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DA 122 Dental Materials.  Permanent cementation (luting) ◦ Crowns, bridges ◦ Inlays, onlays ◦ Orthodontic bands and brackets  Insulating Base.

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Presentation on theme: "DA 122 Dental Materials.  Permanent cementation (luting) ◦ Crowns, bridges ◦ Inlays, onlays ◦ Orthodontic bands and brackets  Insulating Base."— Presentation transcript:

1 DA 122 Dental Materials

2  Permanent cementation (luting) ◦ Crowns, bridges ◦ Inlays, onlays ◦ Orthodontic bands and brackets  Insulating Base

3  Reliable  Exothermic reaction-mix on cool glass slab  Bonds to tooth structure by mechanical interlocking

4  Luting Consistency =  1 measure of powder ◦ Measure to “shoulder” of powder cap  6 drops of liquid  Base Consistency = ◦ same ratio BUT add more powder to desired thickness

5  Cooled glass slab-slows exothermic reaction  Cement spatula  2 x 2 gauze square  Zinc phosphate powder  Zinc phosphate liquid  Plastics filling instrument



8  Shake powder bottle to fluff, dispense 1 capful, then divided into 6 parts : ◦ Level powder to 1 mm of thickness ◦ Divide into 2 equal portions ◦ Divide each of these into quarters ◦ Then divide 2 sections into eighths ◦ Lastly-divide one of these into sixteenths.

9 ◦ Smallest increment should be brought into liquid first  1/16 th  Mix for 15 seconds to totally incorporate powder into liquid  Continue adding small increments, mixing slowly, wiping both sides of spatula

10  Use cooled glass slab w/ cement spatula  Mix over large area of glass slab to keep material cool (controls exothermic reaction)- use figure 8 rotary motion when mixing  Mix time: 2 minutes  Work time: 3 ½ minutes  Set time: 7 minutes ◦ Can be affected by cool temperature-takes longer to set


12  Water (mixed with baking soda) + 2x2 gauze  IMMEDIATELY prior to setting  If material has set, will need to use a temp cement remover solution in an ultrasonic cleaner  Discard unused powder left on mixing slab



15  Luting = creamy  Base = putty-like, rolled into a ball

16  Flecks  Copyright 2012 Porter & Chester Institute, Inc. All rights reserved

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