/ha) 03531192- 4046114101042 Crop production Sulphur fertilization Application of 40 kg sulphur /ha through gypsum is recommended for obtaining higher grain yield of cowpea. *For organic cultivation of cowpea, use of 3.75t/ha FYM every year was found suitable

8 Treatment Mean grain yield * (kg/ha) Straw yield (kg/ha) Weedy check435949 Two hand weedings at 20 & 30 DAS 7161255 Fluchloralin (Pre-pl) @ 0.75kg/ha + one hand weeding 30 DAS 7331242 Weed Management For weed management in cowpea, two hand weeding 20 and 30 days after sowing or pre-plant in corporation of Fluchloralin @ 0.75kg/ha followed by one hand weeding at 30 DAS is found effective.

9 TreatmentJassid population reduction (% ) White flies reduction (% ) Mean seed yield* (kg/ha) Net return (Rs/ha) Control8.395.98717- Methyl parathion 2% (25 kg/ha) 82.880.6413551870 Protection Technologies Management of jassid, pod borer and whitefly On appearance of insects in cowpea, dusting of Methyl parathion 2% dust at 25kg/ha is economical.

10 TreatmentJassid population Reduction (% ) Pod borer infestation (%) Mean seed yield* (kg/ha) Net return (Rs/ha) Control013.32588- Azadirachtin1500ml /ha 64.796.957511505 Azadirachtin (750ml/ha) + half dose of Monocrotophos (500ml/ha) 65.307.077421390 2. In cowpea use either Azadirachtin 1500ml/ha alone or a combination of Azadirachtin (750ml/ha) and half dose of Monocrotophos (500ml/ha) for control against jassids and pod borer.

11 TreatmentPDI Mean Mean grain yield * (kg/ha) B:C ratio Topsin-M (2g/kg seed)16.8691429.0 Bavistin+Thiram (1+2g/kg seed) 17.9592239.0 Management of stem blight For control stem blight (Macrophomina phaseolina) in cowpea, seed treatment with Bavistin 50 WP + Thiram (1+2g/kg) or Topsin-M (2g/kg) is recommended.

12 AES wise performance of cowpea varieties AESSuitable varieties IRC-101, RCP-27, RC-19, IIRC-101, RC-19, RCP-27 IIIRCP-27, RC-101, RC-19 IVRC-101, RC-19, RCP-27

13 DistrictSuitable varieties SikarRCP-27, RC-101, RC-19 JhunjhunuRC-101, RCP-27, RC-19, District wise performance of cowpea verities

14 Mungbean (Phaseolus radiatus)

15 VarietiesMean seed yield (kg/ha)* Days to maturity RMG-26875964 RMG-6269166 MUM-237967 Suitable varieties SML-668 included in POP RMG-492 included in POP

16 Crop production Sulphur fertilization Application of 40 kg sulphur /ha through gypsum is recommended for obtaining higher grain yield of cowpea. Treatment Mean grain yield (kg/ha) Straw yield (kg/ha) Gross returns (Rs/ha) Weedy check40914303408 Weed free (2 times)98819857483 Fluchloraline at 0.5 kg/ha ( ppi) 88821956922 Moongbean crop should be kept weed free either by two hand weeding at 20 and 30 days after sowing or by applying Fluchloraline at 0.5 kg/ha as pre planting soil incorporation for obtaining higher yield. Weed management

17 Treatment Mean grain yield (kg/ha) Net return (Rs/ha) B:C ratio Azadirachtin alone (1500ml/ha)58628564.96 Azadirachtin + Monocrotophos (750+500 ml/ha) 60630464.41 Control381-- Protection Technologies Management of jassid, whitefly and pod borer For the control of jassid, whitefly and pod borers in mungbean, spray of azadirachtin 750 ml mixed with monocrotophos 36 WSC at 500 ml / ha should be done at the time of pest appearance and repeated once at 20 days interval as and when pest reappear.

18 TreatmentPercent pod infestation Mean grain yield * (kg/ha) Net return (Rs/ha) Quinalphos 25 EC lL/ha 4.247151271 Dimethoate 30 EC lL/ha 3.07615610 Methyl demeton 25 EC lL/ha 4.536831167 Control10.15440- 2. Spraying of either Dimethoate 30 EC or Quinolphos 25 EC or Methyl demeton 25 EC @ lL/ha is found effective and economic for management of foliage insect-pests (White flies and Jassids) and pod borer of moongbean.

