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Servant Leadership. So many people are suffering for want of good leader throughout the whole world. Morning Talk -- April 25, 1977, Bombay.

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Presentation on theme: "Servant Leadership. So many people are suffering for want of good leader throughout the whole world. Morning Talk -- April 25, 1977, Bombay."— Presentation transcript:

1 Servant Leadership


3 So many people are suffering for want of good leader throughout the whole world. Morning Talk -- April 25, 1977, Bombay

4 Leader means authority. His instruction is followed, and actually it happens. That is leader. December 16, 1973, Los Angeles

5 You can become perfect if you follow a perfect leader. That's all. Morning Walk -- March 16, 1976, Mayapura

6 Although we are imperfect, because we are following the perfect, our proposition is perfect. Morning Walk -- December 12, 1973, Los Angeles

7 Qualified leaders. That is wanted. Morning Walk -- January 7, 1974, Los Angeles

8 Leader means better qualified man to lead others. That is leader. Morning Walk -- January 7, 1974, Los Angeles

9 A leader means one that if someone follows him, he's benefited. Morning Walk -- July 9, 1974, Los Angeles

10 Roles of a leader Example Example Support Support Inspiration Inspiration Guidance Guidance Training Training Challenge Challenge Action Action


12 Everyone is trying to keep his position by hook and crook. How he'll think of the people? How they will be happy? He is thinking of his own happiness. Room Conversation with Dr. Theodore Kneupper -- November 6, 1976, Vrndavana

13 Our business is to raise ourselves to the highest status of life as preachers of Krsna's message, and one should behave himself rigidly, then he should instruct others. Letter to: Name withheld -- 17 December, 1972

14 Two things: Be himself exemplary, then teach others to be exemplary. Letter to: Name withheld -- 17 December, 1972

15 Only those who are above suspicion can judge others. One must himself act in such a way that he is always above suspicion. Then he can judge, then he can preach. Letter to: Name withheld -- 17 December, 1972

16 One who is not following himself, how he can instruct others? Letter to: Name withheld -- 17 December, 1972

17 Yad yad acarati sresthas tat tad evetaro janah [Bg. 3.21]. If the srestha, the leader, is ideal, then others will follow. Room Conversation with Mr. Tombe (M.L.A.) -- December 25, 1976, Bombay

18 If the leader is not ideal, if he is not in the awareness of things, then people will be misguided. Room Conversation with Mr. Tombe (M.L.A.) -- December 25, 1976, Bombay

19 Criteria The four leaders of the human society, namely the sannyasis, the brahmana, the king and the public leader, must be tested crucially by their character and qualification. Before one can be accepted as a spiritual or material master of society, he must be tested by the above-mentioned criteria of character. SB 1.17.41 The four leaders of the human society, namely the sannyasis, the brahmana, the king and the public leader, must be tested crucially by their character and qualification. Before one can be accepted as a spiritual or material master of society, he must be tested by the above-mentioned criteria of character. SB 1.17.41 brahmana

20 Our leaders must be very good. Conversation on Train to Allahabad -- January 11, 1977, India

21 We must have a solid foundation of chanting and following the regulative principles. Then one is fit to lead others. Letter to: Jagajivana: -- Vrindaban 6 September, 1974

22 He is leader.... One who is perfectly following... Room Conversation -- November 2, 1977, Vrndavana

23 Leader means one who has become first-class disciple. Room Conversation -- November 2, 1977, Vrndavana

24 To become leader is not very difficult, provided one is prepared to follow the instructions of a bona fide guru. Room Conversation -- November 2, 1977, Vrndavana

25 Real leader means who does not commit mistake, who is not illusioned, who does not cheat and who has no imperfect senses, who has, or, other words, one who has got perfect senses. So if you say, "How it is possible for the conditioned soul?" "Yes, it is possible if you follow the perfect." Morning Walk -- December 12, 1973, Los Angeles

26 Tamala Krsna: Srila Prabhupada, what are the qualifications of a perfect leader? Prabhupada: No mistake, no illusion, no cheating, no imperfection. Morning Walk -- March 16, 1976, Mayapura

27 By becoming a servant of the senses, one becomes a great material hero, and by becoming master of the senses, he becomes a gosvami, or spiritual hero. SB 4.25.25 P

28 In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that when a woman comes to serve you, you must be very careful, especially for sannyasis and brahmacaries. Letter to: Name withheld -- 17 December, 1972


30 Politics means planning for one's own happiness. That is politics. So in our society there should be no diplomacy, no politics. Everyone should be eager how to do good to others. That is Vaisnava. Morning Walk -- March 15, 1974, Vrndavana

31 Leader means he must... He's always busy how to make you happy, how to make without any cares, anxiety. Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.16.21 -- Hawaii, January 17, 1974

32 There must be some leader. But why not the supreme leader, who will never misguide you? He will give you actual path of happiness. Then you will become happy. Bhagavad-gita 3.6-10 -- Los Angeles, December 23, 1968

