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Published byStephanie Lawrence Modified over 11 years ago
Pesquisa Operacional Aplicada à Logística Prof
Pesquisa Operacional Aplicada à Logística Prof. Fernando Augusto Silva Marins
Introdução à Pesquisa Operacional (P.O.)
Sumário Introdução à Pesquisa Operacional (P.O.) Impacto da P.O. na Logística Modelagem e Softwares Exemplos Cases em Logística
Pesquisa Operacional (P.O.)
Operations Research Operational Research Management Sciences
A P.O. e o Processo de Tomada de Decisão
Tomar decisões é uma tarefa básica da gestão. Decidir: optar entre alternativas viáveis. Papel do Decisor: Identificar e Definir o Problema Formular objetivo (s) Analisar Limitações Avaliar Alternativas Escolher a “melhor”
PROCESSO DE DECISÃO Abordagem Qualitativa: Problemas simples e experiência do decisor Abordagem Quantitativa: Problemas complexos, ótica científica e uso de métodos quantitativos.
Pesquisa Operacional faz diferença no desempenho de organizações?
Resultados - Finalistas do Prêmio Edelman
INFORMS 2007 7
Como construir Modelos Matemáticos?
Classification of Mathematical Models
Classification by the model purpose Optimization models Prediction models Classification by the degree of certainty of the data in the model Deterministic models Probabilistic (stochastic) models
Mathematical Modeling
A constrained mathematical model consists of An objective: Function to be optimised with one or more Control /Decision Variables Example: Max 2x – 3y; Min x + y One or more constraints: Functions (“£”, “³”, “=”) with one or more Control /Decision Variables Examples: 3x + y £ 100; x - 4y ³ 100; x + y = 10;
New Office Furniture Example
Raw Steel Used 7 pounds (2.61 kg.) 3 pounds (1.12 kg.) 1.5 pounds (0.56 kg.) Products Desks Chairs Molded Steel Profit $50 $30 $6 / pound 1 pound (troy) = kg.
Defining Control/Decision Variables
Ask, “Does the decision maker have the authority to decide the numerical value (amount) of the item?” If the answer “yes” it is a control/decision variable. By very precise in the units (and if appropriate, the time frame) of each decision variable. D: amount of desks (number) C: amount of chairs (number) M: amount of molded steel (pound)
Objective Function The objective of all optimization models, is to figure out how to do the best you can with what you’ve got. “The best you can” implies maximizing something (profit, efficiency...) or minimizing something (cost, time...). Total Profit = 50 D + 30 C + 6 M Products Desks Chairs Molded Steel Profit $50 $30 $6 / pound D: amount of desks (number) C: amount of chairs (number) M: amount of molded steel (pound)
Writing Constraints Create a limiting condition for each scarce resource : (amount of a resource required) (“£”, “³”, “=”) (resource availability) Make sure the units on the left side of the relation are the same as those on the right side. Use mathematical notation with known or estimated values for the parameters and the previously defined symbols for the decision/control variables. Rewrite the constraint, if necessary, so that all terms involving the decision variables are on the left side of the relationship, with only a constant value on the right side
New Office Furniture Example
If New Office has only 2000 pounds (746.5 kg) of raw steel available for production. 7 D + 3 C M 2000 Products Desks Chairs Molded Steel Raw Steel Used 7 pounds (2.61 kg.) 3 pounds (1.12 kg.) 1.5 pounds (0.56 kg.) D: amount of desks (number) C: amount of chairs (number) M: amount of molded steel (pound)
Writing Constraints Special constraints or Variable Constraint
Non negativity constraint Lower bound constraint Upper bound constraint Integer constraint Binary constraint Mathematical Expression X ³ 0 X ³ L (number 0) X £ U (number 0) X = integer {0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ,…} X = 0 or 1
New Office Furniture Example
No production can be negative; D ³ 0, C ³ 0, M ³ 0 To satisfy contract commitments; at least 100 desks, and due to the availability of seat cushions, no more than 500 chairs must be produced. Quantities of desks and chairs produced during the production must be integer valued. D ³ 100, C £ 500 D, C integers
Example Mathematical Model
MAXIMIZE Z = 50 D + 30 C + 6 M (Total Profit) SUBJECT TO: 7 D C M £ (Raw Steel) D ³ 100 (Contract) C £ 500 (Cushions) D ³ 0, C ³ 0, M ³ 0 (Nonnegativity) D and C are integers Best or Optimal Solution: 100 Desks, 433 Chairs, 0.67 pounds Molded Steel Total Profit: $17,994 Ver Modelo no Lindo
Delta Hardware Stores Problem Statement
Delta Hardware Stores is a regional retailer with warehouses in three cities in California San Jose Fresno Azusa
Delta Hardware Stores Problem Statement
Each month, Delta restocks its warehouses with its own brand of paint. Delta has its own paint manufacturing plant in Phoenix, Arizona. San Jose Fresno Phoenix Azusa
Delta Hardware Stores Problem Statement
Although the plant’s production capacity is sometime inefficient to meet monthly demand, a recent feasibility study commissioned by Delta found that it was not cost effective to expand production capacity at this time. To meet demand, Delta subcontracts with a national paint manufacturer to produce paint under the Delta label and deliver it (at a higher cost) to any of its three California warehouses.
