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Inverclyde. What are we trying to achieve? To improve family engagement and to improve parental skills of vulnerable families who are supported by the.

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1 Inverclyde

2 What are we trying to achieve? To improve family engagement and to improve parental skills of vulnerable families who are supported by the Family Support Volunteer project from Action for Children 100% of parents who engage with the Family Support Volunteer Project will record that they have increased confidence and developed their parenting skills through having fun and enjoying time with their children by Christmas 2014.

3 How will we know change is an improvement? Parents will show an increase in confidence and self esteem to be able to take their children to community facilities by themselves and play at home with their children. Children will show improved attachment with their parents and be able to say what they enjoy doing with their parents. Peer Mentors will have knowledge of local amenities and support services and be able to refer with a clear pathway for support and access. Measurements that will be affected: Current Level 1.Increased Parental Confidence and Self Esteem 2.Increased joint play activities between parent and child. 3.Family participate in a range of community activities and home activities 4.The peer mentor is trained, skilled and experienced in working with vulnerable families and has knowledge of local services and amenities

4 What changes can we make that could result in improvement? 1. Support parents with information and advice on range of local activities, support services and at home activities that will improve relationships between parent and child. 2. Provide parents with information and resources for activities they can participate in at home with their children. 3. Increase parents knowledge on attachment and child brain development to encourage engagement with their children. 4. Provide intensive training to mentors to build their knowledge and confidence of working with the families and the services/amenities they will be engaging with and on behalf of the families. 5. Ensure that there is a match so that the right families get the mentor who best suits their needs.

5 Initial Activities/Cycles Encourage families to participate in home activities using various methods and programmes such as baking at home, play @ home and Book Bug @ home Encourage families to participate in community services within walking distance to their home such as libraries, toddler or nursery groups, parks. Find out what other service assistance the family could benefit from and be able to access that pathway. Encourage families and community services to access the Action for Children volunteer project for support and assistance.

6 Process measures 18 families have been referred into the project 36 children in total Aged between 4 months – 17 years old 13 Families referred into the project have been matched with volunteers 12 currently being supported 1 matched but not introduced 3 no longer supported Volunteers with the project resources

7 Outcome measures- Volunteers Parenting Resource- FAB parents Project Volunteers have put together a parenting training resource which they will be using to teach other parents about attachment and brain development. Because they felt that parents should know how play and interaction can affect children’s development Fun Active Better Parenting- FAB Parents They have put together resources and will be delivering in local schools and nurseries. These will be delivered as courses of three informal, fun sessions to help parents understand more about child development and give families lots of ideas about how to have fun and support their children at home. Telling my husband how far we have come on by having the opportunity to work on a pack to deliver to parents. Volunteer D- Sept 2014 I will use what I have learned to deliver parenting workshops. It has inspired my interest in child development to the view of looking into a career in this area. Volunteer B- October 2014 Another test of change will examine whether these are better attended and received than training sessions delivered by practitioners

8 I feel it has made a difference to my family, it has got them more excited about reading Mum B August 2014 We had been discussing going to Book Bug at the library in Port Glasgow, and the feedback from Mum was very positive. The visit went really well Mum and the children had great fun an we plan to go back again Mum B Sept 2014 Volunteer D Sept 2014 We have been doing Book Bug every week, singing and rhymes. The children are really enjoying the fun sessions particularly Book Bug. We have been doing Book Bug every week, singing and rhymes. The children are really enjoying the fun sessions particularly Book Bug. We have been youtubing Book Bug and she loves it. Definitely doing more reading with the children, particularly my son he loves books now. We took the books back but kept out the textured one, as she loves making the animal noises and touching the pages. Mum B Sept 2014

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