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Published byBrady Langridge Modified over 10 years ago
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków BalticGrid in One Slide Partners: –10 Leading institutions in six countries in the Baltic Region and Switzerland (CERN) Budget: –3.0 M€ Coordinator: –KTH PDC, Stockholm Compute Resources: –17 resource centres Duration: –30 Months –Started 1 November 2005 SA - Specific Service Activities NA - Networking Activities JRA - Joint Research Activities
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków BalticGrid Objectives Sustainable integration of the research and educational computing and communication infrastructure in the Baltic States into the European Grid infrastructure. Enable the formation of effective research collaborations in the Baltic States, within Europe and beyond. Enabling an efficient sharing of unique instruments and data, as for instance environmental data related to the Baltic Sea.
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków BalticGrid Approach Maximize use of human resources for Grid development and deployment by implementing the Baltic Grid as an extension of EGEE –Grid Operations coordinated with the EGEE North European Regional Operating Centre Assure manageable co-existence with other European Grids –DEISA, CrossGrid, NorduGrid… Engage the Baltic States in Grid related policy and standards activities
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków BalticGrid Partners Estonia –Tallinn, Tartu Lithuania –Vilnius Latvia –Riga Poland –Kraków, Poznan Switzerland –Geneva Sweden –Stockholm
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków BalticGrid Partners Estonian Educational and Research Network, EENet –The Network operator for the Estonian research and educational institutions. Working infrastructure for IPv6, maintainer of Estonian CA and BalticGrid CA (EUGridPMA) Keemilise ja Bioloogilse Füüsika Instituut, NICPB –Estonia's largest independent research institute in the areas of high- energy physics, chemical physics and biophysics with more than 100 researchers. Internationally recognized NMR effort. First Estonian internet connection. First Estonian grid enabled system. Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, IMCS UL –Latvian leading research institute of mathematics and computer science. Hosts LATNET, the Latvian academic network operator, and is the GEANT partner in Latvia. Partner in BALTNET and host of the first BALTNET conference 1993. Riga Technical University, RTU –Technical university strong in materials science, architecture, E- learning. Latvian representative e-IRG. Vilnius University, VU –Leading university in Lithuania with 30 000 students. Strong areas are mathematics, physics and chemistry. Partner of LITNET
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków BalticGrid Partners (cont) Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, ITPA –Lithuanian independent research institute in observatory astronomy and fundamental physics. Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, PSNC –Leading Polish HPCN centre. Responsible for the Polish academic and educational network PIONIER - early 10G backbone. Partner in several Grid projects like CROSSGRID, GridLab and European Grid Support Centre. Member of the Globus Alliance Instytut Fizyki Jadrowej, im. Henryka Niewodniczanskiego, Polskiej Akademii Nauk, IFJ PAN –Research institute with 200 researchers in the areas of high-energy and subatomic physics and their application. Partner in Grid projects like CROSSGRID and EGEE. Close cooperation with the HPC centre CYFRONET Parallelldatorcentrum at Kungl Tekniska Högskolan, KTH PDC –Leading Swedish technical university. Nine years of experience in Grid technologies. EGEE Northern Europe Regional operating centre. Leads the EGEE Security JRA. GGF security area director. Founding member of the Globus Alliance. Partner in SWEGRID. Founder of the European Grid Support Centre CERN –Leading European Centre in High-Energy Physics and Grid technologies. Leader of EGEE.
