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MLA Style (for wimps). Works Cited (place at end of paper) zWORKS CITED Adamson, Joe. Tex Avery: King of Cartoons. New York: Popular Library, 1975. _____.

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Presentation on theme: "MLA Style (for wimps). Works Cited (place at end of paper) zWORKS CITED Adamson, Joe. Tex Avery: King of Cartoons. New York: Popular Library, 1975. _____."— Presentation transcript:

1 MLA Style (for wimps)

2 Works Cited (place at end of paper) zWORKS CITED Adamson, Joe. Tex Avery: King of Cartoons. New York: Popular Library, 1975. _____. "Well, for Heaven's Sake! Grown Men!" Film Comment Jan.- Feb. 1975: 18-20. Allen, Heck. Interview. Film Comment Jan.-Feb. 1975: 73. Armes, Roy. Film and Reality. Middlesex, England: Penguin, 1974. Barrier, Mike. "Of Mice, Wabbits, Ducks and Men: The Hollywood Cartoon." AFI Report 5, 2 (Summer 1974): 18-26.

3 References in the Text zAs David Bordwell has pointed out, "[T]he 'rereading' of Hollywood, which has been so central to film theory in recent years, has its roots in the schemata of European 'artistic' filmmaking" (232).

4 References in the Text zDuring the 1930s and 1940s, Walt Disney was almost universally praised; he was loved by the public, popular journalists and critics, and even academics and "serious" artists (Waller 49-57; "Europe's Highbrows Hail 'Mickey Mouse"' 19).

5 More Than One Work by Same Author (in Text) zEisenstein called Disney "the brilliant master and unsurpassed genius in the creation of audiovisual equivalents in music of the independent movement of lines and a graphic interpretation of the inner flow of the music" (Nonindifferent Nature 389).

6 More Than One Work by Same Author (in Works Cited) Delgaudio, Sybil. "Seduced and Reduced: Female Animal Characters in Some Warners' Cartoons." Peary and Peary 211-216. Eisenstein, Sergei. Eisenstein on Disney. London: Methuen, 1988. _____. Nonindifferent Nature. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987. Ellis, Jack. A History of Film. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice, 1979.

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