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Dean of Students Mrs. Teresa Sewell MB 4274 432-552-2604.

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2 Dean of Students Mrs. Teresa Sewell MB 4274 432-552-2604

3 Top 10 Reasons to See the Dean 10. Just to say ‘hello.’ 9. Ask for a reference. 8. You have a grievance. 7. You need advice. 6. Academic Probation.

4 Top 10 Reasons to See the Dean 5.Drug related issues 4. Behavioral Problems 3. Scholastic Dishonesty 2.Alcohol related issues 1. You did something STUPID!

5 Hello / Reference  Administrators make great references when you are looking for a job.  Administrators can explain situations from a different perspective.  Administrators appoint students to committees which is great experience and looks handsome on a resume.  Administrators like to hear good news about students.

6 Grievance / Advice Sometimes we all need help in determining the best way to handle different situations. Sometimes we need to be assertive and handle problems ourselves. Sometimes we need to rely on established policy and procedures for a situation. Seeking advice or filing a grievance does not assume guilt.

7 Academic Probation A student whose GPA falls below 2.0 is automatically placed on academic probation. Students on academic probation may be required to meet with an administrator before being permitted to re-enroll. Poor academic performance may effect a student’s financial aid eligibility. Moral of the story: Keep your grades up! Seek advice!

8 Drugs Not acceptable. Could result in immediate suspension.

9 Behavior  Abide by the law and Student Conduct Code.  Respect others’ rights and wishes.  Think before acting.  What are the consequences?

10 Scholastic Dishonesty  You come to college to learn. Scholastic dishonesty cheats others as well as yourself.  Forms of scholastic dishonesty.  Cheating.  Plagiarism.  Collusion.  Falsifying records.  Misrepresenting facts.

11 Alcohol  Use of alcohol may hinder the learning process.  Research suggests that the brain of persons under the age of 21 is not developed enough to handle decisions when under the influence of alcohol. (Kuhn, Cynthia, Swartzwelder, Scott, and Wilson, Wilkie)  Alcohol is not permitted on campus.  Use of alcohol by a minor could result in a municipal citation and/or campus sanctions.

12 You did something STUPID! ( Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.)  We all make bad decisions.  “I just wasn’t thinking.”  Think before you act.  What if someone else chose the same behavior? What would you think about them?  What if the whole world knew? Would you act differently?  Is it really worth it? It could change your college career and maybe your life.

13 Words of Wisdom If you are going to college, go! Education is what remains when one has forgotten everything he learned in school. - Albert Einstein

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