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków Seven Activities Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3) Networking Activities –NA1: Management of the I3 –NA2: Education, Training, Dissemination and Outreach –NA3: Application Identification and Support –NA4: Policy and Standards Development Specific Service Activities –SA1: Baltic Grid Operation –SA2: Network Resource Provisioning Joint Research Activity –JRA1: Account Service Level Agreements, Markets and Dynamic Account Management
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków NA1: Management of the I3 Executive Board –One member per partner. Project Director –Overall responsibility for implementation of project plans Project Management Board –Activity Leaders and Managers –Assure overall project coordination External Advisory Committee Operations Director (SA1) Security Head (SA1) Networks Manager (SA2) Activity Leader: Per Öster (KTH) Budget: 208k€ (7%) Effort: 22 person months (4%)
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków NA1: Management of the I3 Executive Board Project Management Board (PMB) PD Chair Project Director (PD) KTH (NA1, SA1, SA2) External Advisory Committee Security Head KTH (SA1, SA2) Operations Director NICPB (SA1) Network Manager IMCS UL (SA2) Education, Training, Dissemination, Outreach IFJ PAN (NA2) Application Identification And Support VU (NA3) Policy and Standards Development KTH (NA4) Grid Operations EENet (SA1) Network Resource Provisioning IMCS UL (SA2) SLAs and Account Management KTH (JRA1)
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków NA2: Education, Training, Dissemination and Outreach By education and training increase the skills among users and resource centres staff By dissemination and outreach spread the benefits of Grid technologies to a broad community of potential users and other interested parties Activity Leader: Zofia Mosurska (IFJ PAN) Budget: 347k€ (12%) Effort: 60 person months (11%)
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków NA3: Application Identification and Support Identify application areas and communities that can benefit from the BG infrastructure Identify and meet the specific needs of these groups –Requires almost all activities involvement Support and develop the capabilities of the established user communities Activity Leader: Algimantas Juozapavicius (VU) Budget: 489k€ (16%) Effort: 100 person months (18%)
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków NA3: Application Identification and Support (cont) Pilot Applications –High-Energy Physics –Materials Science –Bioinformatics Special Interests Groups –Gather research groups with similar or related R&D interest such as; Modelling of the Baltic Sea eco system Linguistic research Application Support –Formation of a Application Expert Group
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków NA4: Policy and Standards Development Engage the BalticGrid partners in international standards and policy shaping activities –GGF, EU GridPMA, e-IRG,… Specific areas; –Infrastructure –Security –Research applications –Grid operations Activity Leader: Olle Mulmo (KTH) Budget: 113k€ (4%) Effort: 20 person months (4%)
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków SA1: Grid Operations Set up and mange BalticGrid core infrastructure –BalticGrid Certification and Registration Authorities –VO Management –Information Services –Testing and Monitoring Services –Installations and Operations Support –Logging and accounting services –Security infrastructure implementation and enforcement Activity Leader: Lauri Anton (EEnet) Budget: 1266k€ (42%) Effort: 248 person months (44%)
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków SA2: Network Resource Provisioning Assure and monitor proper network provisioning and associated services –Analyse BG network requirements –Develop Service Level Specifications and Agreements –Monitoring of the Grid with regard to SLA compliance Activity Leader: Guntis Barzdins (IMCS UL) Budget: 368k€ (12%) Effort: 72 person months (13%)
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków National Networks Latvia
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków National Networks Lithuania
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków National Networks Estonia
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków JRA1: SLAs, Markets and Dynamic Account Management Investigate and prototype standard conforming and secure mechanisms for SLAs in BG Design, development and integration of user account management with Grid accounting systems (SGAS) Research, prototype and support deployment of SLAs in BalticGrid Activity Leader: Thomas Sandholm (KTH) Budget: 230k€ (7%) Effort: 38 person months (7%)
