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To make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)

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Presentation on theme: "To make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)"— Presentation transcript:

1 to make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)

2 low, vile, detestable, worthy of scorn despicable

3 masterful, proficient, skilled adept (adj.)

4 unconquerable, unbeatable invincible

5 grim, gloomy desolate, dreary bleak

6 untidy in dress; careless, sloppy slipshod

7 to get stuck mire (v)

8 spontaneous, impromptu extemporaneous

9 undersized, miniature, small diminutive

10 rough, strong, harsh rugged

11 to free from slavery; unshackle emancipation

12 to blame, reprimand, scold chide

13 an expert adept (n)

14 a feat, deed exploit (n)

15 lethargic, listless, lazy, sluggish languid

16 disable, cripple, harm impair

17 an introduction, preface, prologue preamble

18 mud; a tough situation mire (n)

19 To cause to become, make; to perform render

20 incorrect, fallacious, mistaken erroneous

21 inclined to doubt skeptical

22 yearn, aim for, desire earnestly aspire

23 untidy in dress; careless, sloppy slipshod

24 low, vile, detestable, worthy of scorn despicable

25 lethargic, listless, lazy, sluggish languid

26 brash, impudent, undesirably prominent obtrusive

27 to make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)

28 unconquerable, unbeatable invincible

29 masterful, proficient, skilled adept (adj.)

30 grim, gloomy desolate, dreary bleak

31 to get stuck mire (v)

32 rough, strong, harsh rugged

33 to free from slavery; unshackle emancipation

34 undersized, miniature, small diminutive

35 to blame, reprimand, scold chide

36 spontaneous, impromptu extemporaneous

37 an expert adept (n)

38 a feat, deed exploit (n)

39 disable, cripple, harm impair

40 an introduction, preface, prologue preamble

41 To cause to become, make; to perform render

42 incorrect, fallacious, mistaken erroneous

43 inclined to doubt skeptical

44 yearn, aim for, desire earnestly aspire

45 brash, impudent, undesirably prominent obtrusive

46 mud; a tough situation mire (n)

47 to make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)

48 low, vile, detestable, worthy of scorn despicable

49 masterful, proficient, skilled adept (adj.)

50 unconquerable, unbeatable invincible

51 grim, gloomy desolate, dreary bleak

52 untidy in dress; careless, sloppy slipshod

53 to get stuck mire (v)

54 spontaneous, impromptu extemporaneous

55 undersized, miniature, small diminutive

56 rough, strong, harsh rugged

57 to free from slavery; unshackle emancipation

58 to blame, reprimand, scold chide

59 an expert adept (n)

60 a feat, deed exploit (n)

61 lethargic, listless, lazy, sluggish languid

62 disable, cripple, harm impair

63 an introduction, preface, prologue preamble

64 mud; a tough situation mire (n)

65 To cause to become, make; to perform render

66 incorrect, fallacious, mistaken erroneous

67 inclined to doubt skeptical

68 yearn, aim for, desire earnestly aspire

69 untidy in dress; careless, sloppy slipshod

70 low, vile, detestable, worthy of scorn despicable

71 lethargic, listless, lazy, sluggish languid

72 brash, impudent, undesirably prominent obtrusive

73 to make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)

74 unconquerable, unbeatable invincible

75 masterful, proficient, skilled adept (adj.)

76 grim, gloomy desolate, dreary bleak

77 to get stuck mire (v)

78 rough, strong, harsh rugged

79 to free from slavery; unshackle emancipation

80 undersized, miniature, small diminutive

81 to blame, reprimand, scold chide

82 spontaneous, impromptu extemporaneous

83 an expert adept (n)

84 a feat, deed exploit (n)

85 disable, cripple, harm impair

86 an introduction, preface, prologue preamble

87 To cause to become, make; to perform render

88 incorrect, fallacious, mistaken erroneous

89 inclined to doubt skeptical

90 yearn, aim for, desire earnestly aspire

91 brash, impudent, undesirably prominent obtrusive

92 mud; a tough situation mire (n)

93 to make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)

94 low, vile, detestable, worthy of scorn despicable

95 masterful, proficient, skilled adept (adj.)

