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A Framework for Communicating, Collaborating, and Coordinating A Framework for Communicating, Collaborating, and Coordinating Michael Huerta Co-Chair,

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Presentation on theme: "A Framework for Communicating, Collaborating, and Coordinating A Framework for Communicating, Collaborating, and Coordinating Michael Huerta Co-Chair,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Framework for Communicating, Collaborating, and Coordinating A Framework for Communicating, Collaborating, and Coordinating Michael Huerta Co-Chair, NIH Blueprint Coordinating Committee Associate Director, NIMH

2 Nervous System Disorders Account for 6 of the top 10 causes of death* Affect 1 in 3 Americans Cost over $500 billion per year** Major impact on: –academic performance –workplace productivity –social functioning –quality of life Sources: *CDC; **SfN Fact Page

3 Urgent need to: Accelerate progress in neuroscienceAccelerate progress in neuroscience Maximize bang for the research buckMaximize bang for the research buck

4 NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research 16 Institutes, Centers, Offices (ICOs) Focus on cross-cutting activities Communicate and adopt best practices Coordinate the planning & funding of: –Research and development of tools –Education, training, & career development –Research resources $26 million from ICOs (0.6 % neuroscience) $12 million from NIH Office of the Director


6 Fiscal Year 2005 Initiatives GENSAT (gene expression map) Expansion Microarray Consortium Expansion Pediatric MRI of Normal Development Expansion Neurobiology of Disease Curriculum Development International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility Neuroscience Information Framework

7 Fiscal Year 2006 Initiatives Neuromouse – repatriate, develop, and validate driver mouse lines for important genes Institutional Training Initiatives –Neuroimaging – Physics to Physiology –Computational neuroscience –Neurobiology of disease Interdisciplinary Core Facility Centers Neuroimaging Tools and Resources –Clearinghouse for informatics (NITRC) –Imaging activation in ms & mm resolution Neuroepidemiology Instrument

8 FY 2007: Neurodegeneration Biomarkers Research Therapeutics Delivery Strategies Interdisciplinary Career Development Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Training Human retinal degeneration

9 FY 2008: Neurodevelopment Normal Brain Development, Age 5- 20 Monoclonal Antibodies Tools for Marking Neural Circuits Gene Expression Map of the Primate Brain

10 FY 2009: Neuroplasticity Probes and instrumentation for monitoring and manipulating neuroplasticity

11 FY 2010: Blueprint Grand Challenges

12 Blueprint Grand Challenge: The Human Connectome Project Purpose -To develop and share knowledge about the structural and functional connectivity of the healthy, adult human brain Goals - To have delivered at the end of five years: – Optimized non-invasive imaging tools and methods to collect human connectivity data, in vivo – High-quality, well-characterized, multi-modal, quantitative datasets of human connectivity linked to genetic & behavioral data from hundreds of subjects – Dissemination of data, models, and tools to the research community via outreach activities and an informatics platform

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