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków Timeline 30 Months –Start November 2005 –End April 2008 –In phase with EGEE-II –43 Deliverables –42 Milestones
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków Timeline First review Second Review P12P30P06 2005 P18P24 200620072008 EAC 1 st AHM 2 nd AHM3 rd AHM Summer School Kick-off
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków Timeline Operations P12P30P06 2005 P18P24 200620072008 3+2 Certified sites 6+4 Certified sites 2 SIGs per Country 4 SIGs per Country Core Grid Services
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków Use Targets Target Project month 12Project Month 24Project Month 30 Number of Users40100150 Number of Disciplines 31015 Number of Application Codes 3620 Number of International Collaborations 102040 Number of Compute hours per Year 1 x 10 6 2 x 10 6 4 x 10 6
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków Use Targets Scaling
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków Relationship to EGEE and other Grid Projects Collaborating or Related Grid Projects –EGEE Infrastructure, Operations –ICEAGE Education and Training –BELIEF Dissemination and Outreach –eIRGSP Policy and Standards Development
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków Relationship to EGEE and other Grid Projects Middleware –gLite Infrastructure –EGEE Applications –Application Pilots –Regional Special Interest Groups ETDO –Own activities as well as joint activities with EGEE(-II) and ICEAGE Policy Issues –NA4: Policy and Standards Development eIRG GGF EUGridPMA
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 4th EGEE Conference; Pisa, October 24, 2005 NA5 and EGEE related projects NA5 = Policy and International Cooperation Policy-related activities –Mostly focusing on backing the eInfrastructure Reflection Group ( “supporting the creation of a framework for the easy and cost-effective shared use of electronic resources in Europe” Pursued mainly through a series of policy related White Papers and Roadmap documents, along with related Workshops International Cooperation activities: –With other projects including “concertation” activities (i.e. interacting with a cluster of related projects – forum of exchanging ideas) –With other geographical regions (North America, Asia Pacific, Russia, South America) –With standardisation bodies (GGF et al)
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 4th EGEE Conference; Pisa, October 24, 2005 Related Projects
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków BalticGrid and EGEE BalticGrid integration with EGEE –EGEE “four pillars of operation” Grid Operations Database: GOCDB Monitoring tool set: SFT2 Problem tracking tool: GGUS Integration of operations: CIC portal gLite
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 4th EGEE Conference; Pisa, October 24, 2005 A Selection of Monitoring tools 1. GIIS Monitor2. GIIS Monitor graphs 3. Sites Functional Tests 4. GOC Data Base 5. Scheduled Downtimes 6. Live Job Monitor 7. GridIce – VO view8. GridIce – fabric view9. Certificate Lifetime Monitor Note: Those thumbnails are links and are clickable.
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 4th EGEE Conference; Pisa, October 24, 2005 Today gLite 1.1.2 Special Release for SC File Transfer Service gLite 1.4.1 Service Release gLite 1.1.1 Special Release for SC File Transfer Service gLite Releases and Planning April 2005 May 2005 July 2005 Aug 2005 Sep 2005 Oct 2005 Nov 2005 Dec 2005 Jan 2006 Feb 2006 June 2005 gLite 1.0 Condor-C CE gLite I/O R-GMA WMS L&B VOMS Single Catalog gLite 1.1 File Transfer Service Metadata catalog Functionality gLite 1.2 File Transfer Agents Secure Condor-C gLite 1.3 File Placement Service FTS multi-VO Refactored RGMA & CE gLite 1.4 VOMS for Oracle SRMcp for FTS WMproxy LBproxy DGAS QF1.0.12_01_2005 QF1.0.12_02_2005 QF1.0.12_03_2005 QF1.0.12_04_2005 QF1.1.0_05_2005 QF1.1.0_06_2005 QF1.1.0_07_2005 QF1.1.0_08_2005 QF1.1.0_09_2005 QF1.1.0_10_2005 QF1.1.2_11_2005 QF1.1.2_12_2005 QF1.1.2_13_2005 QF1.1.2_16_2005 QF1.2.0_14_2005 QF1.2.0_15_2005 QF1.3.0_17_2005 QF1.3.0_18_2005 QF1.3.0_19_2005 gLite 1.5 Functionality Freeze gLite 1.5 Release Date QF1.3.0_20_2005 QF1.3.0_22_2005 QF1.3.0_21_2005 QF1.3.0_23_2005 QF1.3.0_24_2005
FP6-2004 I-6 Contract 026715 22 November, 2005CGW'05 Kraków
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