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AIS 630 PBL 1 Chapter 1.1 Prepared by: Ahmad Izzuddin Abdul Rahman

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1 AIS 630 PBL 1 Chapter 1.1 Prepared by: Ahmad Izzuddin Abdul Rahman
Nurul Syafiqah Mohd Najmi Nur Salihah Zainuddin Saffura Alias

2 Main Issue The company does not have any computerized system to records daily entry of sales and purchases.

3 Drawbacks of the existing system
There is uncollected bills and the numbers is keep increasing En. Talhah (account manager) could not keep track on each customer and his/her outstanding balances Some overdue accounts went unnoticed and the reminders were not sent on time Receives complaints from customers that the competitors are giving discounts to those settling their debts early from the purchase date. Have to go manually (open every files) in order to keep tracks the accounts which is consuming time and there may be careless mistakes.

4 Computer-Based Information Systems
Information system that uses computer and communication technology to perform some or all of its tasks Basic components is made up of equipment : Hardware Software Database

5 Hardware Physical components of the computer system
Input device : captures & translate data into a form that can be processed & used by other parts of the computer Computer : Central processing unit : chip that performs the instructions that receives from the software Internal memory : hold software instructions & information for the central processing unit Output devices : provide copies of data and information on paper and others Modems : input/output devices that allow a computer to transfer data between each other

6 Based on the situation, the company does not have hardware to be used since they are using manually.
The accountant need to write the invoice by herself because the company does not have printer (output device)

7 Software Set of instructions to process the information
Database software : software that allow you to arrange, modify and extract data from a database to create information The company still does not have software to operating the business In future they are planning to creating a software to detects customer that willing to pay early and give discounts to the

8 TELEC0MUNICATI0N Vital c0mputer based t00l t0 help c0mmunnicate inf0rmati0n t0 pe0ple in 0ther l0cati0n. “There are als0 cust0mer wh0 did n0t keep us updated n their current address when they m0ved” {paragraph 2, sentence 7}

9 Netw0rk C0mmunicati0n techn0l0gy can share res0urces such as st0rage database & pr0cessing p0wer. May received & send inf0rmati0n with 0ne an0ther. “The inv0ice is then mailed t0 the cust0mer” {paragraph 3, sentence 5} Reduce c0st & time c0nsuming

10 PE0PLE Part 0f inf0rmati0n system includes management and als0 end users. Management= inf0rmati0n f0r decisi0n making End users= t0 supply and received data fr0m inf0rmati0n systems. Cik Siti can efficiently identify their g00d paymaster t0 give disc0unt just like their c0mpetit0rs {paragraph 2, sentence 9}

11 PR0CEDURE Series 0f steps in prescribe manner t0 ac0mplish a certain j0b. Written f0rm 0f manual 0r d0cumentati0n such as diagram. {paragraph 3, sentence 3 – 14}

This system is known as system development life cycle. There are five phases in this system. Systems Planning. Systems Analysis Systems Design Systems Construction and Implementation Systems maintenance

13 SYSTEMS PLANNING Consists of proper long-term and short-term planning.
Preliminary investigation. Three important arrears. the problem inccured in Qaisara is no computer- based information system to record transaction systematically in their business. For example : all document are prepared manually by accountant clerk.

14 the goal to create the system is to make systematic accounting system
the goal to create the system is to make systematic accounting system. So that, En Talhah only need short time to trace customer details and there is no more unnoticed document and the reminder will send on time. Limitation to build the system when Rafiq cannot straightly build a the system because he need to get approval from his uncle.

15 SYSTEM ANALYSIS Detailed understanding of important features.
Finding out how the existing systems works. The existing system in Qaisara is manual system. For example: when the clerk received the sales order from the sales department the clerk will put it in the file. When the clerk receive delivery order from the warehouse, the clerk will reconcile it with the sales order and prepared invoice manually.

16 Used fact-gathering technique in search for information about the system.
Interview users. Rafiq interview Cik Siti. Review key documents Do observation. This phase result in a detailed proposal of the new system describing the system function, system data, and system information flows. system function : to solve the problem happen in recording manually. System data : computerized billing and collection system. System information flow : Rafiq talk to En Talhah about the computerized billing and collection system.

17 SYSTEM DESIGN The information need and system requirement propose in the systems analysis phase are studied in more detail and put into design specifications. Rafiq meet his friends, Zain, Tasya, Nadia and Kamal to ask detail about the system.

18 Documented all the general system.
General systems design- need to develop the system and software to used. Rafiq meet his friend to ask them about the suitable system and software to be used. Documented all the general system. After Rafiq meet En Talhah, En Talhah suggest to him to make a proper proposal about the system request.

System is actually being develop. Since the computerized billing and collection system is still in progress the system is not in the phases yet. Consist of two-phases: system construction : the individual system components are build. New programs and changes to existing programs are written and tested. System implementation : the components built during construction are put into operational used.

20 SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE To eliminate errors in the system.
To fine-tune the system to any variation in its working environment. Maintenance implies that there is continuous improvement. To upgrade their new systems.

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