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Nov. 19981 Private Pesticide Applicator Certification.

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Presentation on theme: "Nov. 19981 Private Pesticide Applicator Certification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nov. 19981 Private Pesticide Applicator Certification

2 2 University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service

3 3 Objectives of Private Pesticide Applicator Certification To train people in the safe and proper use of pesticides. Pesticide problems are usually not the fault of the pesticide, they are the fault of the applicator.


5 5 INDIVIDUALS WHO APPLY restricted-use pesticides must be certified to do so under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Wyoming Environmental Pesticide Control Act of 1973. Amendments to FIFRA require that applicators be continually recertified.

6 6 Training is conducted by the University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service. Licensing is conferred by the Wyoming Department of Agriculture (WDA), which enforces FIFRA and the state act in Wyoming.

7 7 Applicator Classifications Private Pesticide Applicator: –is an individual sixteen (16) years of age or older who is licensed to apply or supervise the application of RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDES to their own properties, either owned or leased, or who may apply restricted use pesticides for other individuals on their properties, owned or leased either for no charge, or as an exchange of services, but not for pay, in the production of an agricultural commodity. Applicator classification is not related to either the amount of pesticides applied, or to the amount of acreage treated.

8 8 Applicator Classifications Commercial Pesticide Applicator: –is a person sixteen (16) years of age or older who applies or supervises the application of any pesticide by other individuals, on property other than their own, for contract or hire. Commercial applicators are certified in one or more categories and may use pesticides only in the category(s) for which they are certified.

9 9 When Must I Be RECERTIFIED? Private applicator –Five (5) year block of time and the license expires on April 30 of the appropriate year. Commercial applicator –Three (3) year block of time and the license expires on January 31 of the appropriate year.

10 10 How Do I Become RECERTIFIED? Private applicators –Private applicators have three (3) options for recertification: 1) attending an approved training session; 2) completing a home study workbook; 3) passing a written examination.

11 11 How Do I Become RECERTIFIED? (con't) Commercial applicators –Commercial applicators also have three (3) options for recertification: 1) attending an approved training session; 2) passing the appropriate category examinations; 3) obtaining 24 hours of certification hours within their respective three year block of time. The 24 hours may not be accumulated in a single year.

12 12 What Topics Are Included In The Training? PRIVATE APPLICATOR TRAINING –A minimum of two (2) hours of training is required to certify Wyoming private applicators. The training session format is as follows:

13 13 What Topics Are Included In The Training? PRIVATE APPLICATOR TRAINING (con't) –(1) A verbal review of the certification requirements for Wyoming private pesticide applicators. –(2) A verbal review of pesticide laws and regulations.

14 14 What Topics Are Included In The Training? PRIVATE APPLICATOR TRAINING (con't). –(3) Training on the use of pesticides (safety, handling, groundwater contamination, misuse, public concerns, and disposal). –(4) Training on proper use of pesticide equipment and calibration.

15 15 What Topics Are Included In The Training? COMMERCIAL APPLICATOR TRAINING –Commercial Pesticide Applicator Training Short Course 3 day course with training in pesticide labels & terminology, pesticide & farm worker safety, pesticide laws & regulations, pesticide toxicity, groundwater quality, pesticide formulations, plant pathology, weed science, entomology, small animal control, and calibration.

16 16 What Topics Are Included In The Training? COMMERCIAL APPLICATOR TRAINING (con't). –Commercial pesticide applicator Recertification short course 1 1/2 day course with new information in the areas of laws & regulations, pesticide toxicity, vertebrate pest control, weed control, pesticide safety, integrated pest management, plant disease control, insect control, groundwater, and calibration.

17 17 License Fees The commercial license fee is $25.00 upon successful completion of examination(s). There is a $25.00 renewal fee when requirements for recertification are met. There is no license fee for government employees. There is no license fee for private applicators.

18 18 Applicator Training Fees A registration fee is charged for the initial commercial applicator training session and for the commercial applicator recertification training session. There is no fee or registration charge for private applicator training.

19 19 Commercial Licenses Cat. 901 Ag pest control (Plant: weed, insect, and disease control), (animal pest control), (rodent control), (chemigation); Cat. 902 Forest pest control; Cat. 903 Ornamental & Turf pest control (weed, insect, plant disease, rodent control);

20 20 Commercial Licenses Cat. 904 Seed Treatment; Cat. 905 Aquatic Pest Control; Cat. 906 Right-of-way Pest Control;

21 21 Commercial Licenses Cat. 907 Industrial, Institutional, Structural, & Health Related Pest Control (bird control); Cat. 908 Public Health Pest Control; Cat. 909 Regulatory Pest Control (rodent control, bird control, vertebrate pest control, M-44, livestock protection collars);

22 22 Commercial Licenses Cat. 910 Demonstration and Research Pest Control; Cat. 911 Specific Use Pest Control (wood preservation, non-government M-44, non-government livestock protection collar); Cat. 912 Aerial Application.

23 23 Wyoming Environmental Pesticide Control Act of 1973 Prohibited Acts, it is unlawful: –to destroy any pesticide label prior to proper disposal of the container –to refuse to keep required records –to allow a restricted use pesticide to be used by a non-certified applicator –to use a pesticide in manner inconsistent with its labeling

24 24 Welcome to the University of Wyoming Pesticide Programs and Education Resources Web Site Education Wyoming's Pesticide Applicator Certification Program How do I become a certified applicator? Wyoming Commercial Pesticide Applicator Training Short Courses for the year 2002 Recertification, November 5 & 6, 2001, Parkway Plaza, Casper, WY Initial Certification, January 15 - 18, 2002, Univeristy of Wyoming, Laramie On line registration for Initial Certification January 15 - 18, 2002 (this is a secure site) Private Pesticide Applicator Training Programs Scheduled for 2001-2002 in Wyoming Pesticide Education Program Fact Sheets Training Materials PowerPoint Presentations How do I receive credit towards license recertification? How do I get a Reciprocal Pesticide Applicator License? State of Wyoming's pesticide information web page Pesticide Impact Assessment Pesticide Use in Wyoming on Major Crops and Livestock in 1994 Pest Management Centers (National) (Western Region)NationalWestern Region Wyoming Crop Profiles Wyoming Draft ProfilesWyoming Draft Profiles (These will be continually updated. If you have comments please send them to: Plant Health Weed Science Links Links to other Pesticide Related Web Sites [The University of Wyoming | College of Agriculture | Cooperative Extension Service | Plant Sciences]The University of WyomingCollege of AgricultureCooperative Extension ServicePlant Sciences

25 25 University of Wyoming Pesticide Programs and Education Resources Web Page Address

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