96 unconquerable, unbeatable invincible

97 grim, gloomy desolate, dreary bleak

98 untidy in dress; careless, sloppy slipshod

99 to get stuck mire (v)

100 spontaneous, impromptu extemporaneous

101 undersized, miniature, small diminutive

102 rough, strong, harsh rugged

103 to free from slavery; unshackle emancipation

104 to blame, reprimand, scold chide

105 an expert adept (n)

106 a feat, deed exploit (n)

107 lethargic, listless, lazy, sluggish languid

108 disable, cripple, harm impair

109 an introduction, preface, prologue preamble

110 mud; a tough situation mire (n)

111 To cause to become, make; to perform render

112 incorrect, fallacious, mistaken erroneous

113 inclined to doubt skeptical

114 yearn, aim for, desire earnestly aspire

115 untidy in dress; careless, sloppy slipshod

116 low, vile, detestable, worthy of scorn despicable

117 lethargic, listless, lazy, sluggish languid

118 brash, impudent, undesirably prominent obtrusive

119 to make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)

120 unconquerable, unbeatable invincible

121 masterful, proficient, skilled adept (adj.)

122 grim, gloomy desolate, dreary bleak

123 to get stuck mire (v)

124 rough, strong, harsh rugged

125 to free from slavery; unshackle emancipation

126 undersized, miniature, small diminutive

127 to blame, reprimand, scold chide

128 spontaneous, impromptu extemporaneous

129 an expert adept (n)

130 a feat, deed exploit (n)

131 disable, cripple, harm impair

132 an introduction, preface, prologue preamble

133 To cause to become, make; to perform render

134 incorrect, fallacious, mistaken erroneous

135 inclined to doubt skeptical

136 yearn, aim for, desire earnestly aspire

137 brash, impudent, undesirably prominent obtrusive

138 mud; a tough situation mire (n)

139 to make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)

140 low, vile, detestable, worthy of scorn despicable

141 masterful, proficient, skilled adept (adj.)

142 unconquerable, unbeatable invincible

143 grim, gloomy desolate, dreary bleak

144 untidy in dress; careless, sloppy slipshod

145 to get stuck mire (v)

146 spontaneous, impromptu extemporaneous

147 undersized, miniature, small diminutive

148 rough, strong, harsh rugged

149 to free from slavery; unshackle emancipation

150 to blame, reprimand, scold chide

151 an expert adept (n)

152 a feat, deed exploit (n)

153 lethargic, listless, lazy, sluggish languid

154 disable, cripple, harm impair

155 an introduction, preface, prologue preamble

156 mud; a tough situation mire (n)

157 To cause to become, make; to perform render

158 incorrect, fallacious, mistaken erroneous

159 inclined to doubt skeptical

160 yearn, aim for, desire earnestly aspire

161 untidy in dress; careless, sloppy slipshod

162 low, vile, detestable, worthy of scorn despicable

163 lethargic, listless, lazy, sluggish languid

164 brash, impudent, undesirably prominent obtrusive

165 to make improper use of for personal profit exploit (v)

166 unconquerable, unbeatable invincible

167 masterful, proficient, skilled adept (adj.)

168 grim, gloomy desolate, dreary bleak

169 to get stuck mire (v)

170 rough, strong, harsh rugged

171 to free from slavery; unshackle emancipation

172 undersized, miniature, small diminutive

173 to blame, reprimand, scold chide

174 spontaneous, impromptu extemporaneous

175 an expert adept (n)

176 a feat, deed exploit (n)

177 disable, cripple, harm impair

178 an introduction, preface, prologue preamble

179 To cause to become, make; to perform render

180 incorrect, fallacious, mistaken erroneous

181 inclined to doubt skeptical

182 yearn, aim for, desire earnestly aspire

183 brash, impudent, undesirably prominent obtrusive

184 mud; a tough situation mire (n)

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