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© 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. Use of MiHpt Systems to Improve Project Outcomes Rapid, Real-Time High Resolution Site Characterization © 2013 COLUMBIA Technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. Use of MiHpt Systems to Improve Project Outcomes Rapid, Real-Time High Resolution Site Characterization © 2013 COLUMBIA Technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. Use of MiHpt Systems to Improve Project Outcomes Rapid, Real-Time High Resolution Site Characterization © 2013 COLUMBIA Technologies.

2 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. Presentation Outline Basic Mechanics of the MiHpt and LLMiHpt Interpretation of MiHpt and LLMiHpt data Project Examples–Mixed VOCs, Gasoline, and TCE Investigation Design Collaborative Data Sets Future Field Test of VOC Speciation 2

3 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. MiHpt Diagram 3

4 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. © 2012 COLUMBIA Technologies.4

5 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. Depth Detector MiHpt Transfer Line Drill Rods Electrical Generator (self sufficient) Ultra Pure Compressed Gases © 2013 COLUMBIA Technologies. 5

6 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. Membrane Interface Probe (MIP) Quick Notes: - Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), 60 measurements/foot - Vapor, Dissolved Phase, Sorbed Phase, some NAPL - Typical DL: 1 ppm fuel / 200 ppb solvent (can be lower with special procedures) - Low Level DL: 1 to 50 ppb VOCs, 3 measurement/foot 6

7 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. Sample HPT Log Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT) © 2013 COLUMBIA Technologies. 7 Quick Notes: - Water injected at approx. 100 ml/min - 20 measurements per foot, flow rate, pressure and EC -Dissipation test to determine head of water over probe. -Pressure and flow measurements collected from below the groundwater surface can be converted to approximations of K.

8 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. HPT Log X-section – EC and Pressure.8

9 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. © 2012 COLUMBIA Technologies.9

10 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. LLMiHpt Log 10

11 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. Project Examples MIP/EC Data – Mixed CVOC Plume – Australia MiHpt Data – Gasoline Plume - US MIP/EC, MiHpt, and LLMiHpt – TCE Plume - US 11

12 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. MIP Project Example Provide Example to AU Regulators of HRSC. Focus Remediation Efforts for Property Redevelopment. 12

13 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. Layout of SC/MIP soundings on the Project Site 13

14 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. X-section through soil electrical conductivity (EC) data (EC data shows alluvium of interbedded silts and sands, silts-yellow shading sand-green and blue)

15 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. Plan-view through MIP XSD Data 15

16 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. X-Section through MIP XSD Data © 2012 COLUMBIA Technologies.16

17 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. Plain-View through FID (flame ionisation detector) Data at a depth of 3 metres

18 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. X-section through FID (flame ionisation detector) data

19 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. MIP XSD Volume Calculations 19

20 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. MiHpt Gasoline Example Provide evidence of separate gasoline plumes. Regulators attempting to assign remediation costs. 20

21 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. MIP PID 0 to 2 feet 21

22 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. MIP PID 0 to 6 feet 22

23 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. MIP PID 0 to 12 feet

24 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. MIP PID 22 to 28 feet © 2012 COLUMBIA Technologies.24

25 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. 25 Benzene in groundwater map

26 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. MiHpt PID/Pressure X-sections through the gasoline plume.26

27 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. MIP/EC, MiHpt and LLMiHpt Example Define lateral and vertical distribution of TCE to determine if vapor is impacting potential receptors. 27

28 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies..28

29 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. X-section MIP/EC, MiHpt, LLMiHpt 29

30 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. Investigation Design Business Goals. Detailed Conceptual Site Model. Anchor Points – Existing Wells or Borings. Source areas. Property boundaries. Define exposure to receptors. Grid approach for pre-defined remediation areas. 30

31 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. Collaborative Data Sets Soil, Groundwater, Soil Vapor Analytical, Lithology, Geochemistry, Permeability to water, LNAPL Transmissivity, ISCO Radius of Influence.31

32 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. 32 In-well baffle device/ Mixing inhibitor Britt, SL and Calabria M, 2008, Baffles may allow effecting multilevel monitoring in traditional monitoring wells, Battelle Chlorcon Conference, Monterey California, May 2008 Snap Sampler – ProHydro Inc.

33 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. MIP Data Used in Well Design © 2012 COLUMBIA Technologies.33

34 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. © 2012 COLUMBIA Technologies.34

35 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. 35 Draft of Converting MiHpt data to Mass Flux

36 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. Mass transport zones < 10% of area

37 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. Future Field Test of VOC Speciation Mobile GC analysis of MIP Gas Stream Speciation of a Target List of VOCs Analytical Results on 7 minute Intervals © 2012 COLUMBIA Technologies.37

38 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. 1/16” SwageLok PCE TCE Cis-1,2-DCE trans-1,2-DCE FROG-4000 Detect VOCs in air down to 0.5ppbv. Sampling Sub- slab port in Indianapolis

39 © 2011 COLUMBIA Technologies. One More Final Thought It is far better to be approximately correct with a huge data set than precisely wrong with a limited data set. Thank You! Questions? 39 © 2013 COLUMBIA Technologies.

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