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Formal Papers and MLA Format. Formal Paper Guidelines Focus –Every paragraph should try to prove thesis –Every sentence in a paragraph should be related.

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Presentation on theme: "Formal Papers and MLA Format. Formal Paper Guidelines Focus –Every paragraph should try to prove thesis –Every sentence in a paragraph should be related."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formal Papers and MLA Format

2 Formal Paper Guidelines Focus –Every paragraph should try to prove thesis –Every sentence in a paragraph should be related to the topic sentence

3 Formal Paper Guidelines Flow –Use transitions then, first, also, as a result, generally, for example, likewise, except, in essence, in conclusion –Put ideas / sentences/ paragraphs in logical order

4 Formal Paper Guidelines Formality –Do not use informal language First person pronouns : I, me, myself, my, mine, we, us, ourselves, our, ours Second person pronouns: you, yourself, your, yours Contractions: it’s, can’t, don’t, etc. Informal word choice : kind of, a lot, anyways, ain’t –Do not use slang / internet language cool, lol,, wut, r u ok?, etc.

5 Formal Paper Guidelines Formality –Write out abbreviations, numbers, and symbols TV = television, phone= telephone, 2= two, 50= fifty, &= and

6 Formal Paper Guidelines Agreement –Avoid shifting tenses Example: We went to the store. We buy candy. –Subject -Verb dog chases/ dogs chase, he is/ they are

7 Formal Paper Guidelines General Rules –Avoid vagueness Pronouns must be clear –Vary Word Choice Synonyms –Possession or Plural ? Geckos are interesting. / The gecko’s habitat is in the wild. –There or Their? There are geckos everywhere. / Their habitats are everywhere.

8 MLA Format Margins –1 Inch Every Side

9 MLA Example 1 inch

10 MLA Format Font –Twelve Point Times New Roman This is an example of 12 point Time New Roman. –Black Text

11 MLA Example Times New Roman 12 Point

12 MLA Format Header –Right Side –Last Name and Page Number Kivette 1 –On Every Page

13 MLA Example On Right Side Last Name + Page Number

14 MLA Format Double Spaced –Everything Paragraphs, Header, Works Cited Page, etc.

15 MLA Example Doubled Spaced

16 MLA Format Title of Paper –Centered

17 MLA Example Centered

18 MLA Format Title Page Format –Left Side Your Name Teacher’s Name Class Title Date Example Harry Potter Snape Potions 1 February 2010

19 MLA Example On Left Side

20 MLA Format Works Cited Page –Alphabetical Order –Hanging Indent A Name Citation –More A Name Citation B Name Citation –More B Name Citation –Double Spaced

21 Works Cited Example Alphabetical Order Doubled Spaced Hanging Indent

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