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. The Reunion Island is located next to Madagascar..

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Presentation on theme: ". The Reunion Island is located next to Madagascar.."— Presentation transcript:

1 . The Reunion Island is located next to Madagascar..

2 Cari of tuna: Ingredients: for about 4 people 1,2 kg of tuna. 8 small tomatoes 6 cloves of garlic 3 onions 2 hot peppers thyme 1 teaspoon of turmeric A piece of ginger Salt Oil Preparation : Cut the tuna into small pieces. Chop onions. Cut tomatoes into small pieces. Crush together the garlic, the ginger, the hot peppers and the salt. Make onions singe in a pot with oil. Add the crushed mixture with the thyme. 3 minutes later, add the pieces of tomatoes, the turmeric, a glass of water and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. Add the tuna by moving delicately and let it cook under cover for about 15 minutes. If needed, add a little water during the cooking.

3 My mum is cutting the tomatoes and onions. My mum is cutting the tuna into small pieces.

4 It’s cooking for about 15 minutes…

5 We can eat it with rice. It’s soooo delicious!!! By Sarah.

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