Delta Hardware Stores Problem Statement
Given that there is to be no expansion of plant capacity, the problem is to determine a least cost distribution scheme of paint produced at its manufacturing plant and shipments from the subcontractor to meet the demands of its California warehouses.
Delta Hardware Stores Variable Definition
Decision maker has no control over demand, production capacities, or unit costs. The decision maker is simply being asked, “How much paint should be shipped this month (note the time frame) from the plant in Phoenix to San Jose, Fresno, and Asuza” and “How much extra should be purchased from the subcontractor and sent to each of the three cities to satisfy their orders?”
Decision/Control Variables
X1 : amount of paint shipped this month from Phoenix to San Jose X2 : amount of paint shipped this month from Phoenix to Fresno X3 : amount of paint shipped this month from Phoenix to Azusa X4 : amount of paint subcontracted this month for San Jose X5 : amount of paint subcontracted this month for Fresno X6 : amount of paint subcontracted this month for Azusa
Network Model and Decision Variables
National Subcontractor X4 San Jose X5 X6 Fresno X2 X1 X3 Azusa Phoenix
Model Structure The objective is to minimize the total overall monthly costs of manufacturing, transporting and subcontracting paint, The constraints are (subject to): The Phoenix plant cannot operate beyond its capacity; The amount ordered from subcontractor cannot exceed a maximum limit; The orders for paint at each warehouse will be fulfilled.
Costs To determine the overall costs:
The manufacturing cost per 1000 gallons of paint at the plant in Phoenix - (M) The procurement cost per 1000 gallons of paint from National Subcontractor - (C) The respective truckload shipping costs form Phoenix to San Jose, Fresno, and Azusa - (T1, T2, T3) The fixed purchase cost per 1000 gallons from the subcontractor to San Jose, Fresno, and Azusa (S1, S2, S3)
Objective Function MINIMIZE (M + T1) X1 + (M + T2) X2 + (M + T3) X3 +
(C + S1) X4 + (C + S2) X5 + (C + S3) X6 Where: Manufacturing cost at the plant in Phoenix: M Procurement cost from National Subcontractor: C Truckload shipping costs from Phoenix to San Jose, Fresno, and Azusa: T1, T2, T3 Fixed purchase cost from the subcontractor to San Jose, Fresno, and Azusa: S1, S2, S3 X1 : amount of paint shipped this month from Phoenix to San Jose X2 : amount of paint shipped this month from Phoenix to Fresno X3 : amount of paint shipped this month from Phoenix to Azusa X4 : amount of paint subcontracted this month for San Jose X5 : amount of paint subcontracted this month for Fresno X6 : amount of paint subcontracted this month for Azusa
Constraints To write to constraints, we need to know:
The capacity of the Phoenix plant (Q1) The maximum number of gallons available from the subcontractor (Q2) The respective orders for paint at the warehouses in San Jose, Fresno, and Azusa (R1, R2, R3)
Constraints (Cont.) The number of truckloads shipped out from Phoenix cannot exceed the plant capacity: X1 + X2 + X3 £ Q1 The number of thousands of gallons ordered from the subcontrator cannot exceed the order limit: X4 + X5 + X6 £ Q2 The number of thousands of gallons received at each warehouse equals the total orders of the warehouse: X1 + X4 = R1 X2 + X5 = R2 X3 + X6 = R3 All shipments must be nonnegative and integer: X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6 ³ 0 X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6 integer
Data Collection and Model Selection
Respective Orders: R1 = 4000, R2 = 2000, R3 = 5000 (gallons) Capacity: Q1 = 8000, Q2 = 5000 (gallons) Subcontractor price per 1000 gallons: C = $5000 Cost of production per 1000 gallons: M = $3000
Data Collection and Model Selection (Cont.)