19 Treatment Mean percent pod infestation Mean grain yield* (kg/ha) Net return (Rs/ha) Methyl parathion 2% dust 25kg/ha 3.87 8741780 Quinalphos 1.5% dust 25kg/ha 4.60 8301424 Malathion 5% dust 25kg/ha3.809221792 Control10.47553- 3. Moong crop can be protected by insect-pests by dusting the crop at the time of infestation either with Methyl parathion 2% or Quinalphos 1.5% or Malathion 5% dust at 25kg/ha.

20 Treatment Disease incidence Mean grain yield B:C ration Topsin-M (ST) + Mancozeb (two spray) 14.609462.6 Control22.36704- Management of stem blight 4. Seed treatment with Topsin-M (2g/kg) followed by two spray of Mancozeb (2kg/ha) at 30 and 40 DAS was found effective to control of stem blight (Macrophomina phaseolina) in moongbean.

21 AESSuitable Varieties ISML-668, RMG-492, MUM-2, K-851, RMG-268 IIRMG-492, RMG-268, SML-668, K-851, MUM-2 IIISML-668, RMG-492, MUM-2, K-851, RMG-268 IVRMG-492, SML-668, RMG-268, K-851, MUM-2 AES-wise performance of Mungbean varieties

22 DistrictSuitable Varieties SikarRMG-492, SML-668, RMG-268, K-851, MUM-2 Jhunjhunu SML-668, RMG-492, MUM-2, K-851, RMG-268 District wise performance of mungbean varieties

23 AESRecommendation I60 Kg Sulphur/ha II40 Kg Sulphur/ha III60 Kg Sulphur/ha IV40 Kg Sulphur/ha AES wise Micronutrient management (Sulphur though gypsum) management in Mungbean DistrictRecommendation Sikar40-60kg Sulphur/ha Jhunjhunu40kg Sulphur/ha Nagaur60kg Sulphur/ha District wise micronutrient (Sulphur though gypsum) management in Mungbean

24 Clusterbean (Cymposis tetragonoloba

25 VarietiesMean seed yield( kg/ha)* Days to maturity RGC-1002109295-101 RGC-1003113794-100 RGC-1017121594-100 RGC-93688990-92 RGC-197111890-95 Suitable varieties

26 TreatmentMean seed yield (kg/ha)* Control1157 30kg S/ha through gypsum1439 Sulphur fertilization Application of sulphur 30kg/ha through gypsum at the time of sowing is recommended for obtaining higher yield of clusterbean. TreatmentMean grain yield (kg/ha)* Mean straw yield (kg/ha) Weedy check7352788 Fluchloralin (0.75kg/ha as ppi) 11113070 Fluchloralin (0.75kg/ha as ppi) + one hand weeding at 30 DAS 11143111 Weed management Pre-plant application of fluchloralin @ 0.75kg/ha super imposed with one hand weeding at 30 days after sowing is recommended for effective weed control in clusterbean.

27 TreatmentMean grain yield * (kg/ha) Additional return (Rs/ha) Seed soaking No seed soaking598- Seed soaking in 500 ppm thiourea 681957 Seed soaking in 500 ppm thiourea + 100 ppm DMSO 7011189 Agro-chemical Seed soaking of clusterbean, in mixed solution of 500 ppm thiourea + 100 ppm of DMSO for 4 hours and drying in shade for 2-3 hours before sowing is beneficial to increase the grain yield.

28 TreatmentMean grain yield * (kg/ha) Additional return (Rs/ha) Foliar sprays Two sprays of water580- Two sprays of 500 ppm thiourea 674641 Two sprays of 500 ppm thiourea + 100 ppm DMSO 708968 2. Two sprays of 500 ppm thiourea or mixed solution of 500 ppm thiourea + 100 ppm DMSO at vegetative stage and flowering stage is beneficial to increase the grain yield.

