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By Madison wright I interviewed my mum also known as Rachel she works at Pukekohe Auto Air Electrical. Down on manukau road she dose all the computer.

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2 By Madison wright

3 I interviewed my mum also known as Rachel she works at Pukekohe Auto Air Electrical. Down on manukau road she dose all the computer and file work and also deals with costermars,there are two sides to my mums work one is the rental side and the auto air and electrical side.

4 Where do you work: Pukekohe auto air. Who works there : My mum Rachel Wright. What dose she do: she is a admin manger. why did she choose that job: Because it is a flexible job and has friendly people to work with. How :if your wondering is to how my mum gets to work she goes in the car and makes it on time to her work to about 15 minutes to nine so that's how she gets to work.

5 1: working 6 hours a day and 18 hours a week. 2: she deals with costumes witch buy of her company and costumes witch sell to there company. 3: she also dose every ones pay roll witch is a pretty important job because if they dint have her they wouldn't get paid 4: She dose all the boring paper work and taxes and files and every think like that I guess you could say that every job comes with the good and the bad.

6 First she cheeks the computer for any resent up dates then she goes onto the website for the pay roll and makes shore that every one is getting paid. Then she will ether do the invoicing and filing,then she dose some more computer work witch normally takes up most of those 6 hours during her work hours. when its here lunch break she normally eats and works at the same time she finds she can get more work done doing that. when costumes come to here work they come into a little room were she greets them and sees if she can help them,witch in some cases she can not but then she points them in the right direction of were they might go to get what ever they need done.



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