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+ A021: Class Sixteen Human Resources Frame: Interpersonal and Group Dynamics.

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Presentation on theme: "+ A021: Class Sixteen Human Resources Frame: Interpersonal and Group Dynamics."— Presentation transcript:

1 + A021: Class Sixteen Human Resources Frame: Interpersonal and Group Dynamics

2 + Recurring Questions about Relationships: What is really happening in this relationship? What motives are behind other people’s behavior? What can I do about it?

3 + Argyris and Schon: Espoused Theory vs. Theory in Use Espoused: are accounts individuals provide when they try to describe, explain, or predict their behavior. In Use: what people actually do. Implicit program or set of rules that specifies how to behave. Argyris and Schon found discrepancies between espoused theory and theory in-use

4 + Model I: The work place is a dangerous place. Built on distrust. Blame is the operating theory Model II: Balance between Advocacy and Inquiry

5 + Advocacy and Inquiry

6 + What can we do to improve interpersonal relationships?

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