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International Workshop on High-Volume Experimental Data, Computational Modeling and Visualization Xiangshan, 17-19 October 2011 Determining the composition.

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Presentation on theme: "International Workshop on High-Volume Experimental Data, Computational Modeling and Visualization Xiangshan, 17-19 October 2011 Determining the composition."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Workshop on High-Volume Experimental Data, Computational Modeling and Visualization Xiangshan, 17-19 October 2011 Determining the composition of surfaces and nanomaterials, by theory and experiment Michel A. Van Hove Department of Physics and Materials Science City University of Hong Kong

2 Optimize atomic-level structure (from theory or from experiment) at three levels  local optimization: easiest – "descend" (lowest energy, best fit)  global optimization with fixed composition: harder – "exchange pairs", "break and make bonds", "move far"  optimization of composition: both number and identities of atoms can vary adds – "exchange with external supply" or "exchange with internal supply" but must respect experimental reality Structure determination

3 Graphene: vacancies, added C atoms How many atoms to include for best energy? "Magic" numbers

4 4 60 carbon atoms are initially placed randomly a Genetic Algorithm changes their positions by:  recombining top and bottom halves each GA step is followed by a local optimization by conjugate-gradient minimization or molecular dynamics quenching  15-30 steps are needed for local optimization D.M. Deaven and K.M. Ho, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 288 (1995) Fullerenes: C 60, C 60  n

5 bimetallic alloy nanocrystals G.F. Wang, M.A. Van Hove, P.N. Ross and M.I. Baskes, Prog. Surf. Sci. 79, 28-45 (2005).

6 Nanoparticles: pure, alloys HREM micrographs of a C-supported Pt-Ni nanoparticle catalyst U.A. Paulus et al., J. Phys. Chem. B, 106, 4181 (2002)

7 “Magic” cubo-octahedral nanoparticles (100) (111) 1: Vertices (6nn) 2: {111}/{111} edges (7nn) 3. {111}/{100} edges (7nn) 4. {100} facets (8nn) 5. {111} facets (9nn) Dispersion is the fraction of all atoms that are on the surface Exp.

8 Modified cubo-octahedral fcc nanoparticles: “non-magic” (311) geometry (110) geometry By adding atoms on the facets or removing atoms from the edges, we constructed non-perfect cubo-octahedral nanoparticles with troughs. These ridges contain new B 5 sites (5-fold coordinated adsorption sites), similar to those on fcc (110) and (311) surfaces. Remember: segregation reversal at PtNi(110) surface.

9 Nanoparticle structures and order-disorder transitions: size effect in PtNi nanoparticles NC1C1 C2C2 C3C3 C core 58670274435 128974314335 240679363837 403381374129 Segregation profiles (C as % Pt by shell and in core) of equilibrium cubo-octahedral Pt 50 Ni 50 nanoparticles with N atoms, simulated at T=600K Surface- sandwich structure with a disordered core for smaller nanoparticles Core-shell structure with an ordered core for larger nanoparticles cross-sections G.F. Wang, M.A. Van Hove, P.N. Ross and M.I. Baskes, Prog. Surf. Sci. 79, 28-45 (2005).

10 {100} facet reconstruction: no more "magic" initialafter 20 million MC steps Pt Re after 5 million MC steps square lattice of {100} facets hexagonal lattice on {100} facets exteriors Pt 75 Re 25

11 Complexity: Ni(100)+(5x5)-xLi solved by LEED H. Tochihara, S. Mizuno et al 45 structural models Ni atoms are missing (9 of 25 per 5x5 cell)

12 C 60 / Cu(111)

13 Annealing to ~340K appears to cause a reconstruction of the surface: 7 Cu atoms are expelled for each C 60, forming bare Cu islands STM imaging of Cu(111)+(4x4)-C 60 W.W. Pai, C.L. Hsu, M.C. Lin, K.C. Lin, and T.B. Tang, Phys. Rev. B 69, 125405 (2004) region B: high T (4x4)C 60 ~2.1Å lower sunk in Cu holes? regions A: low T (4x4)C 60 on simple Cu(111)? B A

