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Confidence and Competence meeting the needs of ALL learners Association for Compensatory Educators of Texas Ervin Knezek, lead4ward.

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Presentation on theme: "Confidence and Competence meeting the needs of ALL learners Association for Compensatory Educators of Texas Ervin Knezek, lead4ward."— Presentation transcript:


2 Confidence and Competence meeting the needs of ALL learners Association for Compensatory Educators of Texas Ervin Knezek, lead4ward

3 Six things YOU can do… tomorrow 1.adopt a progress orientation (growth mindset) 2.connect EVERYTHING to instruction – connect evaluation data to process standards 1.invest in time beware green M and Ms (More Materials $) 2.use your words (academic vocabulary ) 3. align your work

4 serving to counterbalance; offset; be equivalent to com· pen· sa· to· ry

5 Well Prepared Inadequately Prepared Sufficiently Prepared Likely to need significant, ongoing academic intervention Likely to need short- term, targeted academic intervention Likely to succeed with enrichment and extension Phase 1 2011 ‐ 12 through 2014 ‐ 15 Phase 2 2015 ‐ 16 through 2017 ‐ 18 STAAR Performance Standards Level I Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Level II Satisfactory Academic Performance Level III Advanced Academic Performance Satisfactory Advanced Final Recommended 2021-22 PHASE IN Phase 3 [NEW] 2018-19 through 2020-21 Level II Satisfactory Academic Performance

6 Over a third of Texas 8 th graders are insufficiently prepared for NEW Phase 2 1 out of 5 seniors are still retesting at Phase 1 14,000 kids have 3 or MORE retests left to pass. Nov. 18 or 19 | San Antonio

7 just remember...

8 high sense of confidence low sense of confidence high sense of competence low sense of competence

9 high sense of confidence low sense of confidence high sense of competence low sense of competence

10 high sense of confidence low sense of confidence high sense of competence low sense of competence PROGRESS – Know what they know – Have multiple strategies CARELESS – Stop too early – Make low level mistakes RANDOM – Don’t know how to start – Guess/clueless – Seek and find FROZEN – Overthink answers – Get sick – May not finish 1

11 Compensating Learners A Call to Action A A A ffect cademics pplication

12 . 11

13 Choose the most important index. Find a friend who may not be as smart as you. Set them straight on the issue. Pick 1!

14 4 Eye on the Prize Leaders Future focus Think big picture Manage transitions

15 3 All Our Kids Leaders Understand school dependent kids Engage families Big words = big learning

16 2 Hurdle Jumping Leaders Look for more success Just a little more Gains over pains

17 1 Win/Loss Leaders All or none Better than Fix the low

18 account Leaders ability for the of teachers to help ALL students learn, to make progress, and to graduate

19 Best Needs Assessment EVER is….

20 teacher student Who needs intervention and enrichment (compensatory services)?

21 Quintiles! + exceeded progress ✔ met progress − did not meet progress

22 Who needs intervention and enrichment (compensatory services)? BIG Question

23 Which students need intervention/enrichment? [performance] Change or adapt Implement or adjust Continue or extend How do we structure intervention/enrichment? [progress] Likely to need significant, ongoing academic intervention Likely to need short-term, targeted academic intervention Performance tells us WHO Progress tells us HOW

24 How can we organize intervention and set goals with individual students? BIG Question

25 quinterventions

26 Performance Progress Rigor Relevance Relationships

27 Are quintile 1 students near quintile 4 students? Am I using the process standards to formatively assess lower quintile students more often? Am I asking questions to the kids who need them most?

28 Progress Performance precedes

29 Progress Measure in Action Threshold Jumping


31 Generally speaking… Students who jump a threshold on STAAR Exceed the Progress Measure

32 How might this help PLCs in organizing/planning instruction? Unit: Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers by a Fraction Teachers: map the standards for the Unit they are planning and discuss the role these SEs play in the learning of the concepts and skills covered during the Unit Teachers: map the standards for the Unit they are planning and discuss the role these SEs play in the learning of the concepts and skills covered during the Unit Teacher PLC Activity What if teachers then highlight the VERBS in the Process SEs create Question Sticks aligned to these processes for formative questioning strategies Apply Use Analyze Formulate Determine Justify Evaluate Create Communicate Select Explain Display

33 CONFIDENCE in learning = INDEPENDENCE in the process standards


35 CONFIDENCE in learning = INDEPENDENCE in the process standards


37 Gilded Age World Wars Reagan Era Recon- struction Process TEKS Tools to Know Process TEKS Ways to Show

38 Process TEKS Tools to Know Process TEKS Ways to Show Process TEKS [how to compensate] Used in grades K-12 Use across different units Link to college and career readiness standards and success Increase rigor of learning Use for formative assessment Highly tested on STAAR dual coded (50-80% of test)

39 Process Performance predicts

40 RIGOR means Think MORE about it!



43 Six things you can do… 1.adopt a progress orientation (growth mindset) 2.connect EVERYTHING to instruction – connect evaluation data to process standards 1.invest in time beware green M and Ms (More Materials $) 2.use your words (academic vocabulary ) 3. align your work

44 In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. Theodore Roosevelt

45 lead learning change the world

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