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TNS NIPO The Netherlands European women about contraception.

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Presentation on theme: "TNS NIPO The Netherlands European women about contraception."— Presentation transcript:

1 TNS NIPO The Netherlands European women about contraception

2 2 Structure of presentation  Chapter 1Method of investigation  Chapter 2Integrated results: differences between countries

3 Chapter 1 Method of investigation

4 4 Method of investigation  All countries telephonic (CATI), in the Netherlands CAPI@Home  Sample size n=450 women (18-40 year) per country  Only female interviewers  Participating countries: The Netherlands Germany Spain France Italy  Centralised fieldwork (maximal consistency --> comparable results )  Data weighted (per country on age)

5 5 Main questions  UsageCurrent use of contraception Current Pill use Ex Pill users  AttitudePerceived advantages Perceived disadvantages  Accuracy Forgetting the Pill Frequency and causes  UtopiaPreferred frequency of intake Ideal form of contraceptive The data resulted from the contraceptive utopia have to be interpreted very carefully. The ideal form of contraceptive is usually based on the method the women know / what is currently on the market.

6 Chapter 2 Integrated results

7 7 Intergrated results Comparing the participating countries Comparing on contraception use Comparing on perceived advantages/ disadvantages Comparing on compliance Comparing on preferences

8 8 Integrated results Contraception use

9 9 Integrated results Current contraception use Base: Current contraceptive users

10 10 Integrated results Conclusions France highest percentage contraception users (73%) France/ The Netherlands highest percentage current Pill users (52%) Germany highest percentage ex Pill users (55%) The Netherlands highest percentage Pill experience (95%) France highest percentage IUD users (16%) Spain highest percentage condom users (32%)

11 11 Integrated results Advantages of the Condom Base: Current Condom users

12 12 Integrated results Advantages of the copper IUD Base: Current IUD users

13 13 Integrated results Advantages of the Pill Base: Current Pill users

14 14 Integrated results Disadvantages of the Pill Base: Current and Ex Pill users

15 15 Integrated results Disadvantages of the Pill Base: Total sample size

16 16 Integrated results Disadvantages of the Pill : Forget to take it Base: Current and Ex Pill users

17 17 Integrated results Disadvantages of the Pill : Forget to take it Base: Current and Ex Pill users with experience of forgetting the Pill

18 18 Integrated results Conclusions The Netherlands highest rate Pill users who forget to take the Pill (78%) Spain lowest rate Pill users who forget to take the Pill (38%) France highest average frequency of forgetting to take the Pill (1,5 times a month)

19 19 Integrated results Reasons to forget to take the Pill Base: Current and Ex Pill users with experience of forgetting the Pill

20 20 Integrated results Preferred frequency of contraceptive intake Base: Total sample size

21 21 Integrated results Contraceptive Utopia Base: Total sample size

22 22 Integrated results Conclusions Dutch women prefer an oral, once a month contraceptive without side effects. Contraception like the Pill is ideal German women prefer already existing forms of contraception like the Pill, the condom, the IUD or Implanon Spanish women prefer an oral and reliable contraceptive without side effects French women prefer an oral, once a month contraceptive. Contraception like the copper IUD and Implanon is ideal Italian women don’t have a specific preference. Already existing forms of contraception like the Pill and the condom are ideal

23 23 Integrated results Total Conclusions 60% of European Pill users (current and ex) forget to take the Pill with an average frequency of once every month European women prefer a once a month contraceptive or less frequent without side effects. When asked for an “ideal” method of contraception, the majority of European women does not know; but contraception like the Pill seems ideal; however with a frequency of intake of once-a-month Most frequent mentioned advantages of the Pill are reliability and ease of use. The more widely the Pill is used in a country, the more careless women are about taking it.

24 TNS NIPO The Netherlands

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