Transportation costs per 1000 gallons Subcontractor: S1 = $1200; S2 = $1400; S3 = $1100 Phoenix Plant: T1 = $1050; T2 = $750; T3 = $650
Delta Hardware Stores Operations Research Model
Min ( )X1+( )X2+( )X3+( )X4+( )X5+( )X6 Ou MIN 4050 X X X X X X6 SUBJECT TO: X1 + X2 + X3 £ (Plant Capacity) X4 + X5 + X6 £ (Upper Bound - order from subcontracted) X1 + X4 = (Demand in San Jose) X2 + X5 = (Demand in Fresno) X3 + X6 = (Demand in Azusa) X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6 ³ 0 (non negativity) X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6 integer
Delta Hardware Stores Solutions
X1 = 1,000 gallons X2 = 2,000 gallons X3 = 5,000 gallons X4 = 3,000 gallons X5 = 0 X6 = 0 Cost = $48,400 Ver Modelo no Excel
Carlton Pharmaceuticals supplies drugs and other medical supplies. It has three plants in: Cleveland, Detroit, Greensboro. It has four distribution centers in: Boston, Richmond, Atlanta, St. Louis. Management at Carlton would like to ship cases of a certain vaccine as economically as possible.
Data Unit shipping cost, supply, and demand Assumptions Unit shipping costs are constant. All the shipping occurs simultaneously. The only transportation considered is between sources and destinations. Total supply equals total demand. To From Boston Richmond Atlanta St. Louis Supply Cleveland $35 30 40 32 1200 Detroit 37 40 42 25 1000 Greensboro 40 15 20 28 800 Demand 1100 400 750 750
Boston Richmond Atlanta St.Louis Destinations Sources Cleveland Detroit Greensboro D1=1100 37 40 42 32 35 30 25 15 20 28 S1=1200 S2=1000 S3= 800 D2=400 D3=750 D4=750
CARLTON PHARMACEUTICALS – Linear Programming Model
The structure of the model is: Decision variables Xij = the number of cases shipped from plant i to warehouse j. where: i=1 (Cleveland), 2 (Detroit), 3 (Greensboro) j=1 (Boston), 2 (Richmond), 3 (Atlanta), 4(St.Louis) Minimize Total Shipping Cost ST [Amount shipped from a source] £ [Supply at that source] [Amount received at a destination] = [Demand at that destination]
Supply constraints Boston Cleveland Richmond Detroit Atlanta St.Louis
X11 X12 X13 X14 Supply from Cleveland X11+X12+X13+X14 Supply constraints Detroit S2=1000 X21 X22 X23 X24 Supply from Detroit X21+X22+X23+X24 1000 Boston Greensboro S3= 800 X31 X32 X33 X34 Supply from Greensboro X31+X32+X33+X34 800 D1=1100 Richmond D2=400 Atlanta D3=750 St.Louis D4=750
CARLTON PHARMACEUTICAL – The complete mathematical model
Min 35X11+30X12+40X13+ 32X14 +37X21+40X22+42X23+25X24+ 40X31+15X32+20X33+38X34 Total shipment out of a supply node cannot exceed the supply at the node. ST Supply constraints: X11+ X12+ X13+ X14 = 1200 X21+ X22+ X23+ X24 1000 X31+ X32+ X33+ X34 800 Total shipment received at a destination node, must equal the demand at that node. Demand constraints: X11+ X21+ X31 1100 X12+ X22+ X32 400 X13+ X23+ X33 750 X14+ X24+ X34 750 All Xij are nonnegative
=SUMPRODUCT(B7:E9,B15:E17) =SUM(B7:E7) Drag to cells G8:G9 =SUM(B7:E9) Drag to cells C11:E11
MINIMIZE Total Cost SHIPMENTS Demands are met Supplies are not exceeded
CARLTON PHARMACEUTICALS Spreadsheet - solution
Reduced costs The unit shipment cost between Cleveland and Atlanta must be reduced by at least $5, before it would become economically feasible to utilize it If this route is used, the total cost will increase by $5 for each case shipped between the two cities.