33 Those who want to be leader of the society, they should be ideal persons, they should be Krsna conscious person. Then the whole world will be happy. Bhagavad-gita 3.18-30 -- Los Angeles, December 30, 1968

34 Supreme leader, perfect leader, without any mistake, without any illusion, without any cheating, and without any imperfection of the senses. We have to take direction from such a leader, then our life will be successful. Bhagavad-gita 4.9 -- Bombay, March 29, 1974

35 Everyone must be a real leader, then people will be happy. Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.15.29 -- Los Angeles, December 7, 1973

36 The only opportunity of becoming happy is that you preach this Krsna consciousness movement amongst the people, so if the people become educated in Krsna consciousness, and if they decide that "We shall vote for Krsna conscious leader," then there will be happiness. Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.3.19 -- Los Angeles, June 15, 1972

37 Everyone is trying to be happy. That happiness is not possible, that peace is not possible unless you have got a leader or king like Bharata Maharaja, after whose name this planet is called Bharatavarsa, this Bharata Maharaja. So we have to find out such leader. Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.5.29 -- Vrndavana, November 16, 1976

38 We want to see everyone is happy. That is our mission. Interview -- July 20, 1972, Paris

39 Everyone will be happy if they take to this movement. We want to see that everyone is happy. That is our mission. Interview -- July 20, 1972, Paris

40 We don't want to exploit others. Interview -- July 20, 1972, Paris


42 That is the business of leader: He must be himself always enthusiastic and inspire others to be always enthusiastic. Then he is real leader. Letter to: Trai -- Bombay December 27, 1972

43 If under changing conditions I lose my enthusiasm, if I cannot endure the difficulties of my duty, therefore I go away -- then how I can be leader? Letter to: Satsvarupa -- Vrindaban 5 November, 1972

44 Enthusiasm and patience, these things required. Letter to: Satsvarupa -- Vrindaban 5 November, 1972


46 Take the best, first-class, perfect leader: Krsna. Then you'll be happy. Otherwise it is not possible. Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.12.4 -- Bombay, April 15, 1976

47 Here is Krsna, the perfect leader, and they're going this side, that leader, that leader, that leader. Why? Morning Walk -- March 29, 1974, Bombay

48 We are following Krsna. He does not commit mistake, He is not illusioned, His senses are not imperfect, and He does not cheat. Morning Walk -- December 12, 1973, Los Angeles

49 The perfect leader is there, His instruction is there, in all fields of life, any field of life. And ultimately spiritual realization. Morning Walk -- March 29, 1974, Bombay

50 If you learn from Krsna you become perfect leader. But we do not take Krsna's instruction. We manufacture our own ideas. Room Conversation with Mr. Tombe (M.L.A.) -- December 25, 1976, Bombay

51 If the society is led by real, learned scholars, then it will be nice. Morning Walk -- January 7, 1974, Los Angeles

52 People will be happy when a trained leader, whether a monarch or a dictator, takes control of the government and rules the people according to the standard regulations of the authorized scriptures. SB 9.13.12 P

53 Now the Krsna consciousness movement will provide them with good leader if they take it seriously. Letter to: Bhagavan -- Bombay 14 November, 1975

54 The Westerners have good brains, but they do not have any good leader. Letter to: Bhagavan -- Bombay 14 November, 1975

55 So far as being leader is concerned, leader means spiritually not materially. This you should understand very clearly. Letter to: Jagajivana: -- Vrindaban 6 September, 1974

56 If spiritual potency and strength is there, then material intelligence will automatically follow. Letter to: Jagajivana: -- Vrindaban 6 September, 1974

57 For the most part, the ordinary citizens of the society are innocent enough, they simply require good leaders and everything can be rectified. Letter to: Amarendra -- Los Angeles 12 June, 1972

58 Because we are taking direction from imperfect leaders, cheater leaders, therefore we are meeting with so many problems. Bhagavad-gita 4.9 -- Bombay, March 29, 1974

59 According to Vedic civilization, the brahmanas guide the ksatriyas how to rule. So our position is to reform the politicians. We are not going to compete with them, we have no business, neither we have time. But because people are suffering - we want everyone to be happy - therefore we want to reform these rascals. That is our goal. Morning Walk -- December 8, 1973, Los Angeles


61 You have pointed out that you want to train others to be leaders, because you have observed there is at present not very many qualified leaders. That is good proposal. Sudama -- Bombay 23 December, 1972

62 Find out some intelligent men from schools, colleges, and being always very tolerant try to convince them gradually to utilize their intelligence and education in the service of Krishna. Sudama -- Bombay 23 December, 1972


64 Fresh Challenge Our leaders shall be careful not to kill the spirit of enthusiastic service, which is individual and spontaneous and voluntary. They should try always to generate some atmosphere of fresh challenge to the devotees, so that they will agree enthusiastically to rise and meet it. That is the art of management: to draw out spontaneous loving spirit of sacrificing some energy for Krishna... All of us should become expert managers and preachers. Our leaders shall be careful not to kill the spirit of enthusiastic service, which is individual and spontaneous and voluntary. They should try always to generate some atmosphere of fresh challenge to the devotees, so that they will agree enthusiastically to rise and meet it. That is the art of management: to draw out spontaneous loving spirit of sacrificing some energy for Krishna... All of us should become expert managers and preachers. - Srila Prabhupada - Srila Prabhupada


66 Simply ruling the land cannot solve man's problems unless the leader has spiritual capabilities. He must be like Maharaja Yudhisthira, Pariksit Maharaja or Ramacandra. Then all the inhabitants of the land will be extremely happy. SB 6.14.10 P

67 It is our great responsibility to become very serious in the matter of executing Krishna consciousness, and if we are sincere and go on expanding this movement all over the world, gradually we shall induce the leaders to accept our philosophy more and more. Letter to: Amarendra -- Los Angeles 12 June, 1972

68 Good leadership means you must learn how to lead people. Room Conversation with Mr. Tombe (M.L.A.) -- December 25, 1976, Bombay

69 Why we select one leader? The leader should be such a leader that he shall make happy and prosperous persons who follow him. That is the question of leadership. Bhagavad-gita 4.11 -- New York, July 27, 1966

70 They are not leader; they are jackals. So jackals cannot anymore rule over. That should be our propaganda. Not only scientific, all political things, social things, everything. Morning Walk -- May 3, 1973, Los Angeles

71 They should be all kicked out. They should be replaced by Krsna consciousness. Then people will be happy. This should be our program. Morning Walk -- May 3, 1973, Los Angeles

72 Our, this propaganda means to make people happy. Morning Walk -- May 3, 1973, Los Angeles

73 Because God has favored them, so many things. And this movement has been started from America. I started this movement from New York. So it should be taken very seriously by the government. Morning Walk -- December 11, 1973, Los Angeles

74 “You must find out a leader who is free from these sinful activities. Then you will be happy. And you also give up. Otherwise, how you will be able to select such a leader?" This should be our real propaganda. Morning Walk -- January 12, 1974, Los Angeles

75 Everyone should be expert. The leaders must be expert and the worker must be expert so that they may follow the instruction of the leader. If the leader says something and the workers, "Hm, I shall consider it, later on," then how the leader will execute his leadership? Both of them should be cooperating and know that "We are all working for Krsna." Morning Walk -- March 14, 1974, Vrndavana

76 Sarve sukhino bhavantu. This is Vedic civilization. "Let everyone be happy." That is Vedic civilization. And the demonic civilization, they're: "Let everyone suffer; I become happy.“ Morning Walk -- March 15, 1974, Vrndavana

77 If he's planning something, that "I shall be leader," "I shall be doing something," that is not Vaisnavism. Morning Walk -- March 15, 1974, Vrndavana

78 It is the duty of the leader, government, father, teacher, gurus, to see that the subordinates are very, very happy. Press Conference -- April 18, 1974, Hyderabad

79 It is the duty of the leaders of the people and the government to see that the citizens are perfectly happy in their occupational duties and they are advancing in spiritual knowledge. Press Conference -- April 18, 1974, Hyderabad

80 Everyone should be employed. Everyone should be engaged in some service. That should be the policy of the government. Room Conversation with Richard Webster, chairman, Societa Filosofica Italiana -- May 24, 1974, Rome

81 Everyone should be happy, without any anxiety. That is good government. Room Conversation with Richard Webster, chairman, Societa Filosofica Italiana -- May 24, 1974, Rome

82 This Krsna consciousness movement should be taken very seriously. It is the finishing touch of American advancement of material comforts. Then people will be very happy, and America is already leader of the world. They will be first-class leader. The world will be benefited, and you will be benefited. And my endeavor will be also successful. Press Conference at Airport -- July 28, 1975, Dallas

83 It is very much favorable to our advancement in spiritual life if we are engaged in some service for Krishna which is also pleasing to us to perform. Letter to Saucarya, Vrindaban 23 October 1972

84 So if you have got some special talent or experience you may discuss with Jagadisa how to engage yourself in that way. That is his duty as leader, to give you good engagement. Letter to: Saucarya -- Vrindaban 23 October, 1972

85 Real attitude of devotional service is, whether I am here or there, whether I am doing this or that, it doesn't matter, just give me little prasada, little service, or if you make me big leader, that's all right -- that is devotee, satisfied to serve Krishna in any circumstances of life. Letter to: Satsvarupa -- Vrindaban 5 November, 1972

86 That enthusiastic mood is maintained when everyone is always without fail chanting 16 rounds daily, rising early for mangala aratrika, reading books, preaching - in this way, by observing strictly the regulative principles of devotional life, that enthusiasm or great eagerness to have Krsna will come out. Letter to: Trai -- Bombay December 27, 1972


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