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NorduGrid Grid Manager developed at NorduGrid project.

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1 NorduGrid Grid Manager developed at NorduGrid project

2 NorduGrid Grid Manager (essentials) The Target Provide job control and data handling functionality required by HEP applications. Limitation: Data is handled only at that beginning and end of the job. User must provide information about input and output data. Comparisons Globus gatekeeper Provides more functionality for controling job parameters and data handling EDG WP1 Moves part of Logging and Bookkeeping functionality from the centralized server. Hence gives better fault tolerance. Job is run in more restrictive environment (maybe not already??) No special requirements for working nodes of the cluster

3 NorduGrid Grid Manager (Globus is cornerstone) The Grid Manager is based on Globus Toolkit TM libraries and services. The following parts of Globus are used: GridFTP - fast and reliable data access for Grid GASS Copy interface - support for different data access protocols Replica Catalog - metadata storage GRAM - resource request (obsolete) RSL - expandable Resource Specification Language The advantages of using Globus: Widely accepted de-facto standard for Grid computing No need to develop low level services Security built in Continiously evolving (??)

4 NorduGrid Grid Manager (internals) LRMS (PBS) Job session directories Gatekeeper LRMS (PBS) Computing nodes LRMS (PBS) Grid Manager Globus Gatekeeper GRAM Jobmanager NG Globus GridFTP server NorduGrid GridFTP file access plugin job control plugin

5 NorduGrid Grid Manager (job submission) LRMS (PBS) Job session directories Gatekeeper LRMS (PBS) Computing nodes LRMS (PBS) NorduGrid GridFTP file access plugin job control plugin Grid Manager

6 NorduGrid Grid Manager (job submission) LRMS (PBS) Job session directories Gatekeeper LRMS (PBS) Computing nodes LRMS (PBS) NorduGrid GridFTP file access plugin job control plugin Grid Manager RSL

7 NorduGrid Grid Manager (job submission) LRMS (PBS) Job session directories Gatekeeper LRMS (PBS) Computing nodes LRMS (PBS) NorduGrid GridFTP file access plugin job control plugin Grid Manager RSL

8 NorduGrid Grid Manager (job submission) LRMS (PBS) Job session directories Gatekeeper LRMS (PBS) Computing nodes LRMS (PBS) NorduGrid GridFTP file access plugin job control plugin Grid Manager RSL Job directory Inputfiles prodscript atlsim.makefile atlas.kumac gen0016_1.root <- rc:///gen0016_1.root

9 NorduGrid Grid Manager (job preparation) LRMS (PBS) Job session directories Gatekeeper LRMS (PBS) Computing nodes LRMS (PBS) NorduGrid GridFTP file access plugin job control plugin Grid Manager Job directory Inputfiles prodscript atlsim.makefile atlas.kumac gen0016_1.root <- rc:///gen0016_1.root prodscript atlsim.makefile atlas.kumac prodscript atlsim.makefile atlas.kumac

10 NorduGrid Grid Manager (job preparation) LRMS (PBS) Job session directories Gatekeeper LRMS (PBS) Computing nodes LRMS (PBS) NorduGrid GridFTP file access plugin job control plugin Grid Manager Job directory Inputfiles prodscript atlsim.makefile atlas.kumac gen0016_1.root rc:///gen0016_1.root prodscript atlsim.makefile atlas.kumac prodscript atlsim.makefile atlas.kumac gen0016_1.root Downloader rc:///gen0016_1.root

11 NorduGrid Grid Manager (job execution) Job session directories Gatekeeper LRMS (PBS) Computing nodes LRMS (PBS) NorduGrid GridFTP file access plugin job control plugin Grid Manager Job directory executable = prodscript runtimeEnvironment = ATLAS arguments = 0001 1 100 prodscript atlsim.makefile atlas.kumac gen0016_1.root LRMS (PBS) prodscript 0001 1 100

12 NorduGrid Grid Manager (job post-processing) Job session directories Gatekeeper LRMS (PBS) Computing nodes LRMS (PBS) NorduGrid GridFTP file access plugin job control plugin Grid Manager Job directory prodscript atlsim.makefile atlas.kumac gen0016_1.root stdout + stderr atlas.001.his atlas.001.zebra LRMS (PBS) prodscript 0001 1 100 stdout + stderr

13 NorduGrid Grid Manager (job post-processing) Job session directories Gatekeeper LRMS (PBS) Computing nodes LRMS (PBS) NorduGrid GridFTP file access plugin job control plugin Grid Manager Job directory stdout + stderr atlas.001.his atlas.001.zebra LRMS (PBS) stdout + stderr atlas.001.zebra Outputfiles stdout + stderr atlas.001.his atlas.001.zebra rc:///results/atlas.001.zebra Uploader rc:///results/atlas.001.zebra @

14 NorduGrid Grid Manager (Functionality) Stage in input data and executables. Possible sources: Job submission machine GridFTP (preffered), FTP, HTTP or HTTPS servers Files registered in Globus Replica Catalog. Secure authentication. Destination is chosen automatically or can be forced. Stage out output data. Possible destinations: Keep on Grid cluster till user downloads GridFTP, FTP, HTTP or HTTPS servers Files can be registered in Globus Replica Catalog. Destination and protocol are obtained from Location information Email notification of job status changes Support for software runtime environment configuration Interface to the information about job (used by NorduGrid Information System)

15 NorduGrid Grid Manager (Things To Do) Better support for data handling: On-site data caching (preferably partial caching) On-site data sharing Better handling of failures More firewall friendly Better support for Local Resource Management System More flexible configuration suitable for demanding site managers Better support for running under non-root account Improve security More strict permissions Possible chroot environment

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