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Lesson 4 Letters from Foreigners in Korea Learning Aims 외국인들이 화나거나 기쁜 이유를 말할 수 있다. 편지의 내용으로 대화문을 만들 수 있다.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 4 Letters from Foreigners in Korea Learning Aims 외국인들이 화나거나 기쁜 이유를 말할 수 있다. 편지의 내용으로 대화문을 만들 수 있다."— Presentation transcript:


2 Lesson 4 Letters from Foreigners in Korea

3 Learning Aims 외국인들이 화나거나 기쁜 이유를 말할 수 있다. 편지의 내용으로 대화문을 만들 수 있다.

4 Pre-reading

5 A Careless Taxi Driver John Smith Seoul

6 Warm-hearted Students Mary Johns Jeonju

7 Noise in the Park Robert Parker Incheon

8 Listening to the text A Careless Taxi Driver Warm-hearted Students Noise in the Park

9 During-reading

10 New Words Careless Arrive Scared Suddenly Safety Respect Accident Teacher’s Day Rest Public 부주의한 도착하다 두려운 갑자기 안전 존경하다 사고 스승의 날 쉬다 공공의

11 Reading the text Read the text together. Helpers help the other group members.

12 OX Quiz John Smith arrived at Incheon Airport in the morning. Mary Johns is an English teacher. Robert Parker went to a swimming pool last Sunday. ( F ) ( T )

13 OX Quiz John Smith was very scared because the taxi driver was drunk. On Teacher’s Day, Mary Johns took flowers and a mug from her friends. Robert Parker couldn’t take a rest because of the noise in the park. ( T ) ( F )

14 After-reading

15 Writing a Dialog A Careless Taxi Driver - Warm-hearted Students - Noise in the Park - John,Taxi Driver Mary,Students Robert,People,Dogs

16 Writing a Dialog Choose one letter. Write a dialog with the contents of the letter.

17 Presentation Raise your hand and read your dialog.

18 Formative Test Take a short test for 3 minutes.

19 Formative Test 1. 다음 빈칸에 공통적으로 알맞은 단어는 ? The subway will soon. I d at Incheon Airport yestday. John always at the meeting very late. arriv e

20 Formative Test (2-4). 다음 중 맞는 것은 T, 틀린 것에 F 를 각각 표시하시오. 2. In John’s letter, the driver drove too slow. ( T / F ) 3. In Mary’s letter, she thinks Korean students respect their teachers. ( T / F ) 4. In Robert’s letter, he could take a rest in the park. ( T / F ) O O O

21 Formative Test (5-6) 다음은 John 과 Robert 의 편지를 요약 한 표이다. 빈칸에 알맞은 것은 ? NamePlaceOpinion John Rober t Some people make a lot of noise in public places. Some taxi drivers drive too fast. Park Taxi

22 Formative Test 7. 다음은 Mary Johns 의 편지를 요약한 글이다. 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오. Ms. Johns is a teacher at one middle school in Jeonju. On Teacher’s Day, her students gave her beautiful flowers and a. She thinks that Korean students are. warm-hearted mug

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