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Agenda for Change OT Student Conference February 2006 Judy Wilson UNISON BAOT Project Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda for Change OT Student Conference February 2006 Judy Wilson UNISON BAOT Project Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda for Change OT Student Conference February 2006 Judy Wilson UNISON BAOT Project Officer

2 Headlines Negotiations took over 3 years Some unions agreed (RCN, RCM, CSP) Others second ballots (UNISON, AMICUS) All agreed to 12 Early Implementers National EI Review Second ballot gave go-ahead Nov 2004 Roll –out 1st Dec. 04 ( effective date of 1st October 04)

3 Overview Modernisation of pay in NHS Covers over 1 million staff ( except doctors and very senior managers) Common Pay Spine Based on Job Evaluation Harmonised Terms & Conditions Linked to better services to patients Implemented on a partnership basis

4 Pay Nine Pay Bands (grades) Pay points within bands Progression through bands normal but not automatic ‘Gateways’ within bands - linked to a Knowledge & Skills Framework (KSF) OT graduates start at Band 5 (currently £18698 - £24,198)

5 Terms & Conditions Replaces Whitley Councils Harmonised Terms & Conditions Standard Working Week of 37.5 hrs Overtime at time & half (Bank Hol X2) Unsocial Hours – was a % addition On-Call – also a % addition to pay Annual Leave = 27 days rising to 33 days + 8 bank holidays

6 Premia High Cost Area (HCA) premia, replaces London Weighting Inner London = 20% of basic Pay with a minimum of £3,197, maximum of £5,328 Outer London = 15% of basic pay with a minimum of £2,664, maximum of £3,729 Cost of Living Supplement incorporated into these figures Recruitment & retention premia, long term or short term, up to +30%

7 Job Evaluation Covers all Staff Groups – Equality proofed Sixteen Factors – Knowledge & Skills, Responsibilities, Effort & Environment Scores for each Factor; total score determines the band (grade) Jobs matched against national job profiles Evaluated locally if no match Joint management/staff side panels Panel members trained to JEWP standard Appeals to different joint panel

8 Knowledge & Skills Framework Common descriptions of Knowledge & skills across the NHS KSF ‘outline’ for all posts Development Review meetings Personal Development Plans for all staff Achievement of required knowledge & skills allows progression through ‘Gateways’ to top of pay band

9 Preceptorship All newly registered health professionals 2 pay points in year 1 of pay band 5 Structure and support for first year in practice Clear objectives Linked to the KSF

10 More info….. select UNISON agenda for change thumbnails for briefings on ksf & preceptorship, national job profiles and links to UNISON website for links to all agenda for change websites for access to e-ksf tool

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