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LESSON 15 Theme: “Grammar in crosswords and puzzles” Grammar: Suffixes 12- years education Class 5 B Teacher: Muzaffarova S.A. School #17 Talgar region.

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Presentation on theme: "LESSON 15 Theme: “Grammar in crosswords and puzzles” Grammar: Suffixes 12- years education Class 5 B Teacher: Muzaffarova S.A. School #17 Talgar region."— Presentation transcript:

1 LESSON 15 Theme: “Grammar in crosswords and puzzles” Grammar: Suffixes 12- years education Class 5 B Teacher: Muzaffarova S.A. School #17 Talgar region Almaty Kazakhstan Иден. 257-160-960 Authors of the book: T. D. Kuznetsova M. Zh. Tazhenova

2 The aims of the lesson: 1.To form knowledge, skills, abilities, to give lexis and grammar, and practice them in crosswords, puzzles; 2.To develop pupils’ speech, mind and critical thinking; 3.To develop feelings of humanism, instill in interest and intellectual curiosity. Технологии: личностно- ориентированная, критическое мышление, Тип урока:интерактивный, урок-закрепление ФОПД: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная Методы обучения: наглядные, частично-поисковые, индуктивные Наглядности: интерактивная доска, кроссворды

3 Phonetic drill: [a:] garden, grass [i] dig, is, little, pretty [i:] clean, weeds, green, seen, sweetly, leaf [w] well, water, away, watch, with [ou] snowdrops, crocuses, primrose, rose

4 Crossword Puzzle (crosswords on pupils’ hands) suddenness endless careless friendless nameless sweetness neatness thoughtless homeless helpless darkness noiseless weakness Across: Down: 2) Without a friend 1) without an end 5) Without a thought 2) the state of being sweet 9) Without care 3) the state of being dark 10) Without a noise 4) without a home 11) Without a name 5) without a help 12) The state of being sudden 6) the state of being weak 7) the state of being neat (Each pupil has crosswords on their hands to fill in)

5 1 2 34 56 7 L 8T 9A 10 S 11 12 N

6 Suffixes: -er, -or 1.A person who dances ___________ 2. A person who builds _ _________ 3. A person who paints ___________ 4. A person who teaches ___________ 5. A person who trains ___________ 6. A person who drives ___________ 7. A person who translates ___________ 8. A person who corrects ___________ painter teacher trainer builder driver translator corrector dancer

7 Write a meaning for each word below. Wonderful – ___________________ Cheerful – ____________________ Harmful – _____________________ Careful – ______________________ Colourful - _____________________ вредный разноцветный весёлый чудесный заботливый

8 - ness The act of being kind _____________ The state of being slow _____________ The state of being happy ______________ The state of being neat ______________ The state of being lonely ______________ The state of being weak ______________ The act of being sweet ______________ happiness neatness loneliness weakness sweetness slowness kindness

9 - less Finish each sentence with a word ending with the suffix “ –less” 1.If a puppy has no home, it’s ________________________. 1.If a road is so long it seems like it will never end, the road is __________. 2.If a man can’t do anything without help, he is ___________________. 3.If a girl doesn’t have any friends, she is ___________________. 4.If your goldfish don’t have names, they are ________________. 6. If a boy doesn’t care how he writes his papers, he is ________________. friendless endless careless homeless nameless helpless

10 Homework: To learn the poem: ex 1 p 161 When mummy comes to play with me, I am as happy as can be. We have such lovely games of fun- All round the nursery we run. And when I’m tired as tired can be, She tells a pretty tale to me.

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