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Operation Graduation Sandra Dorn, College and Career Guidance Specialist.

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2 Operation Graduation Sandra Dorn, College and Career Guidance Specialist

3 Graduation 2013 The good news is…. There are no significant changes At the moment

4 THE GRADUATION PLAN Taking a closer look

5 English Requirements for School Districts: English I, II, III, and IV

6 Math

7 Distinguished Achievement Program The fourth mathematics credit must be taken after successful completion of Algebra I, algebra II, and Geometry. CTE courses that may satisfy the fourth mathematics requirement may be taken after the successful completion of Algebra I and Geometry and either after the successful completion of or concurrently with Algebra II. Recommended High School Program The only mathematics course sequence requirements will be: Mathematical Models will applications must be successfully completed prior to Algebra II CTE courses that satisfy the fourth mathematics requirement may be taken after successful completion of Algebra I and Geometry and either after the successful completion of or concurrently with algebra II Required Offerings Algebra I Algebra II Geometry Precalculus Mathematical Models with Applications

8 Science Minimum High School Program A student on the MHSP will be permitted to take Principles of Technology to satisfy the physics requirement if he or she takes chemistry and physics instead of IPC. Recommended High school Program The only science course requirements will be: Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) must be successfully completed prior to chemistry and physics. CTE courses that may satisfy the fourth science requirement may be taken after the successful completion of biology and chemistry and either after the successful completion of or concurrently with physics. Distinguished Achievement Program There will be no course sequence requirements except: CTE courses that may satisfy the fourth science requirement may be taken after the successful completion of biology and chemistry and wither after the successful completion of or concurrently with physics.

9 Science Requirements for School Districts IPC Biology Chemistry Physics at least two additional science courses

10 Social Studies/LOTE/PE/Electives

11 Social Studies Requirements for School Districts U.S. History Studies Since 1877 World History Studies US Government World Geography Studies Economics

12 Languages Other Than English Requirements for School Districts Levels I, II, and III or higher of the same language

13 Physical Education Requirements for School Districts at least two courses selected from: Foundations of Personal Fitness Adventure/outdoor Education Aerobic activities Individual Sports

14 Electives Requirements for School Districts coherent sequences of courses selected from at least three of the sixteen career clusters


16 Requirements for School Districts Then The school district must teach a course in which ten or more students indicate they will participate or that is required for a student to graduate. For a course in which fewer than ten students indicate they will participate, the district must either teach the course every year or employ options described in Subchapter C of this chapter to provide the course and must maintain evidence that it is employing those options. Now A school district must teach a course that is specifically required for high school graduation at least once in any two consecutive school years. For a subject that has an end-of-course assessment, the district must either teach the course every year or employ options described in Subchapter C of this chapter (relating to Other Provisions) to enable students to earn credit for the course and must maintain evidence that it is employing those options.

17 SUBSTITUTIONS All Three Graduation Programs


19 A student who is unable to participate in physical activity due to disability or illness may substitute an academic elective credit (English language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies) for the physical education credit requirement. The determination regarding a student's ability to participate in physical activity will be made by: the student‘s ARD committee if the student receives special education services the Section 504 committee, if the student does not receive special education services, but is covered by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 a committee established by the school district of persons with appropriate knowledge regarding the student if neither of the first two committees is applicable. This committee shall follow the same procedures required of an ARD or a Section 504 committee.

20 On January 21, 2011 the State Board of Education adopted Proposed New 19 TAC Chapter 111, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Mathematics, Subchapter C, High School, §111.37, Advanced Quantitative Reasoning (One Credit) This course is an additional option for students to satisfy the third mathematics credit requirement on the MHSP or the fourth mathematics credit requirement on the RHSP or DAP beginning with the 2011-2012 school year.

21 COMBINING CREDITS All Three Graduation Programs

22 Half- credits

23 The TAC allows a local school district to award credit proportionately to students to who are able to successfully complete only one semester of a two-semester course. Unless the TAC specifically prohibits combining two half credits to satisfy a graduation requirement, in accordance with local district policy, a student may satisfy a graduation requirement for which there are multiple options with one-half credit of one allowable option and one-half credit of a second allowable option. Citation: §74.26. Award of Credit (d) In accordance with local district policy, students who are able to successfully complete only one semester of a two- semester course can be awarded credit proportionately.

24 MHSP - A student may not combine a half credit of Algebra II with a half credit from another mathematics course to satisfy the final mathematics credit requirement. MHSP - A student may not combine a half credit of either World History Studies or World Geography Studies with a half credit from another academic elective course to satisfy the academic elective credit requirement. All Programs - A student may not combine a half credit of a course for which there is an end-of-course assessment with another elective to satisfy an elective credit requirement

25 Thanks for listening and have an incredible day!!!!

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