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By: Jason Post. George Washington #1  Father of our country  Did not live in white house  Good dancer  Lead our country to victory in Revolutionary.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jason Post. George Washington #1  Father of our country  Did not live in white house  Good dancer  Lead our country to victory in Revolutionary."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jason Post

2 George Washington #1  Father of our country  Did not live in white house  Good dancer  Lead our country to victory in Revolutionary War  Rode his horse Nelson to make an entrance  Served from 1789 to 1797

3 John Adams #2  Short  Father of navy  Spoke with a lisp  Didn't like losing  Snuck out of white house in the middle of the night  Served from 1797 to 1801

4 Thomas Jefferson #3  Author of the declaration of independence  Ambassador to France  Founding father  Wealthy  Served 2 terms  Served from 1801 to 1809

5 James Madison #4  Wrote parts of the constitution  Close friends with Thomas Jefferson  Left office as a popular president  Served 2 terms  Founding father  Served from1809 to 1817

6 James Monroe #5  First president to not wear a wig in public  Monroe agreed to buy Florida in 1820  Served 2 terms  Helped Jefferson  Joined Washington's army  Served from 1817 to 1825

7 John Quincy Adams #6  Interested in public services  Son of a founding father  Election was a scandal  Spoke against slavery  Died in 1848  Served from 1825 to 1829

8 Andrew Jackson #7  Army general  Bad temper  Used temper to get his way  Liked his nickname “JACKASS” and is now the democratic symbol  Was known as the common man  Served from 1829 to 1837

9 Marten van Buren #8  Nicknamed “little magician”  Could make a rabbit disappear  Was not a British subject  Liked Andrew Jackson  Blamed for Jacksons mistakes  Served from 1837 to 1841

10 William Henry Harrison #9  Campaigned for himself  Fought native Americans  First to die in office  Supported Andrew Jackson  Wanted to be a doctor  Served for 31 days

11 John Tyler #10  First substitute president  First to become a widow in wig party  Got kicked out of office  Liked slavery  Popular with southern voters  Served from 1841 to 1848

12 James K. Polk #10  First to be photographed in office  Polk wanted Texas in the union  Very popular  Strong leader  Expanded U.S  Served from 1845 to 1849

13 Zachary Taylor #12  War hero  Sloppy  Image on a tobacco tin  Tough  Didn't wear his uniform  Served from 1849 to185o

14 Millard Fillmore #13  Whig party builder  Very poor  Lived on a farm  U.S congressmen  Served only 3 years  Served from 1850 to 1853

15 Franklin pierce # 14  Had running hot and cold water  Born in new Hampshire  Known as bleeding Kansas  Hated slavery  Served one term  Served from 1853 to 1857

16 James Buchanan # 15  Once had to sleep in hallway  Hated slavery  Wanted Kansas to be a proslavery state  Served from 1857 to 1861

17 Abraham Lincoln # 16  Tall  Ugly  Funny  Obsessed with war tactics  Born in log cabin  Served from 1857 to 1865

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