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Getting Tenure adapted by Mariesa Crow Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering from the book Getting Tenure by M. Whicker, J. Kronefeld, and R.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Tenure adapted by Mariesa Crow Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering from the book Getting Tenure by M. Whicker, J. Kronefeld, and R."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Tenure adapted by Mariesa Crow Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering from the book Getting Tenure by M. Whicker, J. Kronefeld, and R. Strickland New Faculty Programs meeting 12 Jan 2005

2 Criteria for Tenure Scholarship and research Teaching Service Professional training and credentials Collegiality

3 The Tenure Process

4 Who makes the tenure decision ? The unit decision –Usually only tenured faculty of higher rank –Knowledgeable about Prestige of journals Specific courses Significance of presentations/conferences Understanding of time demands

5 Who makes the tenure decision? (cont’d) Chairman’s recommendation –May or may not agree with unit decision –Chair is expected to take an overall view of department well-being –Focus on unit needs –Explain negative comments/vote – department politics, etc. –Take advantage of annual evaluations to discuss tenure progress

6 Who makes the tenure decision? (cont’d) School or college –Makes sure regulations and procedures are followed –Independent judgment of quality Letters from external reviewers become the most important part at this point –Dean – may factor in issues such as importance of area to long term goals

7 Who makes the tenure decision? (cont’d) Provost –If the candidate’s department is viewed as strong on campus, a positive recommendation will rarely be overturned. –If overturned, often the provost considers the unit academically weak or unimportant

8 The Tenure Dossier

9 Forms and supporting documentation Do not avoid or ignore Poorly prepared documentation may be seen as either careless or cocky

10 Record Keeping Teaching –Keep a count of each course taught by semester and enrollment –List grade distributions for each course –Remember to count independent study courses, senior design projects, and theses/dissertations directed

11 Record Keeping (cont’d) Research –Maintain a current list of each published article on your CV –Keep a copy of each article in a publication file –List each article submitted and date submitted –List meeting presentations –List each proposal submitted and the outcome

12 Record Keeping (cont’d) Service –General department service –University level service (including ad- hoc committees) –Community (include any presentations to local groups) –Activities in professional societies

13 Preparing the Dossier The personal statement –This is your opportunity to make your own case and supply justification –Write about your achievements –Include goals for the future and a research agenda beyond achieving tenure –Locate your work within a larger body of work

14 Preparing the Dossier External reviewers –One set named by candidate, one set by chair or unit P/T committee –Develop a network of colleagues early

15 Criteria to Select Referees Pick people at equivalent or better institutions, but be sure they understand UMR Use no more than one referee from your Ph.D. institution Use only one prior collaborator Referees should be at a higher rank than you Contact people in advance

16 The Research Criterion

17 In theory Teaching Research Service

18 In reality Service Research Teaching

19 Science and Engineering Large funding getters are more tenurable than those with limited success Alone though, this is not sufficient Grant/contracts must result in peer-reviewed publication

20 Developing your publication record Publish from your dissertation Use conferences as a writing deadline and for networking Treat writing as a regular part of your job Avoid administrative and other distractions Develop a tough ego Assist editors and reviewers in seeing your revisions and accommodate their criticisms

21 The truth Publish or perish!

22 Actions Develop and demonstrate a coherent, ongoing research agenda Do your research in the area in which you were hired Find out the research standards for your department

23 Actions (cont’d) Ask senior colleagues their expectations Examine the records of recently tenured faculty Pay attention to weaknesses in your annual review Keep good records

24 The Teaching Criterion

25 Teaching Emphasis Teaching may be a smaller component in appraising overall performance, but poor teaching may be used to deny tenure Teaching well is an art, but it is also a skill that can be improved

26 Documentation Student evaluations Letters from former students Classroom peer review Discussion of innovative teaching approaches Development of new courses

27 Developing a Tenurable Teaching Record Do not take criticisms personally Teach to your strengths Treat students with respect – leave your preconceptions at the door Allocate time to students outside of class Develop motivational skills Pay attention to grading and student feedback

28 Developing a Tenurable Teaching Record (cont’d) Take student evaluations seriously Troubleshoot teaching problems as quickly as possible Present yourself as a concerned and dedicated teacher Save all student evaluations and peer reviews and unsolicited student comments

29 Dossier Presentation Graph or tabulate student evaluations to illustrate trends in performance Justify any “out-lying” evaluations Discuss innovative styles and approaches Be an educator, not a teacher

30 The Service Criterion

31 Why? Shows that you can work and play well with others Shows that you are willing to share in the burden – being a good colleague

32 What counts as service? Through service, faculty members can learn useful things about the university community Volunteer for duties/committees that interest you and for which you have passion

33 Basic kinds Departmental – necessary School or campus – optional, but choose wisely Community – optional, but shows “well-roundedness” Professional – good to establish your presence early

34 Managing Your Tenure Case Tenure is subjective Tenure is political Tenure is the University’s future

35 Powerful key constituencies care about your tenure Convince department members that you contribute to the dept. Cooperate rather than compete with colleagues Stay above department in-fighting Support the chair’s goals Convince administrators you are an asset

36 Peers decide your tenure outcome Do not rely on promises of protection from the chair Build a tenurable record Develop cordial relationships with all department members Be visible

37 The majority rules

38 Individual votes are not public Begin an open dialogue with department members who may not initially be supportive Show skeptics how you are meeting criticism

39 Informal criteria sometimes triumphs over formal criteria Be sensitive to informal concerns Be aware of shifting or rising standards for excellence Examine recent favorable cases as the best guidelines for what “now” means

40 Your colleagues may use “self-interest” status quo Avoid appearing “too good” or “too bad” (check your ego) Downplay differences between your production and that of senior colleagues Choose your job carefully so that performance expectations match your abilities and desires

41 Tenure Politics

42 Polish your political skills Point out common interests and perspectives Exchange favors and professional courtesies

43 Manage information Target your success to faculty most interested in that aspect Manage your department image Downplay failures with humor Demonstrate modesty at success Share the credit

44 Money always matters Even small grants are viewed favorably Large grants are even better, but do not flaunt your success Distribute grant funds to your department when possible

45 Ten Commandments Publish, publish, publish View tenure as a political process Find out the tenure norms Document everything Rely on your record, not on promises

46 Reinforce research with teaching and service Do not administrate until after tenure Be a good department citizen Manage your own professional image Develop a marketable record

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