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The Apple iPAD Sean Michel Foundations II: Diversity, Learning and Technology EDPC 610 Dr. McPhereson Use of the iPad in a School Setting By: Sean Michel.

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Presentation on theme: "The Apple iPAD Sean Michel Foundations II: Diversity, Learning and Technology EDPC 610 Dr. McPhereson Use of the iPad in a School Setting By: Sean Michel."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Apple iPAD Sean Michel Foundations II: Diversity, Learning and Technology EDPC 610 Dr. McPhereson Use of the iPad in a School Setting By: Sean Michel

2 Ipad Break down The iPad is basically a touch screen tablet PC. It is user friendly, runs off batteries and light weight. There are several ways we can use this in education, it can be used as an alternative to textbooks, administer tests, challenge students with educational apps and a variety of other uses. Pros/Cons of future use. There are many benefits of using such a device, but as with everything there are a few drawbacks.

3 Recreational Use Calenders Maps - Weather (avation), Topographic, Road, Charts (marine) Video Calling/ Conferencing

4 Recreational Use (Part deux) Games Garage Band - Plug in or use Apple TV, Airplay

5 Specifications (iPad 2) iPad Specifics (Generation 2) Dual Core A5 Processor Great Graphics Card (POWER SGX543) 10 hours of useable battery life Built in gyro. Educational use??? Price with all the bells and whistles: $800 (wireless keyboard, AV Adapter and dock)

6 iPad-ucation An Assistive Device iPad Book Reader (iBookstore) Although the iPad’s e-book (or i-book) reader was not its soul intended purpose, it does function extremely well in this category. Books can easily be downloaded through the ibookstore. Hundreds of books may be stored on the hard drive at a single time (depending on its size). Administering Tests Since the iPads user-friendly interface is interactive, this allows buttons to be pushed and answers to be submitted electronically. Full touchscreen keyboard, or plugin for external keyboard for short answer/ essay questions. A stylus may also be used in hand writing or drawing assignments.

7 iPad-ucation An Assistive Device (Part Deux) Possibility of replacing clickers - Since the iPad is wireless, it has access to the internet for assistance in polling your class during lessons. Apps are constantly changing and updating, a clicker app is already available known as iPoll. The interface isn’t quite right, and there are some bugs. Following teacher presentations/lessons with a personal touch Since the iPad can download files as fast as a computer, there is a possibility for students to download their teachers presentations. App’s A number of educational apps already exist. A majority of them are more geared to an elementary level learner, however still educational nonetheless.

8 iPad-ucation An Assistive Device (Part trois) Mobile Lectures and Learning Break the mold of nap-inducing lecture halls with face-to-face learning at your own convenience. Lectures may also be recorded and rewound for missed information. Learn and practice a new language through skype from a student of a different country. Office Hours via Face Time Office hours may be offered online in a face to face setting. (NYIT where are you on this one?)

9 Thinking Positive (Pros of the ipad) Replacing Textbooks with the iPad Save money by eliminating the need to buy thousands of expensive textbooks. No longer have to worry about tracking down missing books, or charging students for losing them. Save our students backs from lugging them around. Keeps students away from all the problems of having backpacks in school (Throwing them at other kids, selling stuff such as candy/psp’s). Easy Updates Instead of purchasing new textbooks every few years, new editions may be downloaded. This saves paper, and money.

10 Thinking Positive (Pros/cons) Staying Organized The iPads filing system can easily organize notes, tests and presentations according to their class. Kids Love Technology 10 hour charge The iPad2 stays charged for 10 hours of useable time. Should not run out of power throughout the day, as it may not always be in use.

11 Negatives (Pros/cons) Initial Startup Cost With the price of each iPad at $800 per student, initial startup cost for a district (such as Baldwin) of 6,100 students would be a huge figure. Support and professional development would also be a large figure Reliability/Durability Careless students love to drop things. iPads are manufactured with a glass LCD screen. Running on Batteries Batteries have a life span, they will more than likely need replacing at some point. Charging: students or staff would have to commit to ensuring that all machines are charged at the beginning of the day.

12 Negatives (Pros/cons) Network Support If this system were to be installed, school districts would have to update their servers and network to accommodate all students simultaneously. Hot Commodity - Oops my iPad disappeared, now what? Schools would have to cough up money for insurance on damaged/ stolen machines. Distractions Along with the educational possibilities the iPad presents, they are also a source of many distracting and addictive games.

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