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Faculty Council October 6, 2011. Sub-Goal 1.A. Increase enrollment of Clinton County adult learners (25 years and older).  1.A.1. Increase enrollment.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty Council October 6, 2011. Sub-Goal 1.A. Increase enrollment of Clinton County adult learners (25 years and older).  1.A.1. Increase enrollment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty Council October 6, 2011

2 Sub-Goal 1.A. Increase enrollment of Clinton County adult learners (25 years and older).  1.A.1. Increase enrollment of adult learners 25 years of age or older from 525 to 575 by Fall 2017. Sub-Goal 1.B. Maintain current enrollment numbers by recent high school graduates.  1.B.1. Maintain enrollment numbers of full-time and part-time students under age 25.  1.B.2. Maintain enrollment of 31% of prior year Clinton County high school graduates. at.

3 Sub-Goal 2.A. Improve second semester and one year student retention.  2.A.1. On an annual basis, measure second semester and one year retention rates by county of residence and identify target geographic areas of concern.  2.A.2. Improve second semester retention rates for targeted geographic areas.  2.A.3: Improve first-year retention rates for targeted geographic areas.

4 Sub-Goal 2.B. Improve successful completion rates in gatekeeper courses.  2.B.1. On an annual basis, identify courses with highest numbers of unsuccessful completions (defined as those receiving a D, F, R or W in the course) and select target courses accordingly.  2.B.2: Reduce D/F/R/W rates in those identified “gatekeeper courses.

5 Sub-Goal 2.C. Improve successful completion of distance learning and hybrid courses.  2.C.1. Measure successful completion rates (receipt of A, B, or C grade) of distance learning or hybrid courses.  2.C.2: Compare success rates of live courses versus distance learning or hybrid courses and develop a plan, if needed, to address any concerns.

6 Sub-Goal 3A. Emphasize the impacts of internationalism on the region.  3A.1. Describe the impacts of international business on the region by Fall 2012.  3A.2. Disseminate these impacts to the campus audience by Spring 2013.  3A.3. Begin to incorporate this information into campus curriculum and student activities and programming by Fall 2014.

7 Sub-Goal 3B. Diversify the student body and continue international student programming.  3B.1. Increase the number of international students from 14 to 50 and minority students from 179 to 200.  3B. 2. Increase the number of student programming events in the academic year from 437 to 500. Sub-Goal 3C. Diversify campus workforce.  3C.1. Develop and implement recruitment strategies to include total number of minority employee applicants by 12/31/12.

8 Sub-Goal 4A. Support professional development that allows the campus to be more data-driven in its decision-making through institutional research. Analyze expenditures and activities committed annually. Sub-Goal 4B. Support professional development related to best practices in student access, retention and success, and embracing internationalism and diversity. Analyze expenditures and hours committed to each area. Sub-Goal 4C. Support professional development in specific professional and academic content areas. Analyze expenditures and hours committed to each area annually.

9 Sub-Goal 5A. Adopt the 2011 Facilities Master Plan.  5.A.1. Bring the plan through approval process all the way through Board of Trustees by 12/31/11. Sub-Goal 5B. Implement portions of the plan as resources are identified and secured, report progress and re-visit priorities of the plan annually.

10 Sub-Goal 6A. Establish an updated brand identity.  6.A.1. Complete internal and external consultant work to have a new logo, tagline and color-scheme by May 2012.  6.A.2. Begin to incorporate identity into all campus materials by Summer 2012.

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