29 Treatment Percent Population reduction (Mean)* Jassid Whitefly Aphid Azadirachtin alone ( 1500 ml/ha) 70.28 (57.06) 67.19 (55.17) 75.03 (60.22) Azadirachtin+Monocrotophos ( 1000 +500 ) 75.68 (60.59) 72.80 (58.66) 80.36 (64.04) Control8.55 (16.91) 10.57 (17.74) 6.47 (14.52) Protection Technologies M anagement of Jassid & Whitefly In kharif season clusterbean is being infested by sucking pest like jassid, aphid and white fly. Spray of azadirachtin 1000 ml mixed with monocrotophos 36 WSC at 500 ml / ha should be done at the time of pest appearance and repeat once at 20 days interval as and when pest reappear. Figures in parentheses are angular transformed values

30 TreatmentMean grain yield* (kg/ha) Net additional return (Rs/ha) Azadirachtin alone ( 1500ml/ha) 6781916 Azadirachtin+Monocrotoph os (1000 + 500 ml/ha) 8333566 Control450-

31 Treatment% reduction whitefly % reduction jassid % reduction aphid Mean grain yield * (kg/ha) Net return (Rs/ha ) Monocrotophos 40 EC @ 1litre/ha 83.73839184.71 11.88921 Methyl demeton 25 EC @ 1litre/ha 82.34832183.64 11.701015 Dimethoate 30 EC @ 1litre/ha 81.13815049.06 1130954 Control9.219.449.20 777- 2. For control of white fly (Bemisia tabaci), jassids (Ampoasca spp.) and aphids (Aphis craccivora) in clusterbean, spray with either Methyl demeton 25 EC or Dimethoate 30 EC or Monocrotophos 40 EC @ lL/ha was found effective and economic for management of foliage insect-pests (White flies, Aphids and Jassids) of guar.

32 TreatmentDose Root rot incidence % Mean grain yield* (kg/ha) Additional net return (Rs/ha) Bavistin +Thiram1+2g 3.35 (10.50) 6301665 T. harzianum5g/kg 6.32 (14.61) 540785 Control-15.50 (23.20) 461- Management of root rot Seed treatment with Bavistin + Thiram (1+2g/kg) or Trichoderma harzianium @ 5g/kg seed is effective to control to root rot in clusterbean.

33 AESSuitable Varieties I RGC-197, RGC-1003,RGC-1017, RGC- 1002. RGC- 936, III RGC-1003, RGC-197, RGC-1002, RGC-1017, RGC- 936, V RGC-197, RGC-1003, RGC-1017, RGC- 1002. RGC-936, VIRGC-936, RGC-197, RGC-1003, RGC-1017, RGC- 1002 AES-wise performance of Clusterbean varieties

34 AESSuitable Varieties IRGC-197, RGC-1003,RGC-1017, RGC- 1002. RGC-936, IIRGC-1003, RGC-1002, RGC-197, RGC-1017, RGC-936, IIIRGC-1003, RGC-197, RGC-1002, RGC-1017, RGC-936, IVRGC-1003, RGC-1002, RGC-197, RGC-1017, RGC-936, VRGC-197, RGC-1003, RGC-1017, RGC- 1002. RGC-936, VIRGC-936, RGC-197, RGC-1003, RGC-1017, RGC-1002 AES-wise performance of Clusterbean varieties DistrictSuitable Varieties SikarRGC-1003, RGC-197, RGC-1002, RGC-1017, RGC-936, JhunjhunuRGC-197, RGC-1003,RGC-1017, RGC- 1002. RGC-936, NagaurRGC-936, RGC-197, RGC-1003, RGC-1017, RGC-1002 ChuruRGC-197, RGC-1003, RGC-1017, RGC- 1002. RGC-936, District wise performance of Clusterbean varieties

35 AESRecommendation I 20 kg ZnSO 4 /ha+foliar spray of 0.5%ZnSo 4 II20 kg ZnSO 4 /ha III20 kg ZnSO 4 /ha IV20 kg ZnSO 4 /ha V 20 kg ZnSO 4 /ha + foliar spray of 0.5%ZnSo 4 VI 20 kg ZnSO 4 /ha + foliar spray of 0.5%ZnSo 4 AES wise Micronutrient management (ZnSO 4 ) in Clusterbean DistrictRecommendation Sikar20 kg ZnSO 4 /ha Jhunjhunu 20 kg ZnSO 4 /ha + foliar spray of 0.5%ZnSo 4 Nagaur 20 kg ZnSO 4 /ha + foliar spray of 0.5%ZnSo 4 Churu 20 kg ZnSO 4 /ha + foliar spray of 0.5%ZnSo 4 District wise Micronutrient management (ZnSO 4 ) in Clusterbean

36 Thanking you


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