Allowable Increase/Decrease This is the range of optimality. The unit shipment cost between Cleveland and Boston may increase up to $2 or decrease up to $5 with no change in the current optimal transportation plan.
Shadow prices For the plants, shadow prices convey the cost savings realized for each extra case of vaccine produced. For each additional unit available in Cleveland the total cost reduces by $2. CARLTON PHARMACEUTICALS Sensitivity Report
Shadow prices For the warehouses demand, shadow prices represent the cost savings for less cases being demanded. For each one unit decrease in demanded in Richmond, the total cost decreases by $32. CARLTON PHARMACEUTICALS Sensitivity Report Allowable Increase/Decrease This is the range of feasibility. The total supply in Cleveland may increase up to $250, but doesn´t may decrease up, with no change in the current optimal transportation plan.
Modifications to the transportation problem
Cases may arise that require modifications to the basic model. Blocked routes - shipments along certain routes are prohibited. Remedies: Assign a large objective coefficient to the route (Cij = 1,000,000)
Modifications to the transportation problem
Cases may arise that require modifications to the basic model. Blocked routes - shipments along certain routes are prohibited. Remedies: Assign a large objective coefficient to the blocked route (like as Cij = 1,000,000) Add a constraint to Excel solver of the form Xij = 0 Shipments on a Blocked Route = 0
Modifications to the transportation problem
Only Feasible Routes Included in Changing Cells Cell C9 is NOT Included Modifications to the transportation problem Cases may arise that require modifications to the basic model. Blocked routes - shipments along certain routes are prohibited. Remedies: Assign a large objective coefficient to the route (Cij = 1,000,000) Add a constraint to Excel solver of the form Xij = 0 Do not include the cell representing the rout in the Changing cells Shipments from Greensboro to Cleveland are prohibited
Modifications to the transportation problem
Cases may arise that require modifications to the basic model. Minimum shipment - the amount shipped along a certain route must not fall below a pre-specified level. Maximum shipment - an upper limit is placed on the amount shipped along a certain route. Remedy: Add a constraint to Excel of the form Xij ³ B. Remedy: Add a constraint to Excel of the form Xij £ B.
The Capacitated Transshipment Model
Sometimes shipments to destination nodes are made through transshipment nodes. Transshipment nodes may be Independent intermediate nodes with no supply or demand Supply or destination points themselves. Transportation on arcs may be bounded by given bounds
The Capacitated Transshipment Model
The Linear Programming Model of this problem consists of: Flow on arcs decision variables Cost minimization objective function Balance constraints on each node as follows: Supply node – net flow out does not exceed the supply Intermediate node – flow into the node is equal to the flow out Demand node – net flow into the node is equal to the demand Bound constraints on each arc. Flow cannot exceed the capacity on the arc
DEPOT MAX A General Network Problem
Depot Max has six stores located in the Washington D.C. area.
DEPOT MAX The stores in Falls Church (FC) and Bethesda (BA) are running low on the model 5A Arcadia workstation. DATA: -12 5 FC -13 6 BA
DEPOT MAX The stores in Alexandria (AA) and Chevy Chase (CC) have an access of 25 units. DATA: -12 +10 1 5 FC AA -13 +17 2 6 BA CC
DEPOT MAX The stores in Fairfax and Georgetown are transshipment nodes with no access supply or demand of their own. DATA: -12 FX +10 1 3 5 FC AA Depot Max wishes to transport the available workstations to FC and BA at minimum total cost. GN -13 +17 2 4 6 BA CC
DEPOT MAX Data There is a maximum limit for quantities shipped on various routes. There are different unit transportation costs for different routes.
