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Peter Clarke UK National e-Science Centre University of Edinburgh e-Infrastructure in the UK.

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1 Peter Clarke UK National e-Science Centre University of Edinburgh e-Infrastructure in the UK

2 Key Elements of UK e-Infrastructure 1.Competitive Research Network 2.National AA-Infrastructure 3.Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute 4.Digital Curation Centre 5.Text Mining Centre 6.Access to National Data Sets and Publications 7.Portals and Discovery Services 8.Remote Access to Large-Scale Facilities e.g. LHC, Diamond, ITER,.. 7.National Grid and HPC Services 8.National e-Science Multidisciplinary Research Institute 9.Training to promote uptake of e-Infrastructure

3 In UK there is one principal body which supports e-Infrastructure … but others complement…. Joint Information Systems Committee part of University funding council(s) Provide most infrastructure e-Science Core Programme complements both by enabling “uptake” projects, and funding some of the items However EPSRC funds High Performance Computing Part funds NGS, provides central facilities

4 + All other “Research Support Councils” have e-Science programme NERC BBSRC ESRC AHRC PPARC MRC

5 Super JANET 10 Gbit/s IP core today Augmented by “UKLight” today to provide “lightpaths” SuperJANET-5 (2006) will provision on a managed fibre infrastructure Wavelengths will be available to research at incremental cost. Should provide all UK research needs…

6 The National Grid Service & Grid Operations Support Centre Funded by JISC & CCLRC

7 The National Grid Service Core sites Leeds Manchester Oxford CCLRC Partner sites Bristol Cardiff Lancaster Access to HPC facilities HPCx CSAR

8 Grid Operations Support Centre Helpdesk NGS Administration e-Science Certificate Authority Middleware software stack development and validation Liaison and co-ordination with OMII, NeSC, LCG/EGEE, TeraGrid,...

9 OMII: Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute Based in Southampton Initially - Now also Edinburgh and Manchester Set up Repository for “hardened” middleware for the UK e- Science community Capture middleware from UK and other e-Science Projects Commission middleware projects to fill specific ‘gaps’ Uses high quality software processes

10 Core Middleware Programme CM means: - Authentication, - Authorisation, - Identifiers - Directories Centred on Shibboleth deployment for a unified authentication and authorisation service Widely adopted (US, Switzerland, Australia, Finland) 21 projects/groups funded to assist Shibboleth up-take Shibboleth “Federation” started Demonstrations during AHM Aug 2003 Start of current Athens contract Jul 2004JISC Core Middleware Development Programme begins Nov 2004 First trial UK Shibboleth infrastructure in place Nov 2004 JISC town meeting on Shibboleth initiative Dec 2004 Athens/Shibboleth gateway available for testing Feb 2005 Core Middleware Assisted Take-up Service begins Apr 2005 Core Middleware Early Adopters begin work Jul 2005UK Shibboleth federation policy documentation available Apr 2006 Fully tested access management system based on Shibboleth available to UK HE and FE Jul 2006Break point in current Athens contract (potentially renewable until July 2008) Jul 2008 Last end date for current Athens contract

11 Virtual Research Environments Geographical location & disciplinary boundaries are more and more irrelevant to large research projects 15 Projects

12 Silchester Roman Town : A VRE for Archeologists

13 Digital Repositories Programme A Digital repository supports mechanisms to import, export, identify, store and retrieve digital assets. –written –images –Audio-video objects –Data sets –Learning material –Presentations We all have obligations in respect of: –Research output –Theses –Open access –…. 21 projects supported by JISC

14 The National Centre for Text Mining

15 Digital Curation Centre Joint JISC – eScience initiative to address growing issue of responsibly managing the lifecycle of important (and expensive) data Four Consortium partner institutions: –University of Edinburgh (lead, EDINA/NeSC/Informatics) –University of Glasgow (HATII) –UKOLN, at University of Bath –CCLRC (Rutherford and Daresbury Laboratories)

16 Prolific research output Advisory Service Help Desk – 284 calls in 6 months Digital Curation Manual – 1 st chapter published, 45 commissioned –“role of open source software in digital preservation” Workshop series –Persistent identifiers –Long term curation in repositories –Cost models –Long term curation in medical databases –Site visits Associates Network and Forum 1 st International Conference International Journal of Digital Curation

17 1 st DCC International Conference Location - Bath UK 29-30 September 2005 Keynote speakers  Clifford Lynch CNI  Graham Cameron European Bio-informatics Institute DCC Research update Social highlights

18 GÉANT2 Topology GÉANT2’s Pan European Topology map

19 RCUK e-Science Funding First Phase: 2001 – 2004 Application Projects –£74M –All areas of science and engineering Core Programme –£15M Research infrastructure –£20M Collaborative industrial projects Second Phase: 2003 – 2006 Application Projects –£96M –All areas of science and engineering Core Programme –£16M Research Infrastructure –£11M DTI Technology Fund

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