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Psychology. 1856-1939 Sigmund Freud  Iceberg Eros (Life Drives) Thanatos (Death Drives) Need for food, water, sex Violence, death and aggression.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychology. 1856-1939 Sigmund Freud  Iceberg Eros (Life Drives) Thanatos (Death Drives) Need for food, water, sex Violence, death and aggression."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychology

2 1856-1939 Sigmund Freud

3  Iceberg

4 Eros (Life Drives) Thanatos (Death Drives) Need for food, water, sex Violence, death and aggression

5 ID Inborn Biological drives Pleasure Seeker

6  Ego  Referee

7  Superego  Develops Later  Considers Societies Rules  Ego Ideal: What to strive for  Conscious: Limits behaviour

8  Oral stage: (1)  - Up to 1yr old  - Mouth provides pleasure  - Sucking, biting, chewing,  - cooing, etc  - Dependent on parent  - Weaning leads to conflict

9  Oral fixation  Passive, dependant, demanding  Personalities  Smoking, chewing pencils, sucking thumb,  overuse of telephone, etc

10  Anal Stage (2):  - 1-3yrs old  - Pleasure from holding  onto faeces and going to  the toilet  - Toilet training causes  conflict

11  Tight-fisted, stubborn, punctual, overcontrolling,  obsessively neat,, tidy,  organised = anally retentive [overly strict  potty training]  Rebellious, messy, disorganised, shares  too much = anally expulsive [liberal potty  training]

12  Phallic stage (3):  - 4-6yrs old  - Pleasure comes from  genitals  - Public masturbation  causes conflict

13  Oedipus complex  Little boys attracted to mum and see dad as  a rival.  Develops ‘castration anxiety’  Represses feeling for mum and instead ‘identifies’ with  (copies) dad  * Electra complex  Little girls notice dad has a penis.  Develops ‘penis envy’  Represses feelings for dad and instead identifies with mum

14  Phallic fixation  Self centred, vain, arrogant, constant need  for attention, reckless, exhibitionist, selfassured

15  Latency stage:  - 7-12yrs old  - Calm before storm  - Sexual urges dormant until puberty  Genital Stage (4):  - Puberty  - Beginnings of adult  sexuality and urges

16  Strengths  Made the case study method poular  Highlighted the importance of childhood  Unscientific  Rejects free will

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