DEPOT MAX The possible routes and the maximum flow limits are shown. DATA: 6 -12 FX 10 8 +10 1 3 FC FC AA 3 7 8 5 7 GN -13 +17 2 4 BA BA 10 17 CC
DEPOT MAX The possible routes and the shipping unit costs are shown. DATA: 20 -12 FX 10 7 +10 1 3 FC FC AA 5 6 12 11 7 GN -13 +17 2 4 BA BA 15 15 CC
DEPOT MAX – Types of constraints
Supply nodes: Net flow out of the node] [Supply at the node] X12 + X13 + X15 - X21 10 (Node 1) X21 + X24 - X 17 (Node 2) Intermediate transshipment nodes: [Total flow out of the node] = [Total flow into the node] X34+X35 = X (Node3) X46 = X24 + X34 (Node 4) 20 -12 10 7 +10 1 3 5 7 5 6 12 11 7 15 15 2 4 6 -13 +17 Demand nodes: [Net flow into the node] = [Demand for the node] X15 + X35 +X65 - X56 = 12 (Node 5) X46 +X56 - X65 = 13 (Node 6)
All variables are non-negative
DEPOT MAX The Complete mathematical model Min 5X X X X X X34 + 7X X X56 + 7X65 S.T. X12 + X13 + X15 – X £ 10 - X X21 + X £ 17 – X X34 + X = 0 – X24 – X X = 0 – X – X35 + X56 - X65 = -12 -X46 – X56 + X65 = -13 X12 £ 3; X15 £ 6; X21 £ 7; X24 £ 10; X34 £ 8; X35 £ 8; X46 £ 17; X56 £ 7; X65 £ 5 All variables are non-negative
DEPOT MAX - spreadsheet
Usando o Template Network DEPOT MAX - spreadsheet
Modelo de Pesquisa Operacional
Case em Logística Modelo de Pesquisa Operacional Expansão de Centros de Distribuição - CD Uma empresa está planejando expandir suas atividades abrindo dois novos CD’s, sendo que há três Locais sob estudo para a instalação destes CD’s (Figura 1 adiante). Quatro Clientes devem ter atendidas suas Demandas (Ci): 50, 100, 150 e 200. As Capacidades de Armazenagem (Aj) em cada local são: 350, 300 e 200. Os Investimentos Iniciais em cada CD são: $50, $75 e $90. Os Custos Unitários de Operação em cada CD são: $5, $3 e $2. Admita que quaisquer dois locais são suficientes para atender toda a demanda existente, mas o Local 1 só pode atender Clientes 1, 2 e 4; o Local 3 pode atender Clientes 2, 3 e 4; enquanto o Local 2 pode atender todos os Clientes. Os Custos Unitários de Transporte do CD que pode ser construído no Local i ao Cliente j (Cij) estão dados na Figura 1 do slide seguinte. Deseja-se selecionar os locais apropriados para a instalação dos CD’s de forma a minimizar o custo total de investimento, operação e distribuição.
Figura 1 Rede Logística, com Demandas (Clientes), Capacidades (Armazéns) e Custos de Transporte (Armazém-Cliente) A1=350 C2 = 100 C12=9 C11=13 C22=7 C21=10 A2 =300 C14=12 C1 = 50 C32=2 C23=11 C3=150 C24=4 C33=13 C34=7 C4=200 A3=200
Variáveis de Decisão/Controle:
Xij = Quantidade enviada do CD i ao Cliente j Li é variável binária, i {1, 2, 3} sendo Li = 1, se o CD i for instalado 0, caso contrário
Modelagem Função Objetivo: Minimizar CT = Custo Total de Investimento + Operação + Distribuição CT = 50L1 + 5(X11 + X12 + X14) + 13X11 + 9X X14 + + 75L2 + 3(X21+X22+X23+X24) + 10X21+7X22+11X23+4X24 + + 90L3 + 2(X32 + X33 + X34) + 2X X33 + 7X34 Cancelando os termos semelhantes, tem-se CT = 50L1 + 75L2 + 90L3 + 18X X X X21+ + 10X22+14X23+7X24 + 4X X33 + 9X34
Restrições: sujeito a X11 + X12 + X14 350L1
Ver Modelo no Lindo Restrições: sujeito a X11 + X12 + X14 350L1 X21 + X22 + X23 + X24 300L2 X32 + X33 + X34 200L3 L1 + L2 + L3 = Instalar 2 CD’s X11 + X21 = 50 X12 + X22 + X32 = 100 X23 + X33 = 150 X14 + X24 + X34 = 200 Xij 0 Li {0, 1} Produção Demanda Não - Negatividade Integralidade
Solução do Case em Logística
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