14 C 60 on unreconstructed Cu(111) C 60 on reconstructed Cu(111) side views top views Proposed adsorption geometry of C 60 on Cu(111): C 60 over 7-Cu holes (based on STM and theory)

15 Cu(111)+(4x4)-C 60 : Low-Energy Electron Diffraction  Tensor LEED  allows automated optimization of 102 parameters (C 60 layer + 2 Cu layers)  42 independent beams, 50-380 eV (total 7111 eV)  still fairly efficient computation because of 3-fold rotational symmetry  We tested several models:  unreconstructed: RP = 0.671 (fcc on-top), 0.536 (fcc hcp-site)  reconstructed: RP = 0.376 (7-atom hole), 0.608 (1-atom hole)  relaxations from theoretical optimum structure: ~< 0.1Å  surface, ~< 0.2Å // surface: quite good!

16 LEED: Cu(111)+(4x4)-C 60

17 LEED: Cu(111)+(4x4)-C 60 – Cu-C interface G. Xu, X.Q. Shi, R.Q. Zhang, W.W. Pai, M.A. Van Hove, in prep.

18 C 60 / Pt(111)

19 Unique case: two structures, coverages 1/13 vs 1/12 Prior XRD ( Felici et al ) for (  13x  13)R13.9°: 1 missing Pt atom / C 60 Pt(111)+(  13x  13)R13.9°-C 60 & Pt(111)+(2  3x2  3)R30°-C 60 ( =  12x  12 ) R. Felici, M. Pedio, F. Borgatti, S. Iannotta, M. Capozi, G. Ciullo and A. Stierle, Nature Mat. 4, 688 (2005) LEED pattern for (  13x  13)R13.9° LEED pattern for (2  3x2  3)R30°

20 Modeling "missing atoms" in DFT no hole bottom of metal slab top of metal slab 1 atom "missing" 7 atoms "missing" Moving "missing atoms" elsewhere in 3D unit cell preserves number of atoms: move to realistic step on back of slab

21 DFT analysis: comparing models with different numbers of atoms! where do the missing atoms go? DFT favors 1 missing atom, if vacancy atoms move to step sites Pt(111)+(  13x  13)R13.9° & (  12x  12)R30°-C 60 : DFT Adsorption energy* Adsorption energy - vacancy formation energy** no hole (hcp hollow site) 1 Pt atom missing 7 Pt atoms missing (  13x  13)R13.9° -1.56 eV -4.59 eV -3.51 eV -5.22 eV -4.35 eV -5.01 eV (  12x  12)R30° -0.60 eV -4.10 eV -3.13 eV -4.79 eV -2.76 eV -3.76 eV * = like comparing O 3 vs. O 2 vs. O (3 vs. 2 vs. 1 atom) ** = like comparing 2O 3 vs. 3O 2 vs. 6O (6 atoms each) X.Q. Shi, A.B. Pang, K.L. Man, R.Q. Zhang, C. Minot, M.S. Altman, M.A. Van Hove, submitted

22 LEED analysis (total E range 4860 eV for  13, 3080 eV for  12): 1 missing Pt atom for both  13 and  12 Comparison of models by Pendry R-factor fit: Pt(111)+(  13x  13)R13.9° & (  12x  12)R30°-C 60 : LEED Pendry R-factor R P (  13x  13)R13.9°(  12x  12)R30° Atop with 1 Pt atom missing0.410.37 Atop0.46 hcp hollow site0.44 7 Pt atoms missing0.550.72 Comparison with C 60 on other metals by LEED: Cu(111)+(4x4)-C 60 : R P = 0.38 – 7 missing Cu atoms Ag(111)+(  12x  12)R30°-C 60 : R P = 0.36 – 1 missing Ag atom

23 To optimize composition  both number and identities of atoms may vary  many models must be tested  from theory conserve total number of atoms among models so "exchange with external supply" or "exchange with internal supply" respect experimental reality (where can atoms go to / come from?)  from experiment XRD, LEED, PED, STM, … comparison of models does not require conserving number of atoms, if “missing” atoms do not contribute Conclusions: composition determination

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