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Lesson Sixteen English I. nepotism Definition (n) favoritism by a boss shown toward a relative, esp. in hiring for a job Example Not wanting to be accused.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Sixteen English I. nepotism Definition (n) favoritism by a boss shown toward a relative, esp. in hiring for a job Example Not wanting to be accused."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Sixteen English I

2 nepotism Definition (n) favoritism by a boss shown toward a relative, esp. in hiring for a job Example Not wanting to be accused of nepotism, my Uncle Matthew refused to hire me even though I was qualified for the job.

3 numismatist Definition (n) coin collector Example My father used to be an avid numismatist when he was a merchant and had access to a lot of small change.

4 obeisance Definition (n) a bow or similar gesture expressing deep respect Example The crowd made obeisance as the king’s carriage rolled past.

5 obsequy Definition (n) a funeral rite or ceremony Example At the graveside, a minister performed the obsequies before the body was lowered into the grave.

6 obtrude Definition (v) to force oneself upon others unasked or unwanted; to push out syn: intrude Example You were sitting there looking very thoughtful, and I did not wish to obtrude.

7 ogre Definition (n) monster; hideous being Example When I was young, I thought my father was an ogre, but now I think he’s a pretty nice guy.

8 opiate Definition (n) a narcotic; anything causing sleep or bringing relief ant: stimulant Example A mild opiate was used to quiet the wounded animal.

9 oscillate Definition (v) to swing or move back and forth like a pendulum syn: vacillate, fluctuate, vary Example I felt my loyalty oscillate between the candidates as each one said certain things with which I agreed.

10 ostentatious Definition (adj) marked by a conspicuous, showy, or pretentious display Example It was an ostentatious affair, meant to impress the hundreds of guests.

11 oust Definition (v) to drive out; expel; dispossess Example The bailiff began to oust the disruptive spectators from the courtroom.

12 pacify Definition (v) to calm down syn: appease, placate ant: incite, agitate Example No one was able to pacify the tearful baby except her grandmother.

13 paean Definition (n) song of praise or joy Example The ceremony was marked by colorful rituals and beautiful paeans sung by a monk’s choir.

14 pall Definition (n) something that covers or conceals Example A pall of gloom descended over the crowd.

15 pallid Definition (adj) pale; faint in color ant: hearty, robust Example The patient’s pallid face and slow, raspy breathing concerned the doctor.

16 palpable Definition (adj) obvious; capable of being touched or felt syn: evident, tangible ant: obscure, unclear Example The fear in the room was so palpable that Krietzer thought it could be cut with a knife.

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