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Adolf Hitler By: Zach Montoya & Caleb Peavy. Born and Death Adolf Hitler was born in Austria, on April 20, 1889. Hitler died on April 30, 1945 in Berlin.

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Presentation on theme: "Adolf Hitler By: Zach Montoya & Caleb Peavy. Born and Death Adolf Hitler was born in Austria, on April 20, 1889. Hitler died on April 30, 1945 in Berlin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adolf Hitler By: Zach Montoya & Caleb Peavy

2 Born and Death Adolf Hitler was born in Austria, on April 20, 1889. Hitler died on April 30, 1945 in Berlin Germany.

3 Hitler’s Dreams He left school at the age of sixteen to become a painter in the Viennese Academy of Fine Arts. He was rejected twice.

4 WWI He joined the sixteenth Bavarian Infantry regiment, serving as a dispatch runner. He received the Iron Cross for bravery.

5 Hitler’s illness At age 45 he suffered from gastro intestinal disturbances. He also had a pain in the right kidney

6 After WWI Hitler thought that it was his destiny to save Germany. He was also the main investigator of WWII.

7 Hitler’s Plan Hitler killed over 6 million Jews. He wanted to wipe out all the Jews because of their beliefs.

8 Nazi Party Hitler was the founder and leader of the Nazi Party. He joined this party at the age of thirty.

9 Marriage and Death Hitler married his girlfriend under his bunker. On April 30, 1945 Hitler had committed suicide.

10 WWII over A week later Germany surrendered. This made the war over for everyone.

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