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Ethics 5/2/2013. Difference between ethics and morals Morals: personal beliefs Ethics: standards or codes of behavior expected by the group to which the.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethics 5/2/2013. Difference between ethics and morals Morals: personal beliefs Ethics: standards or codes of behavior expected by the group to which the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethics 5/2/2013

2 Difference between ethics and morals Morals: personal beliefs Ethics: standards or codes of behavior expected by the group to which the individual belongs Could be national ethics, social ethics, company ethics, professional ethics, or even family ethics

3 Ethics vs Morals in the courtroom Morals: criminal defense lawyer personally finds murder immoral and reprehensible, Ethics: must defend client even knowing defendent is guilty and may murder again. Legal ethics must override personal morals for greater good of upholding a justice system in which accused are given a fair trial and prosecution must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt

4 Workplace Ethics and morals can clash is at workplace where Company ethics vs personal morality Examples: Performing unnecessary x-rays to make money for hospital Taking unnecessary x-rays to prove pt. is unharmed by any action that takes place during exam or hospital stay to protect against future lawsuits even though there is no doubt pt. is fine

5 Conflict of Ethics and morals The fact that abortion is legal - medically ethical, while many people find it personally immoral Different ideas about what is moral: Fundamentalists, extremists, and every day person have very different viewpoints

6 ARRT Code of Ethics As of 8/1/09 Condensed and interpreted by T Hall

7 1. RT conducts self in professional manner Responds to pt. needs Supports associates and colleagues in providing quality health care

8 2. RT acts to advance profession Provide services to humanity with full respect for dignity of mankind

9 3. RT delivers pt care without bias to: –Personal attributes –Disease or illness –Sex – Race –Creed or religion –Economic status

10 4. RT uses knowledge to operate equipment only for the purposes designed Applies procedures and techniques appropriately

11 5. RT assesses situation, uses care and judgment and discretion Assumes responsibility for actions Acts in best interest of pt

12 6. RT observes and talks to pt to get information for Dr. that will be helpful in diagnosis and treatment Does not read x-rays or offer diagnosis

13 7. RT demonstrates expertise in control of radiation to pt, self and others

14 8. RT practices ethical conduct appropriate to profession Protects pt’s right to quality radiologic technology care

15 9. RT respects confidences and privacy of pt Reveals confidential information only when required by law or to protect the welfare of individual or community

16 10. RT strives to improve knowledge and skills through –CE –Professional activities –Sharing knowledge –Investigating new aspects of professional practice

17 ARRT Rules of Ethics As interpreted and condensed by T Hall

18 The Mandatory standards of acceptable professional conduct for all RTs as set forth by ARRT Violation could cause temporary or permanent loss of license!

19 1. Using fraud or deceit to procure, maintain or renew state license

20 2. Cheating on ARRT exam Copying or communicating with another Having another person take the test Stealing test from exam room

21 3. Not reporting- Conviction of a felony or misdemeanor (no speeding or parking tickets need be reported) Any alcohol or drug violations – Criminal proceedings where you are found guilty Military court martials: involving, sex, drugs or pt. related infractions

22 4. Failure to report to ARRT: Charges that may cost you your license in x-ray or in any allied medical field in state where you are working Or that you have been refused to be given license by any state

23 5. Failure to perform radiologic technology with reasonable safety or skill

24 6. Engaging in unprofessional conduct Failure to follow federal, state or local rules regarding radiologic technology Any practice creating unnecessary danger to pt life, health or safety –Actual injury does not have to be established

25 7. Accepting or delegating any RT function that might reasonably harm Pt. –No one actually has to be harmed

26 8. Actual or potential inability to perform duties with reasonable skill and safety to pt. due to: illness, drugs, alcohol or any mental or physical condition

27 9. Continuing to practice after you have been declared: Mentally ill, chemically dependent or a danger to the public by the court

28 10. Any unethical behavior involving trying to deceive, defraud or harm public Careless disregard for health, welfare safety of pt. –(actual injury need not be established)

29 11. Engaging in behavior that is sexual or could be interpreted as sexual Seductive behavior Sexually exploitive behavior (rule does not apply to pre-existing consensual relationships)

30 12. Revealing privileged information about pt unless permitted or required by law 13. Knowingly engaging in fraudulent billing practices (including medicare and medicaid)

31 14. Failure to keep adequate pt records Refusing to refurnish record or report required by law Falsifying or making misleading entries

32 15. Allowing person without a license, or up-to date license to practice radiology

33 16. Violating any federal or state rules relating to radiography Or relating to narcotics or controlled substances

34 17. Knowingly falsifying information relating to care of a present or past patient Practicing outside the scope of your license 18.

35 19. Failing to cooperate with ARRT ethics committee Making false statements, knowingly providing false information, or failing to cooperate with any investigation by ARRT

36 20. Engaging in false or deceptive communications to anyone re: –Individual’s education, training, credentials regarding license or permits or certificates

37 21. Knowing of any violation of Rules or Ethics by a tech or student and failing to promptly report in writing to ARRT!

38 22. Failing to immediately report error to supervisor about : –imaging, care or treatment of pt. that might be considered harmful or unethical Or omissions or negligence of duties that should have been performed Doesn’t matter if pt was injured or not!

39 23. Continuing Education (CE) Sending in false statements Sharing answers Verifying unearned CE credits or providing false certificates

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