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*MLA & APA Citations for a Works Cited page Miss Amorin.

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Presentation on theme: "*MLA & APA Citations for a Works Cited page Miss Amorin."— Presentation transcript:

1 *MLA & APA Citations for a Works Cited page Miss Amorin

2 Why do we need a WORKS CITED page?  To give credibility to sources used.  To avoid plagiarism.  To practice ethical conduct- taking from others is not morally correct.  Give credit to the sources applied in essay, project, video, etc…  (Works Cited = Bibliography)

3 There are different types of formats used when citing sources. Most commonly used are:  MLA  Modern Language Association  (more common for literature, writing, and history)  APA  American Psychology Association  (more common for science and psychology courses)

4 What do we need a Works Cited for? Primarily, to cite: -Books -Internet Articles -Magazines references -Newspaper articles/information -“Quotes” -Images/videos/media -Literary criticism -Paraphrased research -Etc…

5 CITING is also CRUCIAL for….

6 *MLA Format - INTERNET/WEBSITE*  Author’s last name, first name (if available). “Title of Article.” Title of Website Copyright date (if available). Date of Visitation to website- day Month year.  Example) Fox, Maggie. “Drug Resistant Bugs a Global Threat, Who Says?” NBC News: Health/Health News 2014. 30 April 2014.

7 Where do we find the information needed for a citation for an internet article? In the article--

8 Write a MLA citation for an internet article:

9 *APA Format Internet/website*  Format: Author’s last name, initials for first and middle name. (copyright date- if available- Year, month day). Title of Article. Title of Website (italicized). Retrieved Month, day, year from web source.  Example) Fox, M. (2014). Drug Resistant Bugs a Global Threat, Who Says? NBC News: Health/Health News. Retrieved April 20, 2014, from

10 Write a APA citation for an internet article:

11 WHERE does the Works Cited page belong?  At the END of the paper or the last page  Citations belong in alphabetical order, regardless